KING COMM RIP | Dropshipping Legend Chris Waller Passes Away At Age 21

it's currently January 17 2020 and Ijust received the word that Chris WallerKing Kong is no longer with us I knowwords I'm literally shaking becauseseems like a brother to me and thisvideo goes out to himChris Waller rest in peace let's go nowfirst off before we go into the videothe details and Griswald it was all thatI don't have any words so for me Iliterally receive the word about 30minutes ago and I'm speaking from myheart thousands and thousands of peoplehave been affected and lives the changeChris work he's over 80,000 subscriberson YouTube meant towards thousands morethan that someone that truly look up toin the e-commerce community and most youdon't know it has a real person but forme it was like brother today January 17was supposed to be a really happy dayfor me the day of my birthday but once Ireceived this news I'm no birthday inSeptember 2018 Chris started is YouTubechannel not knowing where it would gotoday has over 80,000 subscribers andchanged lots of thousands lives are nolonger the same with Chris's content outthere it's not with us anymore mr. Lee'sno prints no joke he's gone he's passedaway on January 14th a few days ago andI made just go over some details in acouple minutes however before we go intothat I'm gonna go over my relationshipwith Chris or his personality because Iknow what you guys don't know about apersonal level but for me like I said hewas a brother to methis past summer we ran an event anecommerce event we partnered on wentover 200 entrepreneurs wine all over theworld it was aimed out of this parkevent JS lives of dozens millions ofdollars that the e-commerce revenue cameout into that event and mentor me thatme and Chris went through in order toput that together created a bond like noother travel them all together we didthings then to us really representedmore than something that a businesspartnership because her family team Ilost that today she fits every singleone of us all something really reallyimportant to our community one thingthat I really you know knew Chris as wassomeone that never gave up someone thatno matter what he pushed through andexactly what did every single day I justdon't have any words for for what whatnews has brought upon us today alongwith his YouTube channel is havefacebook group cities and it's corsetchanged so many people's livesI pressed were so many things from himwhich allowed me to it me change myentire life generating revenue as wellbut that doesn't really matter to meright nowthat matters is and Chris is no longerwith us nowJudith privacy of the family not reallyallowed to share too much informationwhen they do allow me to do that maycome out with another video of her nowwe're just gonna leave it at thatChris Waller January 14 passed away yesis sure it's heartbreaking it'sdevastatingwhat can you do now Chris yes he had alot of assets that was like it's overand it's parents giving space to rightnow we're all terminus they're in aplace where I cannot describe I don'tknow what it feels likebut it's it's devastating and for themeven right now Kristen who grew up in awealthy wealthy family and they have noaccess to any of his wealth his fundshis assets as of now so what you woulddo helps we created a GoFundMe to goahead and you know fund his funeralthat's a woman to be happy in the nextfew days and we desperately need yourhelp now any funds that go over theamount needed will be donated tocharities around the world every singledollar you could put in will meet theworld well chris is not with us is withus in spirit and as long as he willcontinue it will be meeting with hisfamily soon his manager discuss how wewill be moving forward and continue hislegacy forever sending love to all ofyou and to Chris like brotherand you'll never be forgotten for methis brings the obligation this bringsme something which I feel that I need tocontinue that legacy for him do withthat I was one of his very close friendsso one thing that I wanted to take uponmyself is to provide as much as 3,000 aspossible on this channel look out for alot of new things coming soon and againI love the kingthey GoFundMe link will be right downbelow see you guys have been[Music]you
