Internet Marketing Strategy Tips – How To Make Sales Online

In this episode of The Big Vision Show, we’re
going to talk about good old fashioned internetmarketing.Hey there, my name is Max Simon and welcome
to The Big Vision Show.This is all about how you can kick butt in
your business today.In this episode, Anna asks, “I’m doing
a lot of different internet marketing campaignsand stuff online but people are not buying
and I’m just not sure why.Can you help?Well, Anna thanks so much for asking.This is a phenomenal question and you know
there’s a lot of different reasons why peopledo or do not buy online.So let’s cover the three that I think are
the most important.One, did you have a really strong engagement
campaign before you made your offer?You see, so much of the time people are like,
I’m going to sell something online and thenthey put up a sales page and they slap it
out to their people and they’re like, comeon, buy it.And then they wonder why people don’t buy.The truth is that even if somebody knows you,
even if somebody likes you, even if somebodytrusts you, they still need to develop a reason
why they want to buy your program, your product,your event right now.So that’s why you want to create videos
and give eBooks and send e-mails and kindof warm people up to the idea that something
is coming so that by the time you actuallyinvite them to invest in your offer, they’re
excited, they’re engaged, they’re kindof looking forward to that next step with
you.So, one, did you have a really strong engagement
campaign or do different types of media beforeyou actually make your offer because if not,
that’s a perfect way to like, kill yoursales.The second thing to ask is how clear is your
offer?You see, you’ve probably heard this before,
but a confused mind never buys.So, you want to tell people exactly how the
program is delivered.You want to tell them exactly what kind of
transformation will occur.You need to tell them exactly what will happen
next once they actually buy.You see, people need to see it in their minds;
it needs to be clear to them that this isthe kind of journey we’re going to go on.This is how I’m going to feel and this is
the kind of outcome I’m going to experience,and if it’s not crystal clear to them, a
confused mind won’t buy.So just double check to make sure that your
offer is described in the most clear way possible.Maybe run it by your friends or something.And the third thing that oftentimes will prevent
somebody from buying is no guarantee or aweak guarantee.You see, online especially these days, if
you’re not willing to guarantee your product.Whether that’s for 30 days or guaranteed
results or some kind of safety net for people,it makes people a little hesitant especially
because everybody else has good guarantees.So really consider coming up with some guarantee
that you feel really confident in.That might bring up some of your stuff a little
bit because it’s like I don’t know whatI feel confident guaranteeing.And as one of my friends, Greg Hapstren, said,
a strong guarantee will attract three timesas many buyers even if only one of those people
might process a refund.So just be strong enough and willing enough
to put up a guarantee that you can stand behindbecause that will make people more confident
to buy.So those are the three steps today.I hope you enjoyed it.If you did, please “Like” this video, share
it on Facebook, Twitter, leave a comment belowand just tell us you’re feeling the love.Here’s the Big Vision question of the day:
What kinds of things have you done to strengthenyour offer?I’m sure that everybody below would love
to hear your answers.Let’s share the love and make sure we’re
all growing together as a tribe.If you’re not part of The Big Vision Business
insider tribe, head on over to,sign up, you get a bunch of cool stuff right
away anyways plus these videos delivered toyour inbox every single week.My name’s Max Simon, thanks so much for
your time I’ll see you next week.Much love.
