Internet Marketing Scams and Network Marketing Scams

[Music]man let me see this we do from limaseizure calm whose legacy and thinkpersonal branding the date is September8 through 2017 time right now it's 2:30in the 2:30 3:00 in the afternoonalright I I got this question from oneof the readers and the question was whatdo you think about internet marketerswhat do you think of these quickget-rich schemes which are predominantlyonline I mean you have 500 pairs youhave you know click funnels you havethese seals gurus who tell you that youknow increase your email by 300%increase your conversion rate by 500% sothe question was predominately what Ithink about all this ok so I wanted toaddress this and yeah before I doaddress it remember this that if you dolike what I share please share it withothers and also it'll be nice if you cansubscribe if you like it that's alrightanyway so first and foremost you need tounderstand that there is a method to themadness the reason why they're doingthis or the reason why they're sosuccessful is because they follow astrategy so I'll explain this strategyto you first and foremost is they'llalways use phrases like work from homeso whether it's internet marketingwhether it's network marketing anythingone is work from homesecond one is be your own boss third oneis have freedom and flexibility and lastone is enjoy financial freedom so workfrom home be your home boss have freedomand flexibility and financial freedom sothe minute the they say these words toanyone anyone and everyone is like wowof course I want to work from home Idon't want to go at the traffic I wantto be my own boss I don't want to haveanother boss I want to have the freedomand the flexibility and then these showyou images of someone lying on the beachhaving a laptop under the palm tree youknow it's like very serene like a silentkindimage and financial freedom they'll showyou all these expensive cars and thishouse and this lifestyle and theswatches and these babes and this jetsso people fall for all this and whathappens is once you see all this or youread all this you click on the link fineafter you clicked on the link you findout words like I'm going to share withyou the secret so you're like wow thesecret what is the senior but obviouslywe like to hear secrets then you getnumbers like increased by 500% increasedby 300% or I closed eight hundred andforty three thousand six hundred andthirty three US dollars so you just justthink they give you all these numbersbecause you fall for these numbers youyou were crazy about these these numbersoh I would like to increase myconversion rate by five hundred percentor increase my sales by 300% or get afifty eight percent response rate nowyou should sit and think for a minutefrom where did they get these numberswho evaluated these numbers what theyare saying is it true or false peopledon't ask they just see this and they gocrazy now once after you you click onthat ad then what do you get you alwaysalways will get a video like this firstone you'll get either Lamborghini or aBentley or Rolls Royce you know oneafter another or the guys sitting anddriving with a Ferrari or a Lamborghiniand say I was once like you I was oncelike you today Wow look at it and thenyou begin to think well yours like mehow did he become like this then anotherway how they showed they'll show youthat the walking up a private jet orthey're coming down from one then theyhave beautiful models or girls dancingwith them in a party next to a pool andthis music so you get alreadyphotographs like they go to Thailandthey go to Vienna they could VietnamSingapore Malaysia the you know the thecamera pans and you seemazie pictures and people don't even sitand think that there is a camera that isfollowing them there's a director who istelling them do this do this and youknow it's carefully planned or it's likea movie then after that they'd show youdesigner clothes that people wearthey'll show your watch will show you acoupling and show your rings they'llshow you phone will show is busy havinga successful conversation with someoneyou know this is all directed by acreative team it's a director it's it'sa person they all are planning this outanother one which is very very common isthey have stacks of cash if you go you can buy you know likeliterally I'm talking 100,000 US dollarsor even half a million u.s. dollars I'llput the link below half a million USdollars so much cash for maybe $30 it'sall fake it looks real but it's not realokay so that's how you will see 50 centholding stacks of cash or you know I'mnot talking about the Floyd MayweatherFloyd Mayweather yes he does get paidthat kind of money but he doesn't havean online course for that okay and thenalso keep in mind anyone who shows youmoney why is he showing you the moneywhy isn't like every CEO on this planetevery rich guy on this planetshowing you all the cash that they havethey are doing this so that you you getimpressed by them and you follow themyou like them you you share theircontent and they gained popularity sofor $30 $30 of having so much of cashfake cash you share it with everyone youcomment on it and other people get tosee this so but they are just trying toimprove on your numbers if a personreally was rich really really rich he'snot going to show you this much cash andsay like it or see it or my dream hascome true no they keep why they mindyour own businessanother couple of things you'll see isthere through books like these they'llsay oh it's just knowledge knowledgethat is making I have these books I havebeen you know carrying them for the past25 years I have books here yeaheverywhere else you can see my videosnow knowledge doesn't make you richknowledge just gives you awareness ifknowledge made you