Testing the Viral Top-Selling Korean Beauty Products on Amazon … Are They Any Good?

[Music]everyone so for today's video I am goingto be trying out Amazon suggestions forthe top five three and eighty productsI'm kind of doing this with Amazon butI'm doing it k-beauty style because youknow me okay beauty I've got my computerhere on my desk which you can't see butit's here and I'm just gonna go aheadand type it Korean beauty in all and I'mjust gonna see what pops up and then Ithink I'm gonna go about just buying thefirst five things that are listed andI'm not gonna do the sponsored onesbecause I feel like that's she so itlooks like the top five we have here I'mnot gonna do this go this a to housemight be to a lovely a teen hair bandI'm not gonna do that it's not really bea product so we've got this a to housemy last year that could be funso I think I will go ahead and buy thatI've never tried that beforealright what's next okay so we havethese dermal Korea collagen essence fullface facial massive sheet these havereally good reviews sixteen uh randomones or maybe like one of each lookslike next we have the face shop ricewater bright cleansing foam and lightcleansing oil now actually funny enoughI have tried the face shop rice waterbright cleansing water I've never triedthe foam and I never tried the oil so Iguess it would be appropriate for me togo ahead and just try this one rightnext we have the Eliza Becca help orcontrol hyaluronic acid serum I've trieda lot of a life event of products I'venever tried this soI'm just gonna add this to my cart wehave I gotta find one more product so Iwant to do fiveleave the lives of eka milky piggycarbonated bubble clay mask you guysknow I've already done a floor review onthat I will link it down belowI'm not going to repurchase that andI've also tried this next one's on inPark Beauty water which I also likegonna up know I don't know but you guyshave seen it in some of my videos sothis is the Perry head of petty Inc thevelvetin beauty peak Bros I think that must bethe shade so or it's just the shade thatit went to so I'm just gonna order thatone and add that to my car and my totalis 47 86 I don't think it's badbasically like six products cuz the faceshop has two products from one so let mego to place my order and I guess I'llsee you guys in a couple days becauseI'm gonna prom these bitches and getthem to my house[Music]okay so it has been about a month that Ihave bought and tried these top sellingcream beauty products from Amazon soproduct number one that I'm going to goover is actually two productstechnically but I bought these as a secton Amazon I did not like these I need totell and did not get very far in theseproducts I guess also called thecleansing oil first you can see I usedabout this much of the product it wastwo fragrance for me and I think for2018 one of my skincare resolutions isI'm gonna start moving towards fragrancefree products but in general this hassuch a strong fragrance I just foundusing this very unenjoyable and as acleansing oil this is not an effectivecleansing oilI found it left a lot of makeup on myskin it didn't break through my eyelineror buy mascara and when I went in withmy cleanser and toner I still felt likeI had makeup on my skin so this was justnot a good cleansingI definitely use cleansing oils fromdifferent brands that I've liked moreand then for the foaming cleanser thiswas also something I did not like at alllook at the cat hair on my face I amgoing to be testing out the seed ricewater bright foaming cleanser from thefaceshop that I fought off Amazon soright now it looks like I am good toshow you guys my levels here first thingin the morning now that we have abaseline I'm gonna go ahead and wash myface okay I already tell you that myskin feels really dry you know for thatfeeling when you're like it's too cleanlike it's also I don't know if I'm crazybut it feels a little like there's stillresidue on my skin like it didn't rinseoff Farrow up whoo okay so you can seethe big difference in numbers to behonest I know that this is saying okaywe're in a safe range but I feel likethis is way too driving for my skin myskin just already feels a comfortableI also found this as very irritating onmy skin and when I was looking throughthe ingredients one thing that start outto me was obviously the sodium laurylsulfate which is something that is a bigno-no when it comes to skin creationever gazing products with sodium laurylsulfate in them I have actually beenusing this as a makeup brush cleanserusually when I get face cleansers Idon't like I either give them away orare you subtly my makeup brushes verdicton it is an effective brush cleanserdoesn't makeup brush cleanser this ispretty good but as something I would useon my face I literally use this once onmy skin it was like never again nevermoving on to the next product this isthe Eliza Becca witch piggy help morecontrol hyaluronic acid 97% now Ihonestly had low expectations for thisproduct only because the packaging wasso cartoonish I really felt like is thisa serious skincare product but I have tosay I actually like this a fair amountnow this is obviously a hyaluronic acidbased product meaning hyaluronic acid isreally good for those of us with dryskin and really all skin types canbenefit from using hyaluronic acidhyaluronic acid is something that Bond'swater to the skin so looking at theingredients in this product I have tosay fairly decent ingredients in mine inparticular does have a very heavyfragrance to it so I don't think I willcontinue using this for some reason whenI was reading other people's reviews andexperiences with this online some peopleare saying that their students havefragrance so I don't know if ElizaBecker we formulated this product andadded fragrance to it or if there is aseparate product that has no fragranceto it I'm not really sure what's goingon there or where the discrepancy lies -Rigginsby the one on Amazon it's going to havefragrance in it but that's the onlything that I don't like about thisproduct and I really wish it didn't