Million Dollar E-Commerce Online Business: Behind The Scenes Look!

[Music]what's up YouTube isn't you rashanna 360way process rashannaand today's i'm budget gives you guys alook behind the team of my e-commercebusiness it's not a million dollarsbusiness excuse me i just use that typeof a clickbait saw to get out here butlook stay here because it's still aprofitable business or try to make abouta hundred thousand dollars this year sojust say when we have a show you guysbehind the scenes of what I do basicallyecommerce business is a business that isramped online respectively like a storebut online stores all my online storesyou guys know I sell precious my ownbrand impression not what I do I gotpackages and stuff here and he flippedit over to I'm gonna give away anyaddress because these are real peoplereal order so basically I just come tomy computer right here I use a programcalled Samsung and then there's amerchant account that PayPal own andthat's how I get my payment or sobasically I come through this step I gotto ask funds in real quick but what Iused to do is I used to get these PollyMiller's right here and I used to writeevery address by handalright and that took me a long timeespecially because my business ismoderately successful and I get look twoorders a day like it was at the pointwhen I first launched my project I wasgetting 20 to 30 orders a day so imaginejust having to figure and writes orderslike my return addressthen the person's address name addressthat labor intensive so now my ecommercebusiness is more streamlined and I haveon technology like cig label printerright here and it just print out theinformation on this all right so let mejust print one out for you guys realquickly if these kind of that's theorder being printed out it's real quickand easy and then I got a bunch oforders right here that I just print itI've got a metal off today so this iskind of what I do is I just paste thisall and not stick them on this righthere and I grab me a breastI'll make sure if there's nothing wrongwith the breastmake sure to my standard because I don'twant to melt off evening of low qualityto my customers you know so basicallyit's put it in here silly and it's kindof that simple at the moment it hasn'talways been this thankful it let's easynow on our YouTube you just print it outand then to ship it off yeahbut it took me a long time I like I haveto build my website I have to createarticles I have to make it valuableright and then I have to drive trafficto my website that's pretty much it it'snot too complex I'll run this businesson my own on my only employee at themomentthat's pretty chill I recommend anecommerce business to anyone who let mesee I'm usually I feel like invest ifyou build a brand so if you thinkingabout starting your own e-commercebusiness I think you should build abrand first because like why wouldpeople bison is the questionlike I get orders every single day andlisten but I believe I know that isbecause I have a brand that people trustso not just one thing I want to let youguys know behind the scenes lizard andthought process like that so now youguys seen the behind the sceneslive as you see it's not too complex ofa thing to do behind the scenes is itsimply making sure it's orders arepackages and Mail to the customers asfar as how I get customers basically Iget customers through organic search andalso our refer customers using myyoutube channel so it helps that I'm aninfluencer or online that also helps meInstagram is a great platform to comparesales but yeah that's pretty much what Iuse now right now I have that finishedtweaking these labels on these polyMillers and just basically goes to thepost office and drop them off also needsto have to wait in long before I gotthis situated right here with theprogram and the printout I have to go tothe post office and wait in lineterrible guys let me tell you man thepeople at the post office hated becausewe're in Haiti but they had a littlekitchen when they see me walk in and Ihope you don't come to me because I comein with like 20 packages and this istake time if they're going to insert onthe computer so this is real simple nowit's all streamlined not just behind thething another one make it sound morecomplicated in what it is I'm justfinished labeling all these and yeahy'all I hope you guys enjoyed this quicklittle video that you can see what I dobehind the scenes of my business I'mgoing to do more videos talking aboutbusiness I know I haven't made abusiness video like that in a minuteand that's just simply because I toldyou guys in that life thing that I did Iwas more focused on schooland I'll put who over my business andYouTube but now that up I'm finishedwith school and I graduated college thenit's all business for me I started atrending videos I know I have a lot ofrunning subscribers I'm still going torun because that's a passion of mine butI'm no longer going to be competing ortrying to compete I just I just can't dothat anymore I don't have the energy tobe on a competitive level because withmy time I just want to spend more of mytime doing business so yeah that's all Iwant to talk to you guys about right nowthank y'all for supporting there's alight button subscribe see on my nextvideo[Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music]