rich anyone who hadthe Wikipedia in his pocketin a you know phone would be abillionaire today everyone has access toinformation I mean in fact you get 13year old kids who are talking to you ofthe Pareto principle cryptocurrencieswhy I deal with a lot of youngsters Iknow everyone has access to informationthat doesn't make you rich having a listof books you can buy even second-handbooks in fact the guy was advertisinghis books did you ever you know did heclose up did he show you what did heread did he share with you no they don'tdo all these things in fact there areeven people who will give you a bookreview summary in a yeah you know on adocument you just have read that intoaim that you did the book summary gothrough YouTube type book review youlook at so many guys giving a bookreview so instead of reading 300 pagesyou can just give the summary and claimthat you read the book now what's moreis you'll also see people have a videoshowing you I made six hundred thousandUS dollars I achieve my dream I amliving the dream play I got my third carthey the problem with all this is peopledon't sit down and think they don't sitdown and think for a minute wait aminute if you know making money was soeasy wouldn't everyone be making andeven the testimonies that you have eventhe testimonies there are people whomyou can pay money for giving testimoniesI here are I asked when I started off mybusiness initially I asked couple ofpeople wine you please give sometestimonies friends in fact I just foundout when I was redesigning my websitethat you can get clipart images or youcan get sorry internet-based images ofpeople you can put on the names and youcan even fake a recommendation see allthese things are part of the game nowwhat these guys are doing is they areselling you of course they they'reselling your course by making youbelieve that you can get all theseflashy stuff a movie that is directed bya director or creative team so how dothey tell you they show you all thisthen they say I'm going to share it withyou for free and people fall for it sofree wow it's so free then what did theysay they say I'll give you all this forfree but but just give me your emailand you nothing if I'm going to getlife-changing information information ortechniques that'll change my lifeof course I'll give my email address seethis is a clickbait approach it's it'sthe typical sales strategy that we allstudy you know if you register for anyyou know online forget register goonline and check on videos or check onarticles of how internet market isoperated the first step is to get yourdetails to get your email address andnowadays if you give you an emailaddress there are software's that givethem all the information which all arethe social medias that you register onLinkedInit goes to Facebook it even some of themeven give you you know if you give you acontact details today Facebook has givenyou give your cell phone number theyattach it to the Facebook so all this isyour personal data that you're givingthem in exchange for a very genericvideo a very general video you know theinformation that they give just studythis what you do is create a fakeaccount create a fake account and createlike your name let's say for allowingthe 0 1 2 3 at register forthem ok and once you get their videosstudy their videos they will give you somuch of information all muddled uptogether so much of information you'llget overwhelmed there you tell you go toAlexa you can check the ratings of otherwebsites go to this website you canstudy about your competitors early go tothat website you'll get a free PDF go tothis website you'll get three videosnotice so they'll just give youinformation that is available online andI have been going through these guys foryears and years all these guys I startedoff almost ten years ago it's the samestrategy time in and time again everyonefalls so this they give you the emailaddress now after they give you theemail address well you have just giventhem you know your your data where theycan start sending you email so what theydo is now they send you emails oh thisis what happened to me this is a so youkeep clicking and they keep gettingviews okay they keep getting views andthey have a software that noticeshow many people clicked how many peopledidn't click how many people read howmany people didn't read so that is oneof the sales software's that are that isavailable now how do they do this theseare the typical free book 3 video thetruth about increase your leads by 500%increase your sales by 300% freetraining free software growth hackerread like a CEO one of the new guys we'dlike to see your CEO reach 60 books howdo you know that a CEO reach 60 booksvideo did you have a did you take asurvey did you was it verified by anyonehow many CEOs can you give us the namesthey don't have all this information itthis is just and and keep thisin mind the reason why these guys are sosuccessful you know the reason why allof the math sucks is because everyonewants to get rich everyone wants ashortcut everyone wants to know the esecreteveryone wants like the lifestyle of therich and famous everybody wants but ifeveryone would achieve that and it waspossible I think everyone would havebeen rich by now it's C remember thisgetting rich is not easy it is not atall easy I'm not trying to bitch about amoan about or you know slam these guysdid I you know hats off to them they aresmart even thigh Lopes the you know heshowed you his Lamborghini which herented he he had a small house and todayhe is interviewing you know big bigstars because of the money you paid himyou registered $67 you paid you gotbilled based on that revenue that hekept receiving he kept you know callingother people to interview them and speakto them you know