Introducing Internet Marketing Essentials – Digital Textbook by Stukent, Inc.

I'm Jeff Larson I'm professor ofmarketing in the Marriott School ofManagement at Brigham Young UniversityI've been teaching courses and marketingresearch and internet marketing for thelast seven years I did my PhD at Whartonin Philadelphia I'm Stuart Draper I'mthe founder of stew can't calm and aco-author of the textbook internetmarketing essentials I think there aretwo major challenges to teachinginternet marketing number one is thecontent changes so often it's reallyhard to keep up to date with with thechanges that are going on in theindustry Google updates their algorithmevery couple days and that's only oneexample of the many changes that happenin the industry it's hard for professorto keep up with those changes the secondone is the content itself even thecontent that isn't changing that oftenis just not content that we learn in ourPhD programs so any p any professor whohas done a PhD is still even with allhis training will not have any expertisespecifically geared towards internetmarketing and there's a lot of materialthat a professor really has to bone upon in order to be able to teach thiscoursein 2011 i taught at byu-idaho as anadjunct faculty member and i called BYUto find out who was teaching the classand they put me in touch with Jeff andwhen I talked to Jeff I asked him howthey were teaching the course andlearned from what they were doing andwas very similar to the way we wereteaching and I was kind of frustratedwith the way we were teaching the classso I asked him if he had any ideas forways we could improve it and he broughtup the idea of an internet marketingsimulation and a light bulb went off inmy head and we went to work and we havea internet marketing simulation that weprovide through Stu can't calm in thatprocess when we as we were developingthat I reached back out to Jeff andasked him if he had interest inco-authoring a textbook with me that'sbeen a great relationship andopportunity for both of us and we'rereally excited to announce internetmarketing essentials as a new textbookto the worldso what I found is I've taught thecourse sometimes I planned exercises tohelp my students and the very next daywe go into class and google has changedthe format for doing that exercise so wecan do ATS do Kent calm is to make surethat any professor who's teaching thecourse can be flagged to those updatesso that they don't end up in the middleof class and realizing they can't do theexercise they had planned so that's oneway we can keep the textbook up to datethree times a year and make sure thetext is up to date but also that itdoesn't change in the middle of thesemester but at the same time we canactually update the professors in themiddle of the semester about any changesthat might affect any exercise they'lldo the classinternet marketing is kind of a uniquecourse in the fact that at the end ofthe course every student will have a setof very concrete skills that they willbe able to market themselves tocompanies almost any company no matterwhat format or what size can use somegood internet marketing help and at theend of this course every student willhave some very concrete skills that theycan offer to any company so any studentcomes out of this course will be able todo search engine optimization both bothon-site and off-site search engineoptimization they'll be able to run apay-per-click campaign both on thesearch engine side as well as displayadvertising video advertising they'll beable to run email marketing campaignsthey'll have concrete skills aboutsocial media all these are concreteskills that a student can use to marketthemselves to companies what I thinkabout the learning outcomes of internetmarketing essentials and and also withthe simulation as an industryprofessional that's hired dozens ofstudents right out of school for a job Iknow exactly what I'm looking for whatskills I'd like them to have whatknowledge and theory base I'd like themto understand that and we go throughthat in the material and we cover thoseimportant not just strategies andtactics but also the theories ofinternet marketing in a way that thesestudents will be more employable whenthey finish the courseso the textbook goes through how searchengines work first of more of afoundation overview of the Internet ingeneral and then into how search engineswork beyond there it goes through SEOPPC web analytics email marketing socialmedia and on through online reputationmanagement and online PR as wellso in my five years of teaching internetmarketing what I found is one of thelargest challenges is giving studentsenough experience hands-on experience indoing internet marketing especially onthe pay-per-click and displayadvertising site so what I've alwayshave my students do is do a project fora local company where they do searchengine optimization they run apay-per-click campaign doing searchadvertising the problem is the budgetdollars are so small for use most localcompanies they don't really get thatmuch some hands-on experience they mightgenerate maybe a dozen half dozen clickson a search engine campaign that's notreally enough enough experience toreally do a be testing on an advertisingadvertisement and get the hands-onexperience on what kind of advertisingtactics work so what's great about thereal deal simulation is as they learnthese tactics they'll get enoughexperience with enough budget and enoughad dollars that they can actually seewhat's working and and understand thereal skills involved with onlineadvertising which is a/b testing andcontinuing optimization we've writteninternet marketing essentials in a waythat any professor from the mostexperienced at least experience can usethis book in a way that will profittheir students as well as their coursewe expect that any professor uses thisbook will have students thanking themfor everything they've learnedyou
