Internet Marketing Explained

any intelligent fool can make thingsbigger and more complex it takes a touchof genius and a lot of courage to movein the opposite direction AlbertEinstein well al we hope this makes youproud this is internet marketingexplained SEO PPC Facebook Twitter andGoogle oh my it seems like a lot andalthough there is no wizard behind thecurtain when it comes to internetmarketing a little education solidplanning and hard work can lead you downthe yellow brick road onto you confusedfeel like you're already effective ininternet marketing maybe your currentwebsite company is telling you they'vegot you covered SEO PPC and more forjust 599 dollars a month or is it yourmother's cousin once-removed that hasyou convinced that he can now ChannelSteve Jobswell ouch we know this may sting alittle but that's just not possiblehere's the secret wait wait for itthat's the thing there isn't one maybethere used to be but with the crazyanimal updates in the social mediafrenzy your hopes of buying your way toinfer me or the first page of searchengine results have been eliminated thealgorithm has taken control it's allabout strategy which takes timeinvestment and measurementGoogle and their peers have successfullydeclared war on junky sites lack of orpoor content and especially lazymarketing like letting a vendor post thesame content everywhere they're in thebusiness of information that if yours isnot informative relevant unique andpopular above I hear me when I tell youthat they will sock it to you tryposting the same content over and overacross your sites and social media it'sa surefire way to guarantee the demiseof your internet presence so where do webegincontent this is a big one social mediaauthorship SEO oh and did we mentionthis encompasses everything PPCretargeting reputation likes links andwait there's more it's all verycomplicated but we'll handle itdon't you worry says the parade ofvendors all convincing you their way isbest get about it it's all prettylogical if you grasp the basics andunderstand that every part is importantand it all works together successfulinternet marketing simply takes a bit ofunderstanding holistic strategy and goodold-fashioned hard work so let's startthe journeysearch engine optimization seo searchengines loyalty has to be with the userthe one who is searching in a nutshellGoogle's life purpose is to tune downthe stupid and tune up the smart focuson the user create amazing content thatpeople will love and then share that'swhat it's about videos pictures articlesinfographics etc that's right it takestime money resources and smart peoplebut with great content comes legitimatebacklinks which are similar to votesthat say you are relevant and will serveyou up first that's right Google wantsgreat content and proof that you'relegitimately popular no spam linksplease so if you're not producing greatcontent then you need to examine yourmarketing philosophy and maybe your headwhile you're at it social media socialmedia serves as the transportationsystem for any worthy content it's notjust about getting likes or followersthat's not the name of the game think ofsocial media as the popularity contestfor your content good content equalsengagement which equals strong socialsignals to the search engines and youmust be measuring Facebook TwitterLinkedin Pinterest and moreand who will be prom queen or king wewill decide Google+ is a social platformtoo but it stands alone we'll discussthis a little later take note thatsocial media is all about interactionand engagement with your targetcustomers and whether they find theinformation you're sharing is valuableor not on to reputation management thinkabout it how many prom kings and queenscan afford to not be concerned abouttheir reputation companies operate in anera where the consumer can make or breakyou with a few clicks of the buttonimagine seeing your company's name nextto the words fraud scam rip-off badservice or zero reviews you have toprotect your company through listeningproactivity and the correct reactionsgetting bad reviews or complaints are apart of business it's hard to satisfyeveryone all the time so when a madcustomer decides to ruin yourcredibility you want to make sure youhave taken the correct steps toaddressing it and prevent it fromshowing up on the first page of GooglePPC and retargeting well if I told youthat you could pay to jump right infront of someone who is activelysearching for your exact product wouldwe fall in love what if I told you thatwhen people visited your site you canthen continue to follow them around theinternet like a magnet and continue tomessage them over and over again imaginewhat that could do to your business thisis what PPC and retargeting can do foryou it's a must and it is the quickestway to get in front of your targetaudience seriouslyten minutes and out video so wementioned video in the content sectionbut let's further clarify the need forvideo video marketing is huge and infact the second biggest search engine isYouTube if you're not creating video getanother head check and they get startedcreating video right away but rememberthe rules of great contentstill apply to videos now let's talkuser experience clean simple and easyare in confusing ugly and cluttered areout take a look at your website and seeif you feel a sense of anxiety if somake the adjustment quickly Google+authorship okay we decided to mentionGoogle+ by itself because Googlecontrols the search industry so youbetter be playing on their social mediaplatform they're making people takeownership of their content and rewardingthose who create great content often sowhat's the conclusion when youunderstand the basics internet marketingis pretty illogical but it is imperativeto remember that these activities trulyare connected codependent andinterdependent and they cannot standalone in silos yeah it is hard work butdone correctly and consistently wellworth the time effort and investment
