Job Insight – Internet Marketing

hi my name is Michelle and I'm internetmarketer here at web page effects Istudied communications French andinteractive design at the University ofDelaware then moves Carlyle to work herebefore my time at web page affects mymarketing experience laid primarily inpublic relations and radio and I did alittle bit of work in HTML I have nevertaken a class in SEO PPC or any of theinternet marketing techniques I now doon a daily basisas an internet marketer my primary areasare SEO or search engine optimizationand PPC also known as pay-per-click theunderlying goals both of these is tohelp my clients improve their businessand increase their reach on the worldwide web with search engine optimizationI construct campaigns to increase thenumber of visitors to my clientswebsites via unbranded organic trafficif this means nothing to you no worriesit didn't mean much to me until a fewmonths into trading basically I'm tryingto bring more first-time visitors andmore people who did not previously knowof my clients brand to my clientswebsite SEO lets me optimize a websiteso that it shows up better in search andin search results for relevant searchesthis happens through process of keywordresearch market analysis and on pagechanges overall the goal is to increasethat website's relevance for its targetaudiencepay per click campaigns have a similargoal in process however they are aimedat the paid section of search like thelittle yellow box of ads at the top ofGoogle or the ads on mobile apps I getto do the research set up and addcreation for these campaigns anotherlarge portion of my job is analysis i'mon google analytics every day to gaininsights about the traffic appearing onmy clients websites if you enjoy marketresearch and analysis or finding trendsthen this is definitely for you googleanalytics gives me the hard data aboutwhy web surfers do the things they do inthe end it's like a giant game ofmarketing and advertising to think likea vast number of different customers whoare shopping on the web to ultimatelyget that customer to the best websitefor their intended purchase I've workedwith websites at target dog people orsomeone vacation in San Francisco towebsites that sell furniture orelectrical engineering it's afascinating field that is constantlyimproving so if you'd like to get ataste of what we internet marketers do Irecommend following the SEO Moz blog orindustry leaders like Rand Fishkin andAvinash internet marketing and onlineadvertising certainly isn't goinganywhere sense a series of tubes thatthey call the internet is here to stay
