The First Rule of Marketing Online

so what's the secret to marketinganything online whatever you want tomarket let's talk about it I'm gettingready to go to a Seth MacFarlane the guywho started her or the creator of FamilyGuy he's doing a party with Charlie'sTheron at his house so I usually wear aseersucker shirt but I wanted to recordthis real quick for my daily vlogbecause here's the dealwhatever idea you ever have in lifenumber one obstacle will be marketing itbecause humans have a natural aversionto anything new that's why brands likecoca-cola keep winning because if youcome up with a sodanobody naturally trusts it until it'sbeen proven over and over so marketingbecomes the key to anything no matterhow great your idea if you're an artistmusician social media personentrepreneur online entrepreneur you'vegot pizza restaurant you know whateverit is you have to acquire clients andkeep them happy and so here's the numberone rule that everyone forgets don'tmarket narcissistically what I mean bythat is don't market something that onlyyou're interested in and I know thatsounds so obviouspeople are like I already know that timebut not really people don't reallyunderstand the extent to which I'mtalking about ah I'm walking here's alittle cooler that are light peopleunderstand the extent to which our brainwill naturally build our marketing onnarcissistically selfishly so let's justtake an example I saw the other day thismattress commercial you seen those everlate at night look how nice it is outtoday they call this the magic hourbecause the lights real nice but thismattress commercial has the owner andhe's not very good he's not very good oncamera and he's there talking about whyyou should buy a mattress from him and Iwas thinking dude nobody really wants tosee you like you know you're not good atdoing your commercial why don't you staybehind the scenes and I know why becausehe thought it would be cool for him tomarket himself in that way but muchbetter to make a persuasive marketingpiece you know commercial you don't seethe shirt you don't see the CEO ofcoca-colain all the commercials now there is atime if you're good on camera you canuse your own you know you can use yourown images your own videos but that wasjust an example that came to mind I wasthinking who's this guy building themarketing for himself and at the end ofthe day if you build your market foryourself you're gonna be broke period sohow do you get into the minds of peoplethat's what it really comes down to andI'll tell you the simplest way to getinto the minds of potential customers isto do rapid experimenting Rapide RapideRapide you know I did some of you haveseen some of my youtube videos thatwoman viral and they've had I justlooked check my stats in the last yearyear and a half did 540 million minuteswatched it's a lot YouTube told me theywon't tell me if it's the most but it'sa lot half a billion minutesnot just views minutes and part of thatpaid advertising and part of thatvirality there's a formula I'll talkabout that another video but when Ifirst made my very first video I evenwon with the Lamborghini it didn't notthat many people liked it it was me andJeremy just driving around and it wasn'tthat persuasive of marketing so you knowmaybe got a hundred thousand viewsversus the other one got over 100million and I was in Paris I shot thatone first one that did not go viral andI went to Paris for New Year's and thenI came back and I was like let me justkeep experimenting get inside the mindof people but instead of me presupposingI knew what was inside the line I builtsome rapid test I record about 20 30more tests and one of them was the herein my garage video which was kind of thebeginning of a lot of the social mediavideos that I did and that one's gottenno one knows exactly how many peopleviewed it maybe 100 million peopleglobally lot 50 to 100 probably more butI'll be conservative with that and thatcame from rapid experimentation Iexperimented that whole process was intwo months I did enough experimenting soif you can experiment then you won'tbuild this selfish narcissisticmarketing that just doesn't work muchtime you watch TV you'll see it all daylong and then you'll see those fewcommercials that really catch yourattention so whatever you're trying tomarket get inside through rapidexperimentationI was talking to I got a guy a friend ofmine kind of a were loosely affiliatedand his name is Adrian Morrison and hebuilt out a system what he does he goeson Facebook and he just like rapidlyexperiments products that people want tobuy he does Facebook advertising adifferent internet advertising and hediscovers through a process of trial anderror but rapid trial and error whatpeople want to buy and he can buildbusinesses extremely quicklyyou know ecommerce businesses someonewill make whatever thousand bucks amonth ten thousand and fifty thousand Idon't know the numbers are fairly big Imean he's out making 100 million bucks ayear but it's making seven figures maybeeight I'm not sure I'll have to ask himhis exact numbers doesn't