Internet Marketing Secrets

I'm so excited!- Well, Dan, I'll never forget the dayI was sitting on my floorand I was so broke it hurt,and I remember having the realizationthat if I was allowed to work,because I'm Canadian,
from Vancouver Canada,and I was in America and I was thinking,you know, if I was allowed to work,like, it's such a privilege
to be able to work.Like, I got that in that moment.Like, it's such a privilege to work.If I was allowed to work in AmericaI could do anything I want.So, when I look at my back
journey all the way up,I actually never thought I was going tonecessarily be an entrepreneur.I just knew that I was made for more,there's like a knowing inside youwhen you know that you're supposed to be,I mean, as weird as the word is, rich.Like I knew that I was
supposed to be wealthy.I knew I was made for more.But, where my life was sittingwas sitting on an empty apartment floorin Las Vegas so broke that it hurt.And when I had that realizationthat I was not only made
for more but my bank accountwas not representing where I wanted to go,I started seeking anything I could doto figure out how to get
really good at sales,get really good at talking to people,landing with people.I don't think balance is real,but I do think the way you
strategize your businessmakes a big difference.I sell one product very well,and then I cross sell
products that they need.- Can you maybe walk us through your modellike, what's your signature product,and then what's the ascension?How does that work?- We do have an info product.We don't push it very much,even though I think it's great,we're probably missing
the mark on some of that.Again, sometimes you let
things bleed as you scale up.So then you pick it back upand add it into the strategy,but we typically sell a year longprogram called PACE Private.And we teach them how to build email liststhat are super targeted,right, they're all
referral based email lists.And then we teach them
how to sell to that.So it has a high ROI.I'm about to do the same type of build,I'll probably have about 100,000 opt insin the series of about ten days,and it's all referral based.I like that because it's hot.It's kind of hard to screw up hot traffic.I mean, even if you're
bad at your marketing,it's still hot trafficso it gets the
entrepreneur's cash flowing.So we bring them through that program,we teach them to sell to that email list,teach them how to build it,and then create products and selling them.- You're creating that
audience first, right?That's your signature program.- Exactly.So that's what we do in that program,but what we're committed tois we're committed to teaching themhow to be generous entrepreneurs,which creates a culture
inside of our companywhere all the entrepreneurs
are hiring each otherand they're not just a community.I mean, to give you an idea,in ten weeks they referred 700 people,that 700 showed up of the 900 peoplethat they invited to my last event.Like, we are a community
that shows up like that.So I'm actually teaching them
leadership in that program,like, hidden underneath
the monetization plan.The email list and the seller.- I love it, I love it.- So once we go through that
year they choose in or out.About 70% of those people,we add anywhere between 40 and 70,sometimes a hundred people
a month to that program.Once they go through that program,70% of them come to a
Mastermind that they dobetween the 9th and 12th month that they,like, towards the 9th or 12th
month of ending that program,does that make sense?- Got it, yeah.- It's like their year end Mastermind,but we time it so that it's betweennine and 12 months, 'cause— Got it, so they've already
gone through materials,the implementing, you're getting results.- That's right, that's
right, that's right.In that Mastermind, we teach
them 12 month ascension plans,and all this stuff,but what we do is is in those two days,we make them an offer,and the way I make the offer is,I'll pitch them in PACE,I pitch, pitch, pitch to
get them in PACE CLUB.So when they go through
PACE, through that year,they get to end, they
go to their Mastermind.At that Mastermind, I'm
not pitching them anymorebecause I want them off the bottle.You know, I want them to
be thinking for themselves.Did you gain value here,do you wanna be with us,do you wanna spend the next
four to five years with meso that I can really help you
build a significant companyversus coach hop?You know?And so 70% come to that,60% of those people say
yes to another year programand they stay with us for three
to five years at that point.- I know you, you're
very structured, right?How do you manage, how to
do structure your companyin a way that you could do that?That could apply to all
entrepreneurs, right?'Cause most of the time, you know,they hit the glass ceiling
and then they're stuck,and they're the control freakor they can't let go, what do you— Yeah, and you know,everybody knows you gotta innovate,but first of all, I really
focus on growing my leadershipmore than trying to add new
strategies to my business.And I grew multiple millionsby just selling three
and a half months a year.And I have my own sales team.It used to be one person,
then it was two people,then it was three people,
and now it's grownand continues to grow.And so the strategy, again,
was selling one thingand selling it really
well, and it still is.But it's infrastructure in the team.So we focus on leadership.My whole team has been
through leadership trainings.We actually bought a leadership training,brought it in-house because
at the end of the day,if you can't think smart,
you can't get there.I mean, think about it,if you know a formula worksand you run so many people through it,why does a certain amount of peoplesucceed and others don't?Well, they have a certain
base level of leadership.Even said control.When I exploded in real estate,not to like, throw this interview
in a different direction,but I went from being completely stuck,not being able to sell anything,to 170 million dollars in salesand I was the only person who sold.And I had an assistant in my office.And what I did was a leveragedother investor bases databases.Whole 'nother story,but how did I explode to that?Well, I mean, I stopped
controlling conversations.I mean, I literally
would get on a phone calland I would cut people offbecause I thought I knew better,and nothing was coming together.There's nothing worse than being ambitiousand feeling like the rug keeps gettingpulled out from underneath you.But that's typically a
sign of being too intense.There's a difference between
intensity and driven.So I actually think
the game is leadership,and that's all I focused on.So went from three and a half
months a year of selling,and that's all I sold,and did a multiple seven figure company,and then moved it to now
we sell every single month.For me, it doesn't work for meto deliver products that
