hi guys welcome back to my channel forstarters I really have to apologize forthis setup as you can see I am sittingon the floor of my last studio if youguys watched my most recent video prosand cons of working from home and youknow that I cannot find my cameraanywhere for the life of me it's reallybothering meI even cleaned out a whole bunch of mydrawers and everything and I just cannotseem to find that darn camera so I amfilming on my phone once again I reallyapologize for the quality and the setupof this video I will get better um butfor now I really just wanted to get thisvideo out to you guys and I'm actuallyin between clients right now I haveabout I have about an hour before mynext client gets here good I would knockthis one out while I can um so yeah Ireally wanted to show you guys my top 10favorite Amazon products for lashartists did I say that righttop ten Amazon products for lash textthat's a better oh my god if you guyshave watched my other Amazon video Iactually got a lot of views it's my top10 top 10 top Alabama Hannah my top 10lifestyle favorites from Amazon you guysknow I am an Amazon freak I literallyorder off of Amazon every single weekit's dangerous okay but luckily you canget some really affordable and amazingfinds off of Amazon if you are a lashtech you know it is an expensivebusiness to be in with everything thatyou have to buy tools products gluesfurniture everything so if I can findproducts that I can save a little bit ofmoney on then I am all for it the firstitems I guess like items it's not justone product I'm really excited aboutthese and actually extremely impressedby them I am missing a pair but becausethey're in my drawer somewhere but theyare these tweezers that I got off Amazonyou guysI was very skeptical to buy thesebecause you get five pairs of tweezersfor like eighteen dollars and I was justlike this is way too good to be truethey are the only tweezers that I usemine are dirty because I literally justuse them this is one of them it's justlike an anglegreat for separating or picking uplashes amazing like they pick up lasheslike a dream they are very pointed likethey're nice and mirrored I honestly Ihad to like send these to all of my lashtech friends because I was like you haveto buy these tweezers stop paying $40 onone pair of tweezers go pay less than$20 for five pair of tweezers on Amazonyou will not be disappointed this pairis my favorite for picking up lashesamazing I can't remember the fifth pairthat they come with but they also comewith these two a little bit more angledpairs as well obsessed you guys you guysneed to get these like I I don't knowthought that I had to spend a lot ofmoney on like those name-brandtweezers but after trying these likeagain like I said I was skeptical andthe only reason I really ordered themwas just kind of like for fun and to seeif they were actually good I mean thenext item is kind of random my lash techfriend actually showed this to me butshe keeps her glue in this because a lotof glues that you buy you have to keepthem in like airtight seal and it's thisguy right here it is completely airtightyou just press it and open it and then Iput my glue inside and then you press itto close it the reviews on Amazon saidthat a lot of people actually use thisfor like their weed their marijuana butyou know I use it for my lash glue andit works amazing it keeps the productnice and fresh and I also put one ofthose little rice packets in there aswell and it's been doing amazing and Ilove this another one of my favoriteproducts that I purchased off Amazon forlash extensions is this next care tapeI'm sure a lot of you guys have seenthis really gentle on lashes it's reallyeasy I don't even cut it I do literallyjust rip it it's really easy to rip eyerip it oh not like that this is how Iget my tape ready I rip a piece aboutthis big I swear I swear maybe it'sbecause I'm not looking at itI wrap a piece there there we go likethat big and then I literally just ripit down the middle and then I have mytwo pieces of tape for one eye and I dothe same thing for the other eye untilon here again I never pull out girlsbottom lashes when I take that off andit actually does keep the bottom lashesdown really nicely so you will loveworking with this tape I'm like so overthe place I think that's just the themefor my channel it's just me being like ahot mess and just unorganized and allover the place but hopefully nextproduct that I have to mention are theScotch REE stickable dots these guys doyou guys know what these are for I'msure you do they are for creating fansfor volume lashes amazing I can't Idon't even know how to explain it youliterally just create your fans on thesethey stick there and it makes your lifeso much easier and I went to Staples Iwent to Walmart I went to Shoppers DrugMart