Shopify vs Woocommerce | Best Ecommerce Platform? | Ecom Insiders

hey guys what's going on it's James hereback with econ insiders in today's videoI'm going to be talking about Shopifyfirst WooCommerce and which platform Iuse them what I think you should use Ido get this question quite a lot in theFacebook group and you can join thegroup down below with over 20,000members but let's jump in it I'll letyou know what I think of Shopify unrealcommerce and give you my opinion and youcan make a decision for yourself to goahead and set up your store on whateverone you want so today is there two of 30day video challenge you're going to befollowing along make sure and drop alike down below and subscribe to yourmetas videos but yeahShopify first week Commerce so justbefore I start I've never actuallyhosted any of my stores on wood commerceI have built client sites on WooCommerceback probably two three years ago notfour years ago possibly backgroundsbuilding websites for clients and Ibuilt them back then and it is a littlebit more complicated from a shelf placeon point I'm from a beginner standpointjust coming into this sort of tackycommerce Speirs Shopify is going to bemuch easier for you just set up and getgoing so basically like with with me Ican set up a shelf life store within inless than an hour we can have a storewith all the basics in it up and runningand that's done too you know it has allthe app so that you need basicallyanything I teach or anything on thischannel is none of your little Shopifysue it probably is similar apps on youknow WordPress but the thing but she'llfly is it's all in one place so you'vegot your Shopify go in there you can buyyour domain from Shopify the hostingwith Shopify all the apps are withinshell provides app store whereas withWordPress and WooCommerce you know it'snot only would commerce its WooCommerceis just a plugin for WordPress and againyou're gonna have to go to if you wantto get certain plugins you want to getapps so like Oh Barlow or shop light upto fulfill your ordersI think there is actually alternativeson WooCommerce but again you have to goto different website and find them plugthem it's a lot longer process and it'sgoing to take you a lot longer to set upreally compared to Shopify where she'llfight got these great templates greatfree templates like a lot of my storesrun on free templates right up until acouple of months ago when we moved itover but they have these great freetemplates are that they just workthey're clean you don't have to do anycoding you don't have to do any realcustomization you can change colorsaround put your logo in and doeverything you need to do basicallythat's all there for you without havingto do any of the techie side of stuff Ido have my ecomp insiders blog who siton WordPress and just from moving fromshelf way to WordPress it is a littlebit more complicated it is a lot moresort of functionality and it's a lotmore to customize direction open optionswhich are grids but when you're gettingstarted it's just going to confuse youyou don't need to be generally of thatsort of stuff you're going to probablystruggle to find some of the apps I'msort of in this spacethe Shopify dropshipping sort of naturethat's been created any plugins that arebeing made any sort of apps that are beamazed and it seems that are being madethey're all being made specifically forthis community and it there's a reasonit's called Shopify dropshipping versuswith calmer structures because Shopifyhas really a lot of people to just goahead and get in quickly on start thesestores for me it's just Shopify shouldbe easy to use like you know as I saidstarted the video I can go in Kritastore in under an hour and have it upand running you know it's just type inyour login details download your appsthat you need a solder super-functionalyou know the apps just work when youplug them in you most of them you knowthere is a few that you have to do somecustomization with but a lot of them arejust plug and play ready to go whereason with commerce I find when I was maybethis has changed in the last few yearsbut back when I was chattingsetting up the stores for clients you dorun into a lot more problems andsometimes takes a bit of time to fix emor you have to tweak a little bit ofcode so that's why I prefer Shopifyeverything's just plug and play ready togo be one of no worries about you knowkind of configure your hosting trying tosort out your domain against badinshaallah find get goingthe shelf i planned you know i thinkthis is the biggest reason why peopleare confused when they come in becausethey're like you know i can start a woodcommerce site to just have for myhosting and demand I'm pretty much readyto gowhereas on the travel fight is a littlebit more expensive probably and we'vegot your $29 a month plan or the $79 I'mum but you know if you're really goingto take us further I'm really gonna youknow move forward I'm not worried about$30 or a couple of $5 app fees becauseI'm going to be a lot more positivepositive and I'd rather just have thespeed to functionality without havingeyes over here then you know spend a lotmore time trying to figure this I'd kindof fix the problems just to see of a fewfew dollars because I'm really aboutopportunity and moving forward quicklyrather than trying to you know scrimpand see if Penny's over here instead ofcondiment you know dollars over here andthat's really my V on it I do recommendgoing for Shopify if you want to grabShopify I have a twenty one there freetrial 10% off for a year you can getthat done in the link of this video andyou can check it out there Iyou can make a decision or child flyvirtual commerce but again a lot of thistutorials that I do a lot of tutorialsthat anybody does are BSN Shopify supersimple to use you'll be set up withinyou know if you're brand new andbeginner you can set up a website withAnna dad no butter with Shopify whereaswith WordPress and WooCommerce I'm notsure that's possible but again how doyou do your own research and make yourown informed decision but fordropshipping Shopify if you're in any ofmy coursesyou're gonna want to be in champ ughthat's what I teach but I see a lot ofpeople also migrating from WordPresslogical commerce over the shelf lifejust because it's so simple and easy touse in the functionalities thereforeeverything you need everything pluggedin the and also shelf life support isinsanely good so though it was prettymuch instant reply they'll help you outlook when your store and change thingsfor you and make sure everything'sworking and I think you get I guess afree are off like that when added stufffor you which is pretty cool so let thisI'll see you guys in the next videotomorrow if you enjoyed this video likethe video down below make sure andsubscribe I'll see you guys in the nextone
