The Truth About The Internet Marketing Lifestyle

what's up guys so I'm coming to you herefrom a beautiful beach here in CostaRica called flamingo I usually come hereevery single year but I'm actually in amastermind with one of my team membersand one of my first mentors called sackand we just decided to rent a rent abeach house here and just come tomastermind for seven days share ideasand get things done and at the same timejust go and you know go to somebeautiful beaches that are around thisarea and pretty much in this video Ijust want to tell you the truth aboutthe inter marketing lifestyle so I justwanna get this out there but I thinkbecause I think that a lot of peoplethat are just starting out in thisindustry are getting unrealisticexpectations about the internetmarketing lifestyle so if you follow meon Instagram you follow me on YouTube oreven on Facebook you might see that manytimes I just post a lot of pictures andvideos and content like in the beach orin beautiful farms or like in themountains and volcanoes but it's notlike I live in those places like spendthe most time on my own those placeslike I actually spend most of my timejust in my office following my dailyroutine waking up at 4:50 a.m.meditating going to the gym and gettingthings done for the majority of the dayand getting on calls like people don'tsee behind the scenes of what's actuallyhappening like when you when you run abusiness like yeah I'm posting thesereally cool pictures but that's becauseI just find it fun I think it's likereally cool to see these places but it'snot like I spend most of my timetraveling like the problem is that allthese marketers and so-called gurus areshowing you how much money they make howmuch money they travel but honestly likeif you're just traveling all around theworld and you're just getting startedjust because you made some money youstart traveling and spending all yourmoney like you will run out of moneypretty quickly what these people don'ttell you is that they have to pay taxesthey have to pay for business expensesit's really expensive to start travelingso yeah they sell you this amazing lifeso that you can create a business andyou can start magically making thousandsof dollars a day without putting in thework or maybe you've just follow threesimple steps it'll start getting resultsbut I'm gonna tell you I've been in thisindustry for yearssame as Zack and we both conclude thatall that stuff is just BS like yeah it'sreally cool like you see this I meanamazing background it's not like Iactually come here every day I actuallyget out of the routine like once ortwice a month just to go chill and andget and read myfrom all that you know the thoughts thatI have but it's like one or twice amonth like most of the time it's justgrinding I'm just putting in the work tobuild my businesses and yes you you havethe freedom to pretty much take thevacation whenever you want when you havean online business but that doesn't meanyou should write so you gotta be verycareful because a lot of people in theinter marketing space are gonna sell youthis idea they can literally just not doanything and turn on the ads and youwill just be printing moneywell you're drinking a beer in thehammock right I just want to be veryreally real over here and tell you thatyeah you can take vacations you own yourtime but if you just go crazy and dowhatever you want while you're buildingyour business you're gonna lose all themomentum it's gonna be not practicalbecause the money that you're spendingjust on fun it could be reinvest in yourbusiness and you're gonna think likeyears ahead it's not about you knowmaking money nowjust think about how your life will looklike like you've got to really thinkabout about putting in the work peopledon't tell you how much work youactually have to put on this businessyou have to put in the work you have toactually have an action plan and followit every single day and yeah in thefuture you might be able to take thevacations and have every this lifestylethat you want but putting the work it'snot that you can start without moneypeople also tell you can start withoutfive with five dollars so you can startwith ten dollars come on man we all knowthat it's that's not true that's why Itell people like in the beginning if youhave no money don't start with thee-commerce because it takes money ittakes capital start with services starttrading your time for money startselling stuff you know your whatever youhave to sell in your house to make somemoney but that's just a real thingthat's the background part of the theback part the other side that peopledon't tell you about marketing and evenif these gurus tell you that you can doit just know that you have to put in thework you need money and it's not aboutjust taking vacations every day kind ofput in the work and yes when you make itwhen you have a system and your businessbusiness is kind of automated you cantake this this time offer yourself forsure I think it's having about balancein life but it's not only about justbelieving that you can sit on a hammockdrink beer and push about and magicallymake millions of dollars parts on thatthat's pretty much it guys if you likethis video be sure to subscribe to mychannel follow me on Instagram there'sgonna be a link below this videoapart from that hope you have an amazingday see you in the next oneyou