I went everywhere looking for thesethe only place I could find them wasAmazon the next product which I cannotlive without i buy these impacts of like100 I think but they are these lipbrushes I do also keep some of these inmy makeup train case to actually use forlipstick for what they are many but forlashes I use these to prep and cleanlashes I use these when I do eyelashlifts I use these when I do eyelashextension removals like I use these allthe time like I said I also keep them inmy makeup train case and I purchase themin like packs of 100 and they areprobably like twelve dollars or socannot live without these this is agiant tub of disinfected disinfectingwipes obviously I soaked and I properlycleanse my tools my tweezers and all mytool but if I need to just quickly wipethem or maybe I want to wipe them beforeI soaked them or after I soaked them orwhateverI love these wipes it comesa pack of 160 towelettes and it gets ridof any bacterial or fungal or virusyou know germs and I even like to usethese to wipe down my station and justlike areas around me that I'm working onthese are great just quick wipes foryour tools your station actually shouldwait fine the next items that I want tomention are these mascara brushes that Iget off Amazon these come in a pack of300 I've already gone through a wholebunch of them they come in likedifferent colors they come in black andblue they come in like light pink anddark pink and I give these to my clientsafter I'm done doing their fill I givethese to clients when I've done theirfull set and I obviously use them whileI'm working on clients so I always amgoing through mascara brushes I also usethem for when I'm doing like eyebrow wax–es and things like that and again Iput them in my makeup kit as well somascara brushes spoolie is whatever youwant to call them definitely need themand like I said this one comes in a packof 300 I get all of my eye pads off ofAmazon and I always have I have tried acouple other brands but these ones areby far my favorite they are the mqlint-free under-eye hydrogel patches Ican't remember how many come in a pack Ithink I get like a pack of a hundred orsomething like that but they just looklike this I'm sure you guys have seenthem they are the only ones that clientshave not like reacted to they havecollagen vitamin C aloe and glycerin soit actually helps with like my clientspuffiness and dark circles and hydrationa lot of people say they love thefeeling of their under eyes afterthey've had these on and they don't fliparound on the skin or anything like thatso I've had no issues with these ipad2more well actually I want to mention abonus thing after but really quickly Iwant to mention these little sachetbaggies Ithese I what I use them for is everytime I do a full set on a new client Igive them a little baggie with mybusiness carda referral card and a couple spooly Iget to go home with something like cuteand little to like remember me by andthey can carry their brushes in here andthen every time someone buys the lashcleanser that I sell I put it in alittle bag and I put a little spooley inthere as well so I always get a lot ofuse out of these little sachets and it'sa nice little personal touch as well youget my lift pods off of Amazon I getfive pairs in this little box you getsmall medium and large and I really amhappy with these lift podsI'm the glues and everything and theperming solutions and everything else Iget off a different website but theyjust look like that they are perfectthey're nice and bendy I've never hadany issues with these and I hate tospend a lot of money on something sosimple like this so yeah Amazon limitone more thing this is technically aneleventh item that I want to mention butoh two more things hold on to morethings because they kind of go togethera humidifier which mine is running rightnow and a thermostat humidity readervini go together especially in the drywinter weather for me I need to keep myhumidity up so I bought a humidifiermaybe you need a dehumidifier you canget that off Amazon as well and then Ilike to have my reader to make sure mytemperature and my humidity is at theright range for the glue that I'mworking you guys so that was it thosewere my top ten at Hannah Alabama wantsto come out that was itthose are my top ten Amazon productsthat I highly recommend for any lashtech out there I freaking love Amazon Ishould work for EM so let me know if youguys love Amazon as well and whatproducts you love to purchase from thereand if you are a lash tech let me knowyour favorite Amazon buys as well thankyou guys so much for watching pleasedon't forget to Like and subscribe to mychannel and comment and I will alsoleave my instagrams link down below aswell I will leave all of these productslinkedand until next time I will see you guyssoon bye