don't have coaching,for me, just for me.Because I don't feel like
enough people go through them.And because I know that I didn'tcreate my success in two years,I created it by staying on one thingfor five to eight years,
you know what I mean?So I have to enroll my
clients to just stay here.And so which means, that
I've gotta get them results.So I over deliver in coaching.So we have a whole coaching
department right now,and the coaching department,now we're working on
monetizing that departmentbecause it's an expense to the company.But all the way growing the company,I watched my profit margins.So I wasn't like, oh, my God,that's the way to grow,I'm just gonna risk, risk,
risk, risk, risk, risk.I literally was like, we have to stay ata 30 to 35% profit margin.And I still get paid.So that's been my measurement.Even when I didn't understand my P and Ls,I just understood that profit margin.And I focused on the step that I was inand the thing I could controland if that profit margin went down,I went and sold more
and then I would like,look at where am I investingand make sure that I'm
investing in lead gen,or on people.- Yes.So what I'm hearing is,number one, you're very focused
on just one thing, right?You're very focused on getting that downand very good on lead gen just for thisand very good at converting, right,and also delivering the program, right?- That's the base.Nothing works without that.- Yes, and then from there,now when you say that
you went from selling itin a few months a year
to like once every month,talk to us a little bit about that.- So I delivered the product
live through conference calls.I'd sell for three months,and in that three months,that wave would go through for the year,and I would teach them
live until I had a groupthat we had a bunch of peoplego from startup to six figures, right,and that is not an income claim.But we had a bunch of people pop.And I was like, you know what,take all those recordings
and put them in (mumbles),make them a system for
people to go through.And one of the challenges people had iswhen you had really ambitious people,they didn't wanna wait til the next weekto get the next step.And so they wanted to go.And I'm like, sorry, like- You gotta focus.- this is the structure.So now they can unlock modulesand go as quick as they
want and rock it out.But then the problem
we have to innovate isI know myself, I mean,I've bought info products and
they are still not opened.Because of the fact that
it's hard to create timeeven if, like, I probably
have three Pinterest accounts,or three Pinterest trainings,'cause I know Pinterest is a new,I think it's an untapped
market for lead gen.- Also for your audience, too, right?- Yes, and so I finally hired somebody,but it took me forever
to find a Pinterest teamthat actually knows what
they're doing around traffic.And so I bought like three programsand it's like, it is
not my best use of timeto figure out how to
run a Pinterest account.You know what I mean?Like, it doesn't make sense.It makes more sense
for me to do, you know,nine, ten events in a month.That makes way more sense
than me learning how to do…So when I look at just that, I'm driven.And I look at that, I'm like,they're never gonna watch these modules.(laughs)So even though I can get them to buyand get them excited,the amount of leadership it will take me,as far as connecting with
them and inundating themto keep them motivated,
is more than I wanna give.So I built a coaching
team that meets with themevery 10 to 14 daysand they have to watch
at least two modulesbefore they met with their coach.And then once a week, I
meet with all the coacheson a Zoom call, 'cause
we're all around the world,on a Zoom call and I coach the coaches.And I wanna know what's
goin on with their peopleso I can coach the coaches.Now our next step is we're
gonna actually createa certification program
for our PACE coaches.They don't have to pay for
it, they get it for free,but it actually even
systemizes them even strongerto go out there and just
really make an impact.At the end of the day, our
focus is really, truly,everything we think
about in the company is,how do we get more people successful?We don't obsess about how to growbecause we compound 'cause
people stay with us.So I don't have to do as
much on the front end,even though we're kinda
(mumbles) in that area,we've figured out traffic now.But even before I figured out traffic,I don't have to do as muchbecause we compound, because
we do such a good jobat helping people get their results.And I don't think entrepreneurs,
many of them, get that,they work really hard on one aspectand they forget that people
really have to get the resultsand they get frustrated
when people complain.It's like, the client is
one of those, a PR company,and she's like, God, I
have all these clientsand they're all complaining
'cause they feel confused.I'm like, stop, it's just feedback.- Yes.- I'm like, well tell me
what did you give them?She told me, I'm like, girl, like,that one question, like,
what's their vision.Ask Jesse Itzler, a friend of mine,Sara Blakely who owns Spanx, her husband,I asked Jesse Itzler before he
launched his endurance thing,I did the first two
endurance programs with him.And we sold it to our communityand he got really clear
in what he was doing.Guy is so inspiring.But asked him, well, what's
your vision for this,when I was talking to himand he was brainstorming what to do next.And he's like, I mean, he
didn't know what his vision was.It's like he couldn't
answer that question,what he could answer is what he loved.Which was empowering people,living his life and his life resume.So I'm like, to my client I'm like,you just asked them a loaded questionand you wonder why they're confused'cause you gave them three
other steps with that.- That's correct, I can
see that, I can see that.It's such a good point
because if you think aboutwhere entrepreneurs when they're stuck,they lack the vision or
they lack clarity, right,and always, you lack clarity,you lack the ability to take action.And I love how also hearing the wayyou structure your business,you structure your businessaround your lifestyle preference.- Hundred percent.That's why I'm not on
the speaking circuit.- Yeah, right.And I think I made a mistake
myself as well earlier onwhere I structured my life
around my business, right.It's always the business pulling me.Okay, the business requires me to do this,it requires me to do this,it requires me to do a
lot of different things.And when I realized, no, no, no,why am I even doing this, right?What am I doing it for?Is it just for like, ego, dollar amounts,I can compare, or awards
and all these things,what am I doing it for?If I'm doing it for other peoplethen I have to ask myself,do I enjoy the process, right?Like you said, you
could do so many events,but if you do too many eventsthen you get exhausted,then you don't like it, you get burn out.