havethat fragrance added because definitelyout of moisture to my skin it made myskin feel really soft plumped up my skinI totally noticed me wearing orbrightening aspect to it but I reallydid like this product I just wish itdidn't have fragrance now I guesstechnically the last key care productfor this video are these which are thedermal sheet masks now obviously you cantell I did not use very many of these Iused to I use the honey one and I usethe charcoal one and the charcoal one toirritate my skin but I can't but thehoney would actually make my skin feltitchy and irritated so like I mentionedI tried the charcoal and the other nightit is true back in the packaging butthese are definitely fragrance today I'mgoing to be trying this one on so thisis a cotton sheet mask looks like thisthe one that I tried the charcoal onedry it out pretty quickly it was on myface for like 10-15 minutes and it waspretty much dry after that these aredefinitely not the best quality um sheetmasks I've ever triedokay so I've had this on my skin out forfive minutes I'm gonna take it offbecause I can feel it starting toirritate my skin I'm gonna go wash myface now before I get contact dermatitisfrom something in this I didn't have anyreal reactions with the charcoal one butyeah I'll be right back a good a goodwash my face I look to the ingredientsand on Naaman specifically the onlything that I could find that wouldreally irritate my skin is thatfragrance and another thing that I dowant to know if these have parabens inthem specifically it has a methyl carbonin it now there's controversy behindparabens studies show that is completelysafe for cosmetic use some people sayit's very not safe for use on the skinsupposed to be is some type ofcarcinogen for the most part I thinkcompanies try to avoid parabens at leastusing a pair of it as a preservativebecause it's just safer not to have itin it and use something else overallthese are very mediocre sheet masks atbestI definitely just had a sheet mask thatI liked more even though these wereaffordable I just sound quality youreally get what you pay for with thesesheet masks they dry it out within 10 to15 minutes the sheet mask itself whatdid not feel very high quality and Ijust again wouldn't recommend these Iguess this next product is kind ofskincare kind of cosmetic it's likehalfway between this is the etude houseof my lash serum and this is actuallythe first lash serum I've used becauseif you guys have been on my channel fora while you guys don't know I have verysensitive eyes and to start off I guessI should show you guys what my eyelasheslook like before so we can see ifthere's any growth so I'm gonna show youguys the best of my ability what myeyelashes look like before using thelash theorem[Music]good news did not make my eyelashes fallout and I didn't have any sensitivity tothis I felt that this was actually afairly nice product I didn't necessarilynotice any type of growth or any type ofthickening of my lashes I think ifanything my eyelashes just seemed alittle bit more conditioned and I diduse this at least once a day sometimestwo if I remember to do it eithermorning or night but I didn't noticeanything crazynow this to me was essentially an extrastep I had to do and another step that Ikind of had to apply and have it grownmy lashes to the point where it lookedlike I was wearing false lashes or was atraumatic difference I would sayabsolutely I would use this but sinceI'm such a subtle difference I justthink it's something excessive that Iwouldn't necessarily go back to usingadditional notes about this product if Iuse this in the morning before I appliedmy mascara what I would do is I wouldlet this dry on my lashes and then applymy mascara after and I really didn'tnotice the difference with how mymascara applied how long it lasted oranything like that so if you are lookingto use this in the morning before yourmakeup it doesn't really affect mymascara at least for me it doesn't lessthan obviously have you only make aproduct that I purchased for this videowhich is the petit petit peri's inkvelvet the shade is that I got my in wasnumber 14 I'm actually wearing thisshade in particular on my lips right nowI also wear this in my skincare shelfievideo where I give you a little tour ofmy skincare shelf which I'll put hereand also link it down below so you guyscan watch that I actually had onealready in the shade number 8 and thisis something that I also enjoyed usingthe consistency of this is a bit of athicker consistency and as you can kindof tell it's not quite a matte but it'snot quite a shiny tint it's more ofexactly what the name implies it's moreof a velvet texture and consistentsee therefore it does have very nicecoverage it's okay you don't have to goover and layer it several times andstart a song Jodi I feel like these lastabout three to four hours before I needto apply it having said that if I'm noteating or drinking and yeah overall Ithink they're nice lip products thesewill be something I will continue to useand I will possibly buy different colorsof because I do enjoy using them so Iwould recommend those ones are you guysI hope this is helpful for those youguys are kind of curious as to if Amazonhad good Korean beauty products arrangedhigher on their search engine when youtype in Korean Beauty to be honestAmazon is somewhere is that I buy a lotof my Korean beauty products now justbecause I love me some Amazon from andI'm not very patient so if I'm get myproducts in a day or two that's always abonus so I don't want this to be likeAmazon does not carry a good communityproducts it's just some of the morepopular products I think there are a lotbetter Korean beauty products out thereso yeah I will go ahead and link theseproducts down below in the descriptionbox below just in case you're curiousabout checking them out or you want topurchase these products or anything likethatand as always if you guys are happy andhealthy and / you – great commentsubscribe share with your friends andfamily and I'll see you guys at my nextvideo bye[Music][Music]
