Start an e-commerce business with no money 2019 (how I did it)

if you have always wanted to work foryourself but you don't know where tostartyou think it costs too much money I amhere to tell you that you can 100% do itfor yourself I did it for myself I was amother at 16 years old I have threechildren and I don't think I'm done yetand I've had seven startups in my timewith no official experience and verylittle startup funds so stay tuned I'mgoing to take you on a journey through acouple of my stories and hopefully sparka bit of inspiration in you[Music]hey guys what's up welcome back to mychannelyes I do that I recorded another one aweek later just as promised if you don'tknow what I'm talking about it's in myvideo from last week and yesI am filming in my bathroom becausesomeone has come along with the whippersnipper the garden guys here so I mightbe hiding and hopefully you won't hearit I also just want to say before we goon that I'm doing another giveaway atthe end of this video and it's my brandsupple skin CO I'm giving away a freshskin pack clear skin pack sorry I shouldknow the name clear skin pack a value280 dollars and that will includeshipping worldwide and it is fantasticfor both men and women so stay tuned forthat and I'll also announce that we'renot at some point in this video fromlast week's videolet's get started I know you're probablythinking why start nowit's may what five months into the yearyou do the thing that we all do and youkeep putting it off and putting it offand then you wait till the New Year'sresolutions but I'm here to tell you noit does not matter that we're fivemonths into the year because you knowwhy all it takes is one month youliterally this time next month could berunning your own business I'm going totell you a story about a couple of mystartups and hopefully it will startsome inspiration in you and then I'mgoing to do a video next week where Iwill detail step-by-step some actionablesteps where you can actually get startedokay so as I mentioned I've had sevenstartups some of them bombed a couple ofthem bombed but most of them were quitesuccessful and I'm going to tell youabout one of them that I started when mychildren were young I did this from homeas a mother and I started the businesswith pretty much no money it wasdefinitely less than a hundred dollars Ican't remember exactly how much it wasbut it was less than a hundred dollarsand that was a children's clothing labelbasically what I did was I had beeninquiring about wedding dresses becauseI also had a wedding gown business whichI sold online and I was talking to mymanufacturingChina and we're talking about thesepetty skirts they were called they wereonly available in America at the timebut there was a huge demand here inAustralia for them from photographers inparticular but they were spending ahundred and thirty dollars to get themfrom America to Australia so I did someresearch did some googling and my Bridalmanufacturer could make these petitskirts at first I was going to make themwith my mum because my mom was adressmaker so we did up a sample of itbut I knew that I also had themanufacturer in the background that I'dsourcedwe did a sample of this skirt and Ispent that day googling as manyphotographers as I could I got all theirdetails I noted them all down I hadabout 300 photographers I had theiremail addresses I took photos of theskirts really beautiful photos and Istarted a Facebook page so I had nowebsite I had spent no money at thispoint apart from some fabrics for my mumto make this skirt and I started aFacebook page where I listed thedifferent skirts I think there were sixcolors at the time and I listed them for$80 which was a lot less than spending ahundred thirty to get them here fromAmerica right so what I did once hadcreated that page and had some niceimages on there I then sent that page tothose 300 photographers emails and Ididn't do it in a bulk email you don'twant to do that I did it one by one Imade it very personable and what I didwas they introduced my brand which wasknown as Princess ratbag and I said tothem that the first five photographersto contact me I would give them a freeskirt and the rest of the photographersI would do an intro deal for fiftydollars for a skirt so my way ofthinking with that was that if I gaveskirts to five photographers perfect toget some beautiful content shots catalogshots and if I do them cheap foreveryone else again I would still havesome beautiful content shots becausethey're photographers so I sent thisemail out to 300 of them and I would sayprobably about I don't know maybe 70 or80 children's photographersto me it was incredible and some of themordered more than one skirt so I hadover 300 skirt orders within a 48-hourperiod can you believe that that isinsaneand at this point remember I had spentno money so I had the photographer'scontact me that said yep I'll take thefree skirt and I chose the first five Isent them skirts over the next week tophotograph and oh my goodness they tookthe most beautiful images I only wishthat the internet was as active backthen so I had these photos to show youbecause that was how old's my daughterthat was about 12 years ago now sothere's not a lot left online this waswhen the internet was sort of in it'snot it's early days but we weren't usingit as much so yeah I did that and thatbusiness took off over 300 skirt orderswhich meant that I had to use thatmanufacturer quick smart I got her I putall of that money into doing a stockorder with her which for that amount ofmoney I was able to get a huge volume ofskirts made and lots of different colorsand lots of different sizes and I ran mybusiness through Facebook for the firstfew monthsfast forward to 12 months later I had 70stockists Australia and worldwide and Iwas going to trade shows with my skirtsI was creating beautiful photo shootsI'm talking children's boat worthy Ireally put a lot of love and effort intothat and my Facebook community was hugeand we would make an event of it everyFriday night I would do a particularflash sale women would come online withtheir champagne ready to go and theywould talk and laugh amongst each otherI'd be