Intro to Squarespace Ecommerce: Setting Up Shop

hey guys in today's video I wanted togive you an introduction to Squarespaceecommerce Squarespace allows you toeasily set up your own online store andsale not just physical products but alldifferent types of products as well soin this video I'm going to give you anoverview of what you can do as well asshare some tips and show you somespecial features if we haven't met yethi i'm louise of soul open air sidekickcalm and put out new videos every singleweek all about making the tech in youronline business easier so if you have anonline business or you're hoping tolaunch one definitely hit subscribe andhit that little bell icon too so you getnotified every time I post a new videoso let's start with the differentproducts that you can sell inSquarespace you can sell physicalproducts so this is anything that needsto be shipped out to the customer youcan also sell digital products so thisis how you would sell something like ane-book and then if you are a freelanceror service based business you canactually accept payments for yourservices as well and if you're on theSquarespace advanced commerce plan youcan sell gift cards so speaking of whichlet's talk about the Squarespace pricingplans and which one you need to be on inorder to sell products in order to sellproducts you do need to be on thebusiness plan so this is $18 per monthif you're paying annually or $26month-to-month what's great about thisplan is that you can sell unlimitedproducts the only thing is there is athree percent transaction fee so it'slikely that you are going to want toupgrade to one of the online store plansotherwise known as the commerce plans sowith this one you have the basic andadvanced again you can sell unlimitedproducts but now there are notransaction fees one of the main reasonsthat you might want to upgrade to theadvance plan is because then you getaccess to subscriptions or payment plansI'll leave a link for this pricing pagedown below so that you can go and checkout all of the features so you might bewonderingtemplate you need to be on in order tosell products what I love aboutSquarespace is you can sell products onany of the templates so if you alreadyhave a Squarespace website you are goodto go and you can add products to yoursite if you are just getting started Irecommend that you use one of thetemplates in the brine family becausethese are the most flexible and have afew more features that are great forcommerce so after you've picked yourpricing plan and your template it's timeto add products to your store so how doyou do that in Squarespace you're goingto click on pages and then scroll downto the not linked section I'm going toclick on the plus sign and selectproducts so here you can just title thisproducts and this is where you will putall of your products on your site nowwhen you just click right here you willsee your different options for addingthe different types of products then toadd your product you just need to clickhere and then choose which type ofproduct you want to add to your storewhen you do that you're going to clickon it and then enter all of your productinformation here I also want to mentionthat there is a fifth type of productthat you can add to Squarespace and thatis your online course so if you do wantto sell an online course withSquarespace that is definitely possibleand I'll leave a link to this video inthe description below so a few morethings that I want to mentionSquarespace hooks up with a stripe andPayPal so you can accept all differenttypes of credit cards as well as PayPaland for those of you with physicalproducts it has an integration withshipstationso that you can easily and quickly printyour shipping labels so let me show youquickly how to add a product so I'm justgoing to click here to add my firstproduct and let's say that I'm doing aphysical product I'm going to click onthat and then here is where I wouldupload my product images so let's saythat I'm going to sell my launch guideand ship it to you guys so I'm gonnatype in the title over here and then I'mgoing to add my price so I'm going toclick on that you'll see pricing justclick on this and here is where youwould enter your price another reason Ilove Squarespace is because of how easythey make putting something on sale butfor now I'm just going to show you thisand here is where you would add your SKUthe stock the weight in your dimensionsso for now I'm just going to click onstock and change that to unlimitedalright so back to our item we would putour product description here whoops Ican spell okay and then we have a fewother tabs you have additional info ifyou want to add more information on yourproducts you can absolutely do that youcan add videos any type of content belowthe main product image then we haveforum if you need to collect moreinformation from someone at checkout andthen we have options so here you need toadd your product URL so I'm going to addlaunch guide and if you want you canchange the language on the buttons butI'm happy with the default then I needto upload my thumbnail image awesome andthe final tab is social in this tab youcan automatically share your productsthat you add to your store on socialmedia all right so I'm going to clickSave and publish and show you what thiswill look like on your website so if Igo over here as you can see we now haveour product ready for sale and if Iclick on this this is what my mainproduct page is going to look like so itlooks pretty awesomeand as with Squarespace you cancustomize this page a ton so if I gointo design and then site Styles youwill see all these different customeroptions for your products page so forexample if I wanted to change theposition of this image I couldabsolutely do that then you can alsocustomize the fonts and the colors foryour brand as well as choose what youwant to display so for example if Ididn't want to show those share buttonsI could simply turn those off okay greatso another thing I absolutely love aboutSquarespace is that you can add yourproduct to whatever page that you wantso for example let's say you want towrite a blog post and share your mostrecent product you can absolutely dothatso on any page or blog you can add alink for someone to purchase yourproduct let me show you an example onthis test page here so with my insertpoint I can click on that scroll downand add a product block if I click onthat I just need to type in the title ofmy product and it will bring it up forme great okay and so as you can see Ican add this anywhere on my site and Ican choose to show the description aswell as a button awesome so I'm going tochange this to center alignment and youcan also enable quick view which I'mgoing to talk about in a second so letme click apply and show you I'm gonnamake this a bit smaller so you can seeit okay awesomeso yet you can add this product blockhere anywhere that you would like onyour site which makes it really easy forpeople to purchase so now I want to goover a few special features that I loveso the first is that quick view so letme show you what happens when you enablethat if I click on this and then clickapply and then save as you can see whenI hover over my image I'm now going toget this quick View button and ifsomeone were to click on that it's goingto bring up more information about theproduct in this nice pop-up window sothis is especially convenient if youhave multiple products then people don'tneed to actually leave the product pageto view more information on your productso that's the first feature that I lovethe second is the image zoom so if Iclick on this you can determine thatwhen people hover on your image it'sgoing to zoom in so this is really greatif you have a physical product and youneed to show more details so my thirdfavorite feature is the Express Checkoutso at the moment if somebody were toclick Add to Cart this is simply goingto add a number to the cart here andsomeone would need to click on that andthen see their cart page before theycheck out so if you want you can bypassthis step if you go into commerce andthen checkout scroll down and enableExpress Checkout okay so I'm going toclick Save on that remove this item frommy cart and go back to my product pageso now someone is going to see adifferent button and if they click on itthey are going to be instantly led tothe checkout page instead so as you cansee there is tons that you can do withSquarespace commerce if you want tolearn more about how to do this I teachit inside my course website that Wow'swhere I share with you all the differentvariations that you could possibly needin terms of setting up your online storeso click the link below this video andyou'll see a link to the blog post thataccompanies this video in that you'llsee an option to sign up for a freetrial of my online course any importantlinks for you to check out as well as a10% discount code for Squarespacealright guys that's it for mySquarespace ecommerce overview I hopethat you found it helpful if you haveany questions at all just leave thosefor me in thebelow and don't forget to check thedescription because I've left a 10%discount code for Youth Day thank you somuch for watching this video and I'llsee you in the next oneyou
