Proven Internet Marketing System to Sell Digital Products

hey guys this is me in vacation in Baliright now my hair's not done I'mactually in my resort here in Bali partI thought you guys I just want to referthis very very important video okay sothe thing that would occur in thesevideos mainly about something that couldpropel you from where you are now towhere they want to be and they weretalking about actually building thesystem that allows you to build abusiness around it okay now that's notgoing to be easy not fitting yourselfinto an existing system becauseeverybody is different right but I didmy best to give a stuff that I thinkwork for as many people as possiblewithout much complications okay so theyou my opinion the easiest way tosucceed is to use the word elaborateokay so without rich to your into yourequation into your system debt so I'vebeen very fortunate to be able to meet alot of very successful people I meanpeople who are making hundreds ofmillions of dollars every single yearand the vanilla showed me ideas in termsof being able to do it okay becauseeverybody knows the same 24 hours dailythey're ready the same amount of brainscience how can these personallyhundreds of millions of dollars orsomething you know hundreds of dollars amonth right so this guy should be thatin order to see you need to be willaverage other people and leverage othertools and methods in order to propel youfrom where you are right now – well youmight be so for example okay if you'renot good at selling what you want to dois super on average people who are goodat something and have them do the cellwith you so you do not need to do theselling if you're not going to createproducts don't free products right goand leverage other people to do it foryou you don't need to do it so that'sthe pointunderstand soon right now on a piece ofpeople or you screwed up your strengthsand weaknesses right what I was on aweakness column okay those are thethings they need to leverage thosethings are highly people to do it alltime around with the other people coulddo it okayso for example I'll give you threeexamples here one if you cannot createproduct – if you cannot sell a numberthree if you cannot drive traffic okayso these are the three obstacles thatmost people have when it comes tocreating a solid this job productbusiness online so here we goso if you cannot create a product sohere are a few things I recommend you todo so recent things are actually usingmy own company in my own business myselfso for example if I want to create apart of God and I am not clear aboutcoughing I don't know how often worksI don't think all right let's interactif they called one time pet so if I'mgonna create a product about blockageI'm not good person to create because Iwant an authority in God and I'm noteven good at come on even have a golfequivalents at home so what I would dois I'll go online up on udemy SkillshareYouTube and only for experts I'm greatat what they're doing which is teachinggolf right and I'll have like thesepeople and say hey you know I love yourproducts I love the videos is there anychance that we could do something herebecause what I can promise you is that Ican say little parts I can do theselling for you you don't need to worryabout that all you need to do thisreally really simple you just you knowshadow rule videos with meokay and I'm selling for you andeverything was selling on P Royal dealsyou know 10% $1 $2 $5 the way Istructured my deal always to 15 mm centsor 10 percent okay just to be fair thatpoor operator and also myself which ithink is really really good deal ifyou're using a platformclick bang it actually automates that Iwrote the feeding processI even wore a class on jvzoo becausethey have something this distinct lonchaney or jvcom track ok so there you gothat's great easy way to credit on ourway and use it you know the first partin putting videos and say hey I want tosell your videos in another platform andyou cannot pay your idea most people sayyes because they're in it to make moneyeverybody's in it to make money so youneed to be able to create a win-winsituation here you make money you wouldthey make money they live so it's awin-win situationok that's method number one a method ofthe 208 products very easy disciplinewell if you want to keep it a part of acup of coffee what you need to do is gointo your kit and look for the garlic'sbut so the way I will do is I put yellowpages a little golf teachers or even Ican go off teaching and off experts ongolf you know gonna call it offtrainer or whatever I put in Google andI'm just look for an X but in my areaand I'll come pick that X but write afew emails give a few phone calls andsay hey I will interview you for about60 minutes and I want to talk to you andI want to be able to help my audiencewho are very passionate conference thatis that how they get better at golfright can you help me out with thatso muslim' say yes because people loveto be in tell you because when youpropose an interview that you like youknow that's amazing I am an expertthat's where this person is interviewingme okay so most people say yes arecorded interview if you cannot beatthat in person okayand you will need to actually quote overSkype or Google hangout highly suggestit's an incredible tool and you canreport of free and useful face personalspace as well which is amazing butideally you know even person in personwould definitely be the best choice heretoday okay now that's how leverage otherapparently it's oh that's not wanna helpleverage other people to do the sellingfrom you so the selling part is that youknow that have been wanted to go when itcomes to without religion because youwill need to actually understand that inorder for you to sell products youyourself must understand what a part isso the best way to sell your products isto combine it with the leverage oftraffic so we should pause or thirdsolution which is 250 leads right so thething is none of them sell you didn'tget assessment but the thing is youcannot train some of the biggerassessment very very quickly it'ssomething that takes years and years andyears to learn right and traffic is alsochanging it for example Facebook Googlethey're always changing the algorithmanalysis really hug words to adaptyourself to these networks unless 100percent in it so what is Jesse to do isthat you can leverage affiliates to dothe selling and the universe of thelisten to the traffic for you so here'san example an illustrative example foryou so let's say you have the golfingpart that you have to park that Yammersales page done and your website allright up on top it's ready to go and asa pivot button link to appear currentlythe Clickbanklink to whatever you're using the acceptpayment right so now you have anaffiliate or where you go on that you'regoing to the marketplace and you simplylook at your competitors product okaythe commander's listing of a predatorspar name is gone 101 okay say Googlegolf 101 reviews on Gawker won by thosekeywords got 101 Peace Studies orwhatever right therebasically you look for your competitorsI feel it's people who are promotingyour competitors products and getting acommission out of it so what you wannado is your approach these competitionsofto say hey you know I've been lookingand then single-arm just wanna rockaround for some time now I make a greatmarketer I this brand new broker thatwhat you share with your audienceI wouldn't give this to you and in factI want to give you 25% more permissiontheir competitors rule okay so I'm gonnapick way more right oh you mean okaythat's well well if it is for me tospray I'll push it down like this soundseasier sauce easier than it iswell the thing is it's a numbers gameyou need a person s if 30 people just toget about five people to put on youalright 30 people just get fined about afine people will be more than worth itfor example if you have each of themdriving you just ten cells a day that's50 cellsI'm people 50 cell it'll make this $10 aday fifty times 10 I make a knows eachcell 50 times 10 is a $500 a day in amonth that's $15,000 in net profitswhich is insane insane okay so thenumbers of the three it doesn't matterit's part of the quality of affiliatesokayso the thing is when it totals in itthere will of course be more likely torespond to you because you're a vendoryou're a seller and the way to see it isthat sounds lovely problems affiliatessounds that usually want to communicateinterference that's really the situationour biggest sellers establish someone'sget so much contact from a few minutesthat advance it can hardly contact themso it can help me talk to thembut it's switch the situation around youbecome very communicative you have mylove unit if they need an article or myproduct you go and credit if theyneither something about partner you goand have them do it then they'll firstbe much more obliged to actually helpyou I says them traffic to you and ifyou can build well the prior is greatbut is an expert from an expert it willraise the conversion rate and I feel asa topic even more traffic okay andthat's exactly how it works rightleverage so I hope you enjoy this videowe understand a little bit about howthat business works and how you canapply iton tour this video comment below likeand share below so that I know that wehave one last video that we're gonna bereleasing very very soon so I'm prettyexcited about that video and have youwant to be able to be released quicklycomment below tell us and we'll quicklyrush them did you offer you that withamazing content that in fact that nextvideo is gonna be about how to apply toyou how to apply the same system make ithappen for yourselfpumping 10,000 to 20,000 dollars of itsevery single month into your businessright now thank you so much disgustingoutside huh
