The Time I Almost Quit Internet Marketing (Entrepreneur Inspiration)

hey what's going on guys so if you'reonline watching YouTube trying to figureout a way to make money online thenchances are what you're bombarded withis a lot of how I made and how to makeand how I forwarded this and you knowall these success stories and those aregreat those are motivational those cankeep your eyes on the prize if you willbut today I want to talk about somethinga little bit different I wanna talkabout the time that I almost quitinternet marketing okay and before we dothatbasically you just need a quickbackstory if you don't know me if thisis your first time here welcome my nameis Brian brewer I founded this channeland many other channels I've been afull-time internet marketer since 2016that's when I quit my job prior to thatI was a restaurant manager and a waiterbut before that I started this whole Iwant to make money online thing in 2012October of 2012 that's when I first gotthis idea that perhaps possiblypotentially I could actually make moneyonline and I'm not talking about being afreelancer or putting my services forhire on the internet I'm talking aboutsetting up systems that drove incomepassively not without work but passivelywhile I slept 24 hours a day 7 days aweek what everyone caught so he was thatwas October of 2012 well the time Ialmost quit was in June of 2013 I wasready to throw in the towel now prior toJune of 2013 which is it's about eightmonths after I'd started I first gottenthis idea that I was going to make moneyonline and mind you at this time I knewnothing I didn't really I never watchedYouTube I didn't have any idea that Icould create a YouTube channel YouTubewas not what it was todayanyways I didn't know anything aboutcreating blog posts I never heard awordpress and never heard of SEO Ididn't know how websites were hosted Ididn't even have a Facebook accountI did but my wife created it that wayshe could say she was in a relationshipwith me ok maybe she was my girlfriendat the time and and that's it I mean Ihad really no tech skills but that wasthe first time I got the idea that heymaybe I can make money online so Istarted ingo through the the mundane details ofthe starting process the first eightmonths but you know I found a littlekind of a hack kind of almost like aspammy scamming hack that kind of mademe a few bucks here I think I mean likea hundred something dollars one hundredfifty dollars with this ten of scammyhack basically scam and Craigslist butthat's not the point of this video butanyway I was reading this I took thatone hundred and fifty dollars and I thentook that money and I turn that into ablog essentially and what I mean by thatis I reinvested I took that money Ipurchased a domain name I purchased ayear of web hosting and I set out tostart a product review blog because whatI wanted to do was create a nicheAuthority blog and then earn affiliatecommissions by recommending products forsale on Amazon if you don't know AmazonI'm sure you they have anaffiliate program is called Amazon'sAssociates or Amazon Associates I guessif you will it's free to join you canscroll down the bottom of Amazon andfind it right there it says join theaffiliate program or whatever butanyways then you can refer people withthis special unique link over to Amazonand then anything they purchase for thenext 24 hours you'll get up to 10% cutof that a 10% commission so this is myidea I was gonna let that I was gonnacreate a product review blog and I didall my research I found kind of thequote-unquote low-hanging fruit fruitwith a trending search volume lowcompetition and I was going to be insupplements okay and that supplements ingeneral is gonna focus first to start onmagnesium supplements and then I wasgonna expand there because what I knewis I needed to start focused nichedvery specific if I wanted to have somesort of competitive advantage if Iwanted to rank for keywords early on sothis is what I did I went out createdthis this blog and I mean I learnedeverything and learned how to do theWordPress I learned how to connect myhosting I learned how to do SEO Ilearned how to do link building you knowI learned how I mean how do I learneverything I learned how to edit imagesI learned how to write you know properstructure for not necessarily writing anovel but writing a blog post and it wasvery different and I wasn't a greatwriter to begin with anyways but but Ihad the passion I wanted to make thiswork so I learned everything and Iworked at my toil in for months andmonths and months I justworked at this in and just so youunderstand how much time I had to workin this at this time we had a new mornbaby we were living in San Diego Iworked all the time I was a waiter andso basically what I would do is like sixdays a week I'll to work any and I wouldstart working anywhere between 3:30 and5:30 and I would work essentially tilmidnight or 1:00 well that left me theday time to focus on this side hustlebut you know we had a newborn baby so Icouldn't very well just leave my wife toit for the you know six hours before Iwent to work so I spent a lot of timehelping her out because I was gonnaleave her to go to work by the cell byherself for you know eight nine tenhours with this brand-new baby so Iwould take my daughter to the zoo andwe'd play outside and what's gonna belive in San Diego we lived right next tothe San Diego's it was cool is like SanDiego's it was our backyard but anywayswhat I did have is I had a time she mydaughter normally took him at between12:00 and 2:00 and this was before Iwent to work and I used that time towork on my side hustle every single daythat was like my block my wife wouldtake a nap I would work you know itended up being more like 12:30 to 1:30because that's how kids now but thebottom line is I knew I had at least anhour every day that I could put towardsthis side hustle this internet marketingand so that's what I did