MY TOP Ecommerce Marketing Tools For Social, Email & Productivity

this is Stacy from brazen profit lab andin today's video which is part two of atwo-part series where I share with youmy top ecommerce business tools we'regoing to be looking at the tools that Iuse for social media management emailmarketing and productivity so withoutfurther ado let's get started with toolnumber and that is convertkit now thisis the email service provider that I useto manage all my emails to send myemails and to track what's happeningwith my email subscribers now I am gonnasay convertkit is not an email serviceprovider that is specifically designedfor e-commerce it integrates seamlesslywith Shopify and it does a lot of whatyou need an email service provider to dobut there are some more high leveloptimizations that convertkit just isn'tset out to dothat being said I've been using it forthe last year I plan to continue usingit for at least a few more monthsbecause it does the job I understandit's easy to use and it's with anaffordable price range so tool numbertwo which is not exactly at all as suchmore of a platform and it's a platformthat I use when there is something thatI need to do in my business that iseither outside of my skill set outsideof my desire sir in other words like Ihave literally zero desire to do it andI'm willing to pay for someone to do itor I don't have the time to do it so anexample might be that I need someone toedit video for me or I need someone tocreate banners that are of a higherlevel than I can do myself in canva or Ineed someone to white out images or youknow create vectors the service that Ilike to use in a service called Fiverr Iuse them all the time because you canget lots and lots of tasks outsourcedfor your business for as low as fivebucks now I will say there was a timewhen you know think generally costed afiver a tenner on Fiverr now you'll findyou know that the name of the serviceisn't as kind of factual as what theservice is like anymore because you canpay a lot lot more for services onFiverrthat being said you can still get greatservices outsourced for five bucks Imean five bucks to save you four or fivehours of your time I'm totally in aFiverr is a service that I like to usethe most but I need small simple tasksoutsourcemy business quickly and efficiently nowtall number three is gonna be thePomodoro timer love love love love loveme a Pomodoro timer now the PomodoroTechnique is a concept that was designedby Francesco crille oh I believe hisname was back in the late 90s and it's away of working that allows you to dofocused detailed you know really in thezone work for a set period of time andthen to kind of relax bench stretch getsome water you know answer an emailspeak with your spouse you know I don'tknow do some yoga some downward dog deepbreathing whatever you get my pointin another brief period of time nowgenerally that works is 25 minutes on gogo go go go five minutes a break and arest now the reason I love the PomodoroTechnique so much and I have a Pomodorotimer installed on my macbook is that itallows me to break my working flow upinto periods of intense focus work soI'm being far more productive in thetime that I'm working and it alsoencourages me to remove my body tohydrate to go to the bathroom sometimes- even if it's just to kind of rest myeyes and get away from the screen whenyou're working for yourself you canspend an exorbitant amount of timehunched over your screen just really youknow narrowed in which is good forgetting stuff done but sometimes it canbe counterproductive and I love thePomodoro Technique for allowing me tohelp me focus on the most importanttasks for my business but also to remindme to take a step back to have a breakand I've put a link to the Pomodorotimer that I love to use down below andlucky for you is completely free and youcan get it on Google Chrome so guyswe're at the halfway mark in this videoif you found any of these tools helpfulthen don't forget to give this video athumbs up and if you're new here and youwould like access to more content justlike this now would be a great time tosubscribe get busy hitting thatsubscribe buttonnow so tip number four and this has gotto be one of the longest standing toolsin my talk it I don't use it everysingle day as much as I used to but I dofind whatever I choose to use it it'salways effective and that is a toolcalled focus at will this is a premiumtimer it's atrivet II timer kind of similar to thePomodoro Technique timer that I use butthe thing I love about focus at will isit plays binaural beats music the musicwas like to stimulate your focus tostimulate your concentration that's beenscientifically proven to help youconcentrate and it allows you to reallyzero in on a specific task that you wantto do with the right kind of music inthe background designed to help you getthe