matter makes agood living just selling all kinds ofstuff that you wouldn't think thatnecessarily it would be able to makethat much money but he does and heactually wrote a book I'm gonna put alink to his book he I got him to give afree download of it it's like how tobuild a profitable ecommerce businessand it's this whole system of testing alot of you asked me for how to stuff andthe daily vlog is more just generaladvice I don't have time to always layit all out especially because I got toleave in a second but I'll put a linknow he's gonna take this link down I gothim to put it up for much for how manymore days but a few more days I got himto give it away you can get the e-bookfree so he can read all the stuff and healso has a link for a workshop you canwatch I told him I'd be an affiliate forit because he's done some stuff for meon Facebook marketing because I do a lotmore on other channels but he reallyhelped me with getting my Facebookmarketing up we work with them everyweek just giving tips and advice so he'shelping me I can tell you that and somaybe it'll help you out there'll be alink somewhere here annotation or belowclick that link get his free ebook it'scompletely free and then you can sign upfor the free workshop he has a paidversion of it but you don't have to dothat if you don't want you could justget the free stuff and then for those ofyou really interested I think he has alink to some paid more advanced programbut start with the free stuff checkget out and just remember whateveryou're trying to do you must be amarketing guru a marketing master youmust understand persuasionyou must understand the mindset of yourtarget market and very few people can dothis but those who can get a huge rewardso wish you luck on what you're tryingto do trust me I've been in themarketing game my first mentor JoelSalatin was a direct marketer I was 19years old I've been learning andlearning you know from mentors alldifferent type of mentors that firstmentor and I was a 19 Joel Salatin andon and on and on and go everybody I meetwho knows a thing or two about marketingI'm picking their brain tell me I'mshowing up at their conferences I'mlooking at their online you know I readyou know I read a book a day I'm readingbooks I'm investigating I'm watching TVcommercials I'm watching and clicking oninternet banners trying to rereverse-engineer what the heck it isthese guys are doing and and I look atcelebrities look at how Oprah markyourself now Ellen Ellen DeGeneres Showyou know dj khaled now killing it onsnapchat I watch movie stuff on office Iwas in a movie yesterdaypop star that big movie Andy Sambergcame out funny as hell if you watch mysnapchat I posted it but I watched howthey marketed that thing Judd Apatow isa genius he did trainwreck so makeyourself a follower and a seeker ofevery marketing technique and tip as youcould ever come up with marketing it'snot cheesy marking his way of persuadingpeople if you're selling something goodto do what's in their best interest I'mso happy thankful that there's goodmarketing out there especially for goodstuff you know like this Rolls Royce Ijust got it's Branson custom look at 11miles just came off the boat the goseries – it's on my snapchat and stuffum I wasn't going to get a Rolls Royceyou know I was going to get him aglaring and then I was at the dealershipand they were telling about this RollsRoyce and they were so persuasive on howwell it drives and all that and I waslike maybe I need to look into thisthat's marketing and I'm glad they didbecause it's a badass cars better than aMcLaren in terms of quality ride andstuff like that little different appsTurin jizz but everything I'm glad youknow Joel Salatin marketed to me to goand work on his farm I'm glad he waspersuasiveI'm glad differmentors at different times persuading meto take a different path than then Iwould have gone on naturally so clickthe link download his ebook learn how touse the Internet is powerful look I'mhere on the internet connecting with youI looked at 103 countries I'm connectedto people I'm following my stuff andthat's all ecommerce that's the power ofe-commerce so learn how to do it foryourself even if you don't want to be ahuge entrepreneur you know you could useit for art use for reading book I meanyou can use it for art you can use itfor your music you could use it like Isaid stores you can use it even as anemployee if somewhere elsethe better to market yourself the morepromotions you can get so download itcheck out his but make sure you go intohis free workshop – I told her I'm beingaffiliate because I like his stuff andthen he's got a paid program that Ipartnered up with them so you know ifyou decide and he shows you even if youdon't know what to do in business heshows you how to figure it out how tosource and decide what products willsell easily that aren't that hard tomarket and so it's kind of a you knowstep by step approach click the link letme know what you think leave a commentbelow after you check out his ebook andworkshop what you thought of it okaytalk to you soon