relentlesslyevery single day I used that hour hourand a half maybe two hours to work on itto learn to build something and that wasso key in the beginning having that setschedule like this is just what I'mdoing during this time was so key but Iwas putting in all this effort I wasburning at both ends I was still workingsix days a week as a waiter and it's itwas a busy restaurants was making decentmoney but was it was tiring it wasphysically exhausting I would get up inthe middle of the night with my daughtersometimes I gave my wife a break in itwas just crazy but I kept hustling Ikept going I kept going and I justwasn't getting any traction and I justyeah I was starting to feel reallydefeated and by June I I just I wantedto give up I had felt a fee that I waslike this is never going to happen evenif I do make you know a hundred bucks amonth like the amount of effort I'mputting in is just it's not worth it Imake him like six cents an hour at bestand it just I was really frustrated butluckily we were going to my parentshouse at the time we were living in SanDiego we were going to my parents housethey lived in Michigan we were goingthere for a week so it was my daughter'sfirst birthday so we wanted to go outthere and celebrate with so I was likeokay cool at least I got a week I'm justgonna I'm gonna turn off I'm not gonnacheck the blog I'm not gonna check theaffiliate Commission accounts you knowI'm just gonna go there I'm just gonnago and enjoy time with my family enjoytime with my daughter so I know but Imean at this point I was done I mean I Iwas ready to give up I was frustrated Ihad put so much effort in and we wentout there we had a great time and I wasjust like this is this is it this iswhat I've been missing I'm working sohard I'm not enjoying the actual life Ido have but then we came back and we gotback and the next day you know my god Iwent to go take a nap and I was likewell let's just see what happened let'ssee what kind of traffic we got log intothe Google Analytics see if we got theblog traffic there's any peaks let's login to the Commission's account and Ilogged into the Commission's account andonce again I was promoting Amazon atthis time and I had made sales I hadearned money I had been gone for a weekand just the feeling of it right nowit's like that feeling that belief thatyou can do it there's nothing like himand it's kind of flooding back right nowbut it came back and I'd earn moneywhile we were gone passively I didn'ttouch anything but because of the systemthat I put in place I had earned moneywhile we were away on vacation andthat's it and and that was it was thebelief that was the number one thing itwas the belief that it could happen thatit could work in I went forward Idoubled down I started a new blog yeah Ilearned more I gained more skills Ilearned techniques tricks hacksstrategieswell eventually that second blog that Icreated I end up selling in 2016 forover $30,000 because what had happenedis it was a product review blog andsomebody who owned an e-commerce storethat sold these products that I wasreviewing wanted to purchase the site inorder to have the free traffic sobasically he just rerouted all the linksto his ecommerce store instead of Amazonso it was a one-time investment for himbut I was gonna pay off in the long runand it was so valued because it wasgetting like a thousand hits a dayorganically people searching for thesepeople searching these by keywords forthese products so that 30 was thirtythree thousandnow there's $33,000 and sons change thatI sold it for was was what I neededit went from earning maybe three orfour-month hours a month passed at leastsometimes $5,000 a month hastily to thepoint where I had this chunk of changewhere I could walk away from my job havethe security to know that I had you knowat least six months of Reserve cash tothen focus on building out the nextphase of the business and that was whenwe went with the personal brand Americanpublishing ran the YouTube channel andthat is what is so key you have to getyourself to the point where you can walkaway from your job you don't you're notprobably going to go from working a jobhaving a side hustle to making a milliondollars but what you got to do is yougot to focus on smaller goals gettingyourself to the point where you can walkaway from your job because once you havea full-time effort to invest in yourside business which becomes your mainbusiness then it's not such a strugglelike you don't you start thinking moreclearly because you don't have to go inthink okay I got an hour this is what Igot to do when you're just franticallytrying to get everything you got to dofor the day in an hour you can when youhave eight hours a day or 10 hours a dayfull time to devote to this onlinemarketing business whatever it is thatyou're doingaffiliate marketing great building brandwhatever then you can be more strategicyou can plan more long-term and thenactually because you're planning longterm and more strategically your rate ofgrowth actually increases a lot fasterand in 2017 I quit my job in October2016 and in October 2017 I mean moremoney than I ever had my entire life2018 I saw such potential we are kind ofgot to the point where we'rerestructuring in order to get to thenext level and in 2019 we're hoping isthe first million dollar year and we'retalking profit here but who knows Idon't know if that's gonna happen or notthat's we're hopeful for but this comesfrom a point where I almost quit and Ihope this the path this the goals thatyou need to set is really the point ofthe story and what I hope resonates withyou don't try to go from side hustle tomillionaire try to free yourself bylearning skills don't go after what'seasy learn the skills and continue togrow and I hope this was helpfulwe'll see my name is Brian Brewer pleasesubscribe to this channel if thisresonated with youand hope to see you soon I think'swatching have a great daylike