job donedesigned to help you focus now I pay 399a month for this tour half done probablyfor about four years now and one of thethings I really love about focus at willis it lets you change the music changethe channel so sometimes I use you knowcinematic sometimes I use up-temposometimes I use baroque depending on howyou're feeling it lets you change thechannel but it also lets you track howmany sessions that you have done usingfocus at will per week or per day whichI find just great to help you see howproductive you're actually being allright tour number five is a app basedtool called annum I'm not inspired bythe name I'm not really sure where theywere going with unab but what does annumdo animal aoz you to plan out yourInstagram feed on your phone beforeposting to Instagram it doesn't post itfor you but it will give you a reminderto post it lets you put your hashtags inand a bunch of other stuff I don'tactually do all of that in annum what Iuse uh none for is as a visualstoryboard so I can kind of see whatposts I want to put in where they kindof fit into that visual story and thento remind me to post and the good thingabout annum is there is a free alightpackage but I do actually pay for thepremium version of the app because itgives you more tiles more squares andit's just something that I kind of wantto be able to see that visual story ifyou're still looking for an Instagramvisual planner I recommend anin thereare many others out there but that's theone that I use so guys tool number sixand this is gonna be a tool that I haveused day-in day-out for at least four tofive years now but people tell me thatthey don't use this I I don't get itbecause it really does do the job andthat is Google Docs and Google Drive thething I love about Google Docs andGoogle Drive is allowsto have some cloud-based storage tostore images videos anything that Idon't want on my computer on my cameraon my phone can all be backed up withinGoogle Drive or Google Docs it allows meto create formspreadsheets handouts anything that'sthe written work within my business getsdone within Google Drive and Google Docsbut what I really love about it is it'scompletely collaborative I cancollaborate with contractors withpartners with people that I'm working ona project with and you can see the timesthe dates what people have done it'sprobably one of the most used toolswithin my business and surprise surpriseit's a free one however because I useGoogle for work which means I have apaid for Google account I do pay acouple of dollars each year for thisservice but for me it's totally worth itand you may find it worth it too nowmoving on to tool number seven and thisis tailwind and tell wind tribe now whatyou probably don't know is that I don'tfocus on Instagram as the main socialmedia channel for either of mybusinesses for my product business or myconsulting and digital product businessin fact I have very low subscribers onboth of those platforms what I do focuson is Pinterest why because I foundPinterest to be the most efficient atdriving the right type of traffic andyou know how I know it works because theanalytics tell me so I see what pagespeople go to how long they spend onthose pages and more importantly howmany of those convert into eithersubscribers or customers and I get firstsubscribers and customers from Pinterestthe thing is with Pinterestunlike Instagram you have to be a lotmore active on that platform to get thebest results and unless you want to beon there all day every day you are goingto need some tools that help you stayproductive and stay consistent now thetools that I love the most a tailwindI'm gonna leave a link down below sothat you can actually see everythingchowin has to offer and get signed upfor a free trial and guarantee you onceyou see exactly what tailwind is capableof well it's time to go over to a paidaccount if you are serious about makingPinterest one of the leading sorts ofthe traffic to your business you aregonna be happy to sign up for it nowabout a year or sotalent introduced something calledtribes tribes was brought in to addanother layer of community sharing thathad kind of been watered down anddiluted by by Pinterest Group boardswhich while still popular were not aseffective as they used to be I'm notgonna tell you everything that tell whentribes does but I will tell you theTailwind tribes as a premium add-on totell wind actually has been the mostsuccessful tactics that I have beenusing to drive traffic to my ecommercebusiness now as you can probably imaginethere are some product some niches thattend to do incredibly well on Pinterestthese are gonna be food and drink healthand fitness and wellness and beauty wellas luck would have it my skincare brandactually fills within the wellness andbeauty industry and love the contentthat we promote and create also fallsinto