Mary Kay Best Selling | Favorite Products | Top 18

everyone and welcome back in this videoI'm gonna share with you the bestselling products from Mary Kay 18products that people not only love totry once but they repurchase over andover again and you know that you're youvote with your money so if you choose tospend your money on this specificproduct over and over again they're morethan likely working for you so when Italk to you about products that I enjoyfrom this list the ones that are youdon't care for so much but I understandthat they are probably working for mostpeople because they are best sellersafter all so let's get started the firstproduct is something that I haven'ttried and it's the timewise vitamin Cactivating squares now this is a newconcept for me and I haven't tried it soI can't really talk about it but I dolove the vitamin C serum by Mary Kay itreally brightens your skin especiallyduring the winter time my skin tends tobe a little bit more yellow oliver'skind of color not so pretty and when Iuse the vitamin C it kind of brightensmy skin tone and I do really enjoy theone in a serum formula however this oneI haven't tried it but it has 5 starsand it's definitely something that Iwant to try the next product is thetimeless firming eye cream I amreviewing that if you haven't watched itit's really old but I think the same wayI use it the same way so if you'reinterested I'll have that in thedescription box down below but I do loveit and I understand why is the bestseller the next one it's something thatI've heard people talk about and I'mgoing to talk about that just a fewminutes but the next two products arefrom the acne noon acne line by Mary Kayand it's called clear proof they have abest seller their clear proof clarifyingcleansing gel and the clear proof ablemish control controlled toner nowI've heard people that say that this isthe best thing ever and it's how theycontrol their acne it has to I'm not todo with the ingredients because ifsalicylic acid works for you or you knowthere's different things that will workfor your acne problems so it seems likepeopleto have acne in this ingredient thatthey use works for them love this andafter we purchase it over and over againand it's also very affordable becausethe cleansing gel it's only 16 dollarsand the blemish controlled toner it'sonly 15 so if they are repurchasing itmore than likely it's something thatit's working very well for most peoplethe next product is the extra emollientnight cream this is one of the oldestproducts that I remember from the lineit's at the same product that you canget in the satin hence you know thatvery emollient cream that you use as afirst step well this is it and I love itI have it in my nightstand I use it onmy feet and you said in my hands I useit it elbows whenever you feel likeyou're very ready to dry you can usethis product it works and I understandwhy they haven't changed the formulathey haven't changed pretty muchanything but the packaging since thebeginning because it's something thatpeople love enough to repurchase overand over again the next product is themint blaze energizing lotion for feetand legs and this is only $11 I actuallywent to a couple of places where theyuse this after you get a pedicure itgives you a cooling sensation kind ofacting with sensation to go up your legsit's a really refreshing and it smellsamazing it smells like a spa it's notsweet it's not overly sweet it smellslike a spa and it really gives you thatclean and very cool sensation after apedicure and I understand why they sellit so much next thing is something thatit's probably not gonna surprise you ifyou try any products from Mary Kay or ifyou watch my channel for any period oftime you know that I love the eye makeupremover and it's one of the favoriteshere as well the next one is thefoundation primer now I haven't reviewedthis foundation primer if you want tocheck it out and explain why I love itso much so I do get it that is in thislist and I also have a review onthe Mary Kay eye makeup remover so ifyou want to check that out all theproducts that I mentioned that I havereviews on and that I have either atutorial or something with them so youcan get so you can have getting a betteridea on how I use it they will all belinked in the description box down belowthe next product is this CC cream I alsohave a new on that I think it's almostthree years old I don't care I feel thesame way about it I do love this formulaI enjoy it if you try CC creams andthey're not for you just get a sample ofthis one because it has a lot ofcoverage it has a lot of benefits it hasyour SPF especially for summertime ifyou don't really want to mess too muchwith your skin or you don't want to dothat much makeup I mean this is a greatsolution I do really like it andrecommend it the next one is the MaryKay mineral powder foundation I have Ithink a couple of foundation routineswhere I share with you how I use thisproduct it does have more coverage thanone of my favorite bare minerals mineralpowder foundation so I understand whyit's here the very key under eyecorrector it's another best sellingproduct I have a video where I sharewith you the difference between theperfecting concealer and the correctorthe idea is that the perfectingconcealer has different colors you canuse it in different areas of your faceand then the corrector it's only forcorrecting the dark circles you can usethem together to actually get rid of thedarkest dark circles so if you want tocheck out those videos I have them allagain in the description box down belowbut I understand why it's here I alsodid recently a comparison between thisnext best selling product and themineral foundation because a lot ofpeople had questions about you knowthose two products and this one is theMary Kay translucent loose powder it'sone of those finishing powders so you'regoing to apply it as a last step afteryou did all your makeup definitely workit gives you a better finish to yourskin and Ido really enjoy it again it's not goingto be a powder foundation or a powderthat it's gonna give you extra coverageit's just a finishing powder then I havemascara sand it have quite a few of themas favorites we're gonna go through themand tell you a little bit more aboutthem and which ones are my favorite thefirst one is the Mary Kay lash intensitymascarathat one is tricky to use it does giveyou a lot of volume but it does takelike you have to like a learning curvethat you have to go through to make surethat you don't really clump your lasheswith a lot of this product so I'll do areview on that one in particular butthat's coming up soon I'm not sure ifnext week but I'll try to do a demo soyou can see their before and after aswell then you have the lash love mascaralash love waterproof and lash lovelengthening so if you like waterproofit's one of the favorite from a lot ofpeople then you can try that you havethe lengthening and you have the regularformula so you have different optionswith the Mary Kay lash la mascara it'slengthening it's waterproof it's theoriginal formula it's really good itwill help make your lashes longer itwill help separate them it really worksI love the formula however the Americaultimate mascara is one of thosemascaras that I need to use with thelash love because I can't really get thebenefits when I use it by itself finallyin the eighteenth best-selling productby Mary Kay is an American eyeliner andI have to disagree on that one I do notlike it I don't understand why peoplerepurchase it so much but it's mainlyjust personal preference maybe peoplethis is the only eyeliner that they useand that's why they use is so fast thatit doesn't dry up as quickly as it doesfor me so that could be one reason butdefinitely if people is vying it isworking for them so anyways and that istheta for this best-selling product soby Mary Kay in my experience with them Ihope that you enjoyed this video I hopethat you check out all the videos andyou said I mentioned about the productsthat I love from this list and if youcare to leave in the comments down belowwhich ones are your favorite and not somuch favorites or maybe products thatdidn't work from this list thanks againfor watching and I'll see you on my nextvideo bye