if you want to get acelebrity to endorse your your book oryour blood co course here to pay thehalf million they'll come and say wow heis a great guythere are facts you just have toresearch there are people who have donethis they have paid celebrity stars 1/2million you know someone would pay meoff million are say this guy's greatwe must go three scores I mean what do Ihave to lose so they they keep gettingthese celebrities to give theminterviews now keep you know understandthis losing weight getting rich gettingmore emails getting more Instagramfollowers Facebook lielike sales conversion all these arewants that people have and what thesepeople are doing is the single strategyis they'll give the same advice sameadvice that you can get on the internetthey will download all this informationthey'll categorize this into separatemodules and they'll keep sending onemodel for a week on module and you knowkeep you engaged for one full year andthat is how they charge you moneyso the the fact of the matter is theinformation is not wrong the informationis all that is available online for freebut they are charging you a premiumbecause they have organized it and madeit look very attractive and how do theyconvince you to sign up well they willfirst tell you that this you know youcan change your life you can achieveMillions you can achieve whatever but Iwill give it to you for you know I'llgive it to you for four thousand ninehundred and ninety seven then you'll seea big X and then you'll say but for thefirst 10 people it will be fiveninety-nine but then there will be afirst X they for the first three peopleenvy fifty seven dollars so whether theygive you such a big amount four thousandnine hundred and whatever they bought itdown to the 57 so fifty-seven looks verycheap but if they did the reverse let'ssay instead of charging $1 I'll chargeyou with $30 or $50 then you feel it'sexpensive so they bring it really highand then they reduce it so the questionis now should you or shouldn't you gofor an internet marketing course alrightI in my opinion in my opinion if you'redoing this to get rich if you're doingthis to change your life if you aredoing this to achieve a result thetechniques that they are sharing withyou is stuff that is available onlinethe reason why you're not able to findit is because you are not committingenough to research the reason why theseguys are smarter than us because theyhave done more research than you end ofthe day it's all about committingyourself to research today all theinformation is availableonline whether it's NLP NLP peoplecharge you know Tony Robbins yeah peoplecharge Tony Robbins charges a premiumfor whatever it you just all that isavailable by people who have enteredinto this course and they're chargingyou cheaper and all that information bypeople who attended it is being sent forfreeit is for free I've even found websiteswhere they giving all this informationin books and chapters for free weightloss same thing everyone is giving infor free social media hacks for free sothe the question is how would you findit for that you apply the research oryou have to get someone who hasexperience now I'm not saying that whatthey're doing is wrong but they aresmart however what I'm telling you iswrong is showing all this lamboginnythis Bentleys this rich lifestyle Ichallenge you I'm telling you this muchyou are not going to get it you're justnot going to get it it's not going tohappenjust there's only one Tyler pace thereis only one Mark Zuckerberg there isonly one Warren Buffett you know there'sonly one Richard Branson they come upwith this book of the seven steps tosuccess it's the same advice yourgrandfather could have given you youknow please look into yourself askyourself these critical questions aslong as we live in a society wherepeople believe these these god men youknow they can give you a blessing or youpray to someone and magic happens andyou you buy a book and you'll changeyour life as long as there are stupidpeople who believe in all this thesepeople will make money so here are likethe ridiculous Rhonda Byrne secret whichI spoke about that all's is it's crap somy request to you either find out groupsor experienced people who can help yougive you a realistic view about you giveyou a realistic view maybe you're notmeant to be a millionaire maybe you'renot meant to be rich because you don'thave what it takes or maybe even if youhave what it takes you just will not bebecause not everyone not every singleperson who visualizes and dreams that isgonna achieve pians becomes I have notseen one single person apart from tyLopez one single personwho has gone through try Lopez's scoresachieve the success of Pi Lopez the onlyrecent I know piece is rich is because$100,000 1 million people pay $67 to himso he made 67 million minus the YouTubecharges for click per view so you'll seeTai Lopez slowly decline and decline anddecline and decline because the magic isover so I hope this video gave you alittle bit of common sense into thereality of this internet marketingbusinessplease don't get fooled there is noshortcut there's no way you're going tobecome a billionaire and rich and theonly people who are going to be richthe only people is the ones whom you paymoney to get their course I've doneenough and more courses in my lifetimeand I can tell you without a doubt allthis is just sheerthere's nothing else there's no otherway you can make money other than realsheer hard work and a proper propercoach mentor who has a track record andwho can be with you in the relationshipand not just give you something to studyand help you succeed while – intercomwho's lying to see then thing personbranding let me know what do you thinkthis is my view on the said madamgoodbye