the health and wellness leash whichmakes Pinterest a great platform for meto be on and which makes it worth beinvesting in tell when tribes becauseI'm creating and sharing the type ofcontent that those power uses onPinterest are interested in creating andsharing too so I will leave a link downto an article about toen tries to tellyou all about why it's a valuable toolfor your business so to number 8 guysand we're onto the last two tools and Iknow this has been a long video but Iwanted to make a video that wascomprehensive because I'm honest all thetime about the tools that I used to runmy business I do actually have anarticle all about that over on my blogand I'll link down to it but I realizenot everybody wants to go through apiece of content like that which is whyI created this video and spit it up intotwo parts so tool number eight and thenit's gonna be boomerang now what isboomerang boring is a bit of softwarethat you can plug into Gmail that allowsyou to do a couple of things that Iloathe to say whether I should telleverybody about this but what allows youto do is one check if people are openingyour emails if they are being read nowyou could use this as a force for goodand a force for evil a force for evil iswhen you're gonna you know send an emailtoboyfriend and their check now only meokay let's talk about how use it forevil how you use it for good could bethat if you are reaching out tosuppliers if you are reaching out topotential collaborators people you wereinterested in liaison with around someaspect of your businessboomerang will allow you to see whetheryour emails are being opened and asecondary thing that boomerang allowsyou to do is to schedule a follow-upemail should that not be the case so anexample may be that you send out aletter to a potential vendor that you'reinterested in working with and you cansee within three or four days that thatvendor hasn't clicked or opened youroriginal email or you can actuallyschedule a follow-up email on a specificday at a specific time should thatvendor not get in touch with you and Iuse boomerang on a near-daily basis inmy business to help me schedule emailsthat need to go out and to help me checkwhether the emails I'm sending out areactually effective are they doing thejob now the good thing about it is thatyou're actually able to use boomerangfor a certain amount of credits permonth for nadafree zero zilch if you go over that acertain amount of sends using boomerangthey are gonna want you to pay a bit ofa premium and to be honest I would havepaid the premium there's something atthe end like of their marketing that'sdesigned to get me to sign up which Ikind of find really lame and every timeI go to pay them it just puts me offso boomerang maybe you should fix thatend screen because it's reallypatronizing but anyway let's dive intothe final tool tool number nine on mylist of top ecommerce marketing toolsthat every store owner should have rightso tool number nine in my list of topecommerce marketing tools is socialwarfare love love love love love lovelove social warfare for a long time Ididn't pay for a particular plugin thatwas designed to share my social proofwith people until I discovered socialwelfare it's used by some of the bestbloggers out there people like MichelleSchroeder for making sense of sense likea lot of the top bloggers who you admireand respect if you can see their socialmedia shares you can nine times outand guarantees that the Perkin thatthey're using is social warfare nowbecause I actually as I've said multipletimes have my e-commerce business set upa bit differently and that my blog ishosted on WordPress and my store andShopify that allows me to use socialwarfare because it's a wordpress pluginso it's hosted on my wordpress blog andi'm gonna show you an example of what itlooks like visually here and if i canshow you the mobile experience i'm gonnabe able to i'll put an example of thatnow now I pay I think $29 or $39 I can'tremember the exact amount for socialwarfare on an annual basis and I thinkthis is money well spent because it's areally really well-designed lightweightquick to load social media plug-in andI've just found that it works reallywell on desktop and mobile and my sitejust looks better using this then onsome of the other three clunky toolsthat I've used in the past okay guys Ineed to draw for breath because goodnessgracious me this video has been longerthan I thought it would be but I hopethat you have found it helpfulinteresting engaging fun no okay eitherway if you found it useful at all don'tforget to give this video a thumbs upand if you're new here don't forget tohit the subscribe button fat my bang youmight subscribe button so you could bethe first to note when I put out newcontent just like this I'm Stacy this isthe end of today's short video and I'llsee you on the next one
