Paul Getter – The Internet Marketing Nerd- Accelerate Your Online Marketing

[Music]the biggest problem that marketers haveis building a system that generates aconsistent revenue day in and day outthese individuals that are makingmillions of dollars online are doingthings that the average marketers arenot doing the difference between the guythat is making seven and eight figuresthrough an online business is that theyhave spent a huge amount of money intheir marketing online running ads andthey've been able to create a hugeamount of data they've learned whatworks what doesn't workbefore I had access to this data I I waslosing I was spending money and losingand losing always frustrated alwaysupset but as soon as you start to seethe data as soon as you start to see theresults and what works it opens up ahuge door of opportunity that you canmove quicker you can scale you can spinquicker and make[Music]why am i sharing this data I believepeople really need to see the truthabout online marketin the internet marketing industry it'sa world full of individuals trying tosell something that they've never reallydone before in over ten years I've spentover 1 billion dollars running ads andcampaigns for the dnews themselves whenit comes down to it this is your lifeyour business your success do you wantthe bad data or do you want the good[Music]
