Top 10 Best LUSH Products Of All Time + DEMOS!

hey everyone it's Jacqueline so today isa very exciting day I'm going to befilming my top 10 favorite lush productsof all time now you guys know me I'm alush addict this was very hard for me todo but I made some selections I madesome cuts there will still be somehonorable mentions but this is it theseare my top 10 at favorite products ofall time number one we got to start offwith a bath bomb this is a Twilight bathbomb this is probably where the firstbath bombs that I ever tried from lushand it's still one of my favorites it'ssuch a classic you can't go wrong withit one it makes your bath really prettyand it looks really beautiful and likepurples and blues and pinks and likethis silver luster so it's a veryinstagram-worthy bath bomb because Iknow that's a concern for some of youguys myself included let's be real butit also smells absolutely delicious it'slike an Aladdin door very calming kindof bedtime smell it's not like asickeningly floral old grandmalavender kind of smell it's definitelymore on the sweet side there's like talkI like a vanilla kind of fragrance inthere too so it's just so nice I think alot of people would like this fragranceand makes your bath super soft and likebeautiful and well you just can't gowrong with a good Twilight this one isthe winner it takes the cake I will saythough an honorable mention was Dragon'segg bath balm I kind of had a hard timepicking between the two because that oneis also a really good one but Twilightis the bath bomb it's the one next up tothe second item oh and by the way theseare in like a particular order like oneit's not my favorite or anything likethat these are just like the 10 that'sbest favorite products of all timeanyway so this one here is the yuzu andcocoa bubble bar or bubble room sobasically what it is it's you Kremlinunder the bath it makes bubbles in yourwater the bubble room so are a bit moremoisturizing they have like a coconutoil jam in the middle and they kind oflook like a little macaroon they'resuper cute so it makes your bath extrahydrating and like extra velvety whenyou get in it's absolutely amazing thefragrance of this one though is just mmmprobably my favorite fragrance of blushlike from lush of all time they also dothis in like a shower gel the use whenCoco fragrance basically smells like aman drink kind of orange oh sorry Ithought it was miss knees there I'msorry I'm super congested it's just beenit's been a busy month I kind of gotsickanyways the smelting a man during kindof orange but with like a cocoa butterlike kind of decadent kind of qualitythere's almost like a chocolaty richnessto it and there's obviously tons ofcoconut from all the coconut oil insideso it's a super luxurious but still verysweet and dessert light kind offragrance it's absolutely beautiful andit makes your bath stove bubbly and justabsolutely amazing especially for thedryer months so definitely recommendthis it's very uplifting very citrusybut also very warming at the same timenext up I have a hunk of soap here now Ijust love a good lush so there'ssomething about the idea of it beingsold in bulk and like the big chunks ofit in the store I just think looks sorustic and fun and I just I love me agood lush soap so the honorable mentionsare honey I washed the kids that was thefirst time I ever tried figs and leavesis amazing there's so many good ones butmy favorite so it's all Tana of soapit's so so creamy you guys are gonnaquickly learn that I love very luxuriousvery hydrating moisturizing pamperingkind of products and this soap isdefinitely no exceptionit's literally like velvety when youtouch it oh it feels absolutely amazingI remember for awhile it's actuallyusing this to kind of like shave my legswith because it left such a richmoisturizing layer on my skin butbasically the fragrance of this it'svery light it's not too overwhelming butthere's like dried currants inside andcranberries salt anna's apricots i thinkthese are like nuts of some sort what isthat actually i don't know what this isbut there's all these like little likethings on the top of it so it gives youa little bit of a scrub as well but it'svery gentle this is just kind of likewhat i imagine if you went to thebougie-ass most fancy hotel like in theworld this is a soap that they would youknow having a little soap dish okay nextup I have a body care product now thisis a very interesting concept to me andI was always very interested in thesewhen I first got into lush because thiswas the first company that ever createda solid body lotion now if you have notheard of their massage bars you aremissing out so basically what it is it'sa solid block of like moisturizingingredients like cocoa butter coconutoil and as soon as you kind of activateit and warm it up into your hands itstarts to meltand you can put it all over your bodyand use it like a solid lotion it'sabsolutely incredibleit's literally melting in my hands likeright now this one here though okayactually I need to put this down theheat from the lights in the room isliterally turning this into like an oilcan you see that glisten off my handanyways this one here is called Tenderis the night it's so beautiful I'mpretty sure lush describes it more onthe floral side because there is jasmineinside I'm pretty sure that's the floralnote in this one but again it's verysweet it's got that vanilla kind ofrichness I just think this mostabsolutely delicious mix on your bodyand I'm pretty sure this massage barspecifically has a differentmoisturizing ingredientmaybe it's like more more more morebutter it's how can you say that I don'tknow but it has something different thatmakes it melts a bit easier so this onemelts like very very quickly sometimes Ifind if I'm gonna get a little carriedaway I can fly through one of these barsand like four or five uses which theynormally should last longer than thatbut I'm a little excessive and I usethem a lot so forgive me okay this listwould not be complete if I did not putthis product in it and this is againanother very near and dear to my heartkind of products one of the first lushproducts I tried and fell in love withand I've used it for literally sevenyears maybe now I was like 11 or 12 whenI first tried it out so yeah probably 7years and this is ocean salt it's a faceand body scrub and it's absolutelyincredibleit's a beautiful exfoliant for your skinand it makes your skin literally likelook more even and it brightens it upit's refreshing and like if you go intothe store and just try it on one of yourhands compare your hands to one anotherlike it literally you can see thedifference right away just after washingit and using it it's so so beautiful sowhen you first buy it if you buy theoriginal formula but do be aware thereare two different formulas there's theself preserving formula which is thegentler less vigorous better suited forsensitive skin formula and then there'sthe original formula which is normallywhat I go for which is what I have hereand this one has bigger chunks of seasalt there's less moisturizing buttