My Favourite Must have Inglot Products | TOP 10

hey guys welcome back to my Channeltoday I'm going to show you my favoritemust-haveInglot products these are products thatare used for myself and also my cat nowthis video has been highly requested soI hope it helps you out if you are newto the brand or if you're looking atadding more to your collection so firstup is the Jura line which is a siliconebased oil so you can turn any droidproducts into a liquid now I use yourline the most for when like my geleyeliners all my rapper maids becomehard or they dry up so if you mix alittle bit of the oil in with it itpretty much just makes it creamy againand it reusable so don't throw out yourdry products next is the famous 77 geleyeliner this is in God's best sellingproduct and pretty much what they'rewell known for so I love Symingtonbecause it's virtually the blackest gelliner I've come across that I've usedsuper creamy easy to apply in a doesn'tbudge so I also like to use it in thewaterline now if you've been watching mefor a while or you follow me in my workyou know I use the shed a lot which is94 I use it when I do a cut crease lookand I also use it to hold down mypigmentsnext up is the HD foundation you haveprobably seen this a lot on my channel Iuse a lot of my stuff and also quiet asa medium for very full coveragefoundation of course it depends on howmuch you apply it has a demi mattefinish and I find it's avail on almostevery skin type so yeah I do really lovethis foundation and another reason why Ilove it is because it has a a LSP lastairless pump bottle so you can see hereclose-up that it pushes all the productup towards the top so you don't have togo digging at the bottom for likeleftover foundation so you definitelyget your money's worthour my most favorite favorite favoritefavorite and block product in the worldtop of the chart right at the top numberone has to be the pigments theyhands-down have the best collectionthere are so many colors he has a lot offor your colors glitter sparkles Dourochrome colors honestly they're justliterally given to my eyeballs I think Ihave about 30 sheets if you guys want tosee them all swatch and a video let meknow down in the comments and I will getthat up for you alright so here I havemy message I shadow palette you can seeit's a beast as huge but they also comeand make smaller palette sizes if youwant as well so these palettes you canchoose your own sheet if you aren'tfamiliar that eyeshadows assault asrefills you can take them out replacethem if you hit pan you can change yourcolors around everything is pretty muchmagnetic now I find and got eyeshadowsto be quite affordable considering thatthey really good quality and pigmentedyou can customize your own palettemeaning that you will use every shadeand your color and there's nothing gointo waste so I think cost wise it'svery very friendly very affordablenow I'm a big fan of and got skullpencils I probably use the shade themost and the waterline now quickly Idon't like to use white in the waterlineI just find it I know it's just too muchabout for like someone who is very paleit's fine but I mostly use this shadebecause it's still bright but it's moreof like a creamy vanilla shade asopposed to like a stark white I kind ofbrush there i swatched it next to awhite eyeliner but I just don't think ofit at that time but they would be anobvious difference for the eyebrows Ilove to use the N watt brow gel linerthey're very creamy and quite as similarto the an associate brother Meade'sexcept I find that then what ones don'tdry out as quickly now the sheath I usethe most of sixteen and seventeensixteen is a good medium brown more cooltone and seventeen as a darker Brown butit's more of a chocolate brown now myfavorite lip liner out of all the lipliners I own not just from angle butfrom any brand my favorite is the angleif M lip liner and 8x4this is a lip liner that I repurchase somany times I just have to have it it'sjust like firm it's the perfect brownishnude lip liner so it doesn't look BrownII pink it doesn't look brownie plumbrownie peach it's just like a perfectbrown now famines your eyeshadows youcan customize how to post as well andeven blushes like all sorts you can atmakeup and I use this for my kit so Ihave the HD pressed powders which I usedto set the face and then down and thatbottom right corner is a bronzer so thisis what the cover looks like you canjust slide it on and off it's the bestway to take off the coverand you can see it has magnets on eachcorner so that is what makes it stickand then you can also stack pallets ontop of each othernow like you laughs we have the sparkledust if you like intense highlightinglike beaming strobing booming highlightthen you will other stuck with usthere's a few shades to choose from forall skin tones I recommend a spritz inthe face first or your brush and thenby now identify another place betterlike that and you can also use the bodymix in one but a moisturizer for thatlike some kiss the glowy celebrity typeof look these are literally bomb and youcan even use them on the eyes as wellalso just want to mention that I have adiscount code for my New Zealand andAustralian followers you can use jar 16at checkout to save some more life foryou guys now I do want to mention that Idon't make any commission from yoursales at or $0 this is just for you guysto save yourself the money thank youguys for watching and I will see you inmy next video bye