really excited and be ready to gofor this sale so I could make anywherebetween 20 and 50 thousand dollars inone night when I have one of those saleswhich is absolutely crazy so there's astory in a bit of a nutshell aboutPrincess ratbag and how I started thatbusiness with pretty much no money andjust let it fund itself to its growth onthe brand that I'm going to tell youabout is one that my friend and Istarted because we felt that there was alot of competitionin the market at the time and that brainstill exists today I sold it to someonethat I know and she's doing really wellfrom it it's still a beautiful productshe's increased the range and that'sstill up and running so I'll put detailsof that in here so what we did was wewanted a body oil that was reallynourishing that would help her stretchmarks and scars and even out the skintone and we used to use another productof very famous product which I'm sureeveryone's heard of which is bio oil andI'd always love to bio oil but one theprice got me and two there was a lot ofingredients in there I love to useproducts that have minimal ingredientsso we decided to make our own and thisinitially was just for our own use wewere testing it out we loved it wethought it was amazing so we decided tosell it what we did from there was wefound a manufacturer over in China whocould do bottles for us we knew that ithad to be aesthetic for it to show up onpeople's Instagram feeds so we made surethat it was very minimalist it couldlook good on anyone's bathroom shelf ontheir vanity in their bathroom in theirbedroom in their car on the beachwherever they'd like to take it becauseit doubled as a tanning oil and a skinperfecting body oil and we made thebottle a bit like a Voss bottle so I'llinsert a photo if I know how to do ithere to show you what it looks like andagain we had very little budget it wasdefinitely less than $500 we bought ouroils we made our blends we bought thebottles which i think was about ahundred and something dollars we startwith just two hundred bottles we had avery cheap website done and I got mybrother to help me with that but headsup if you don't know someone you can usea Shopify website you can use a freetemplate and you can build a websiteyourself they have fantastic tutorialsand I've since done that myself so it isreally not that hard and you candefinitely do it if you put the time inso we had these bottles filled I had abeautiful friend of minea baker who I'm still so grateful fortoday because I had no images we didn'thave the product yet we didn't have thebottles yet but I wanted to startpromoting itso she allowed me to use some of hermodeling shots where she was in bikinisas sort of the cover face of the brandif you don't have someone like thatwhere you can use their images there'salways stock images just make surethey're not too tacky or corny you wantthem to be able to speak to your targetmarketso I used Shauna's pictures I used themon our socials I used them on thewebsiteI had postcards printed and all of thatwas ready to go before the bottles evenarrived for us to start filling and wealready started taking pre-ordersbecause we were launching on our websiteand our Instagram with a special I thinkwe then put in maybe a couple of hundreddollars for some micro influences wherewe would pay them $50 and we sent freeproduct to some people once the bottlesarrived and then that's it it went fromthere and that was a great littlebusiness as well but we started fromnext to nothing and then let it grow allby itselfI hope my story time helped spark alittle bit of inspiration in you maybeyour brain is ticking and you'rethinking of different ideas that you cando like I said at the beginning makesure you stay tuned next week I'm goingto put up another video and I'm going tohave actionable steps step by step butfor you to be able to start your brandand little tips and little nuggets ofinformation that I can give you to helpthat a little bit further I did promisethat I was going to give away a clearskin pack in this video so all I wantyou to do is give this video a like makesure you subscribe to my channel andleave a comment below and let me know ifstarting a business is something you'reinterested in doing or what brought youhere to my video or to my channel let meknow where you're fromlet me know a little bit about youanything I'm open to it I'm all ears Ilove chatting with you so whatever youfeel like sharing with meI'm here for it and just like last weekI will announce the winner in nextweek's video for today's competition sothat brings me to the last video Ipromised I would announce the winner I'mgoing to jump on now and I'm going toflick through at random and just pick acomment and pick a winner okay lastweek's prize is going to ana tibi shemade me laugh about her shop team at Idon't know if any of you have ever triedto shaktiman anyway I digress I'm losingtrafficI am awarding this to Ana TV a Thank YouAna head over to my Instagram which iscandy cocoa camp shoot me a DM with yourdetails and I will send that off to youI'm really committed to filming thesevideos for you guys because I want otherpeople to have the freedom that I haveits financial freedom it is freedom tocreate your own future to live life eachday the way that you want to do it andas a mom especially for me it's reallyimportant that I get the choice to dothis and I can honestly say I have neverbeen as happy as what I am this year andit's all thanks to the freedom I havecreated for myself so I want you to havethat and you can do it I'm going to helpyou as much as I can but you need tostay tuned for the next few videos okaybecause I'm going to break it down inmultiple steps so make sure yousubscribe hit the bell for notificationsso you don't miss out I really want tomake sure I can share this with you andyou don't miss the info all right guysthat's the end of my video for todaythank you so much for tuning in and forwatching for giving me your time I knowyou hear it all the time but if youenjoyed this if you enjoyed listeningand if you want me to do more give it abig thumbs up it helps me out a lot andI hope to see you guys next week bye[Music][Applause]
