The Truth About Internet Marketing: Why Being Successful In Business Is Hard | #001

the life of north of Newark is far fromglorious the life of an entrepreneur ismore like this you know masochistictaking all living in constantchaos and risk never knowing when you'regonna make money or if you're gonna makemoney if you're gonna lose money what'sgonna happen you know in two months inthree months sometimes not knowing howyou're gonna pay your billsbecause you don't have a boss right yougotta make every single dollar that youmake you're gonna make it happensometimes you have a $20,000 month andthen you have a $0 month and then youmake 2 or $3,000 or $10,000 dollar lossyou know recently I lost $10,000 becauseI think this investment you know andthen again I run a promotion and I makeyou know 20,000 or I make 10,000 back soyou're gonna be okay to to lose $10,000to win $10,000 you were to lose $100,000and to win that back okay and a lot ofentrepreneurs they lose a lot of money Ithink here are these entrepreneurstories of people you know losingmillions and billions of dollars andthen building everything back up fromscratch so if you think about this ideaof entrepreneurship I want you to eraseany idea that you have any you knowfairytale conception aboutentrepreneurship anything like that Iwant you to erase that because if youhave that and as long as you have thatyou can't be an entrepreneurit's very paradoxical but as long as youhave that misconception you will neverbe able to actually be an entrepreneurokaywhat will make you an entrepreneur isactually laser-sharp persistence andsobering up okay you gotta sober upyou're gonna become work around ityou're gonna see you know the economyreality business for what it is you'regoing to keep your feet on the groundand that doesn't mean you should begiving up hope doesn't mean you shouldbe hopeless it doesn't mean you shouldbe motivated what I'm saying is you'regonna get rid of all the fairy tale that you think is true aboutentrepreneurship because that's what'sreally holding you backit's those beliefs like that good lifethat amazing lifestyle it's it's thatyou know idea that somehow being anentrepreneur issomething glorious okay because that'sour ego holding you back and as long asyou're motivated by that and you havethose false kiss conceptionsyou'll never really be an entrepreneurso the best way to to see if someone'san entrepreneur is to somehow look youknow take a look at the facialexpressions the person's making okay ifthe person looks a bit cranky has likeyou know some torque rings under theeyes and it's just kind of calm andgrounded in you know when you're whenthat person Spacey chaos that's probablymore like the entrepreneurial type ofperson so instead of being all hyped upand you know chasing this gloriouslifestyle instead of doing that you'regonna kind of become the eye of thehurricane that's what reallyentrepreneurship is all about it's aboutcarrying tremendous responsibilitiesdealing with tremendous pressure in yourlife having to make everything happenyourself having to deal with risk withlosses with wins you know basicallythat's what it's all aboutso the moment that you don't give uphope and you're still motivated and youstill have passion but at the same timeyou sober up and you're your state kindof stays constant where you don't gettoo excited if you make 10,000 20,000dollars you don't get too excited andwhen you lose 10,000 dollars you don'tfreak out you don't go crazy okay oncethat happens and you stay grounded inthis chaos and you can think straightand you can creatively come up withsolutions no matter what's going onaround you that's when you're anentrepreneur it's not when you'restanding in the spotlight and everyone'sadmiring you and everyone's looking atyour product that's not whatentrepreneurship is about it's thesemoments where you're alone or you'redown on your knees and your own bloodand sweat what are you going to do thenthat's what makes you an entrepreneurand if you aren't ready for that ifyou're not ready to let's really be downon your knees get beat down by life youknow fail a tremendous amount of timesdeal with constant pressure uncertaintyand risk if you don't want to do thatthen don't become an entrepreneur and ifyou do want to become an entrepreneurthen get rid of all the fairytale that that's out there in thismisconception about entrepreneurship getreal and you know cultivate the realqualities of an entrepreneur and you'llbe fine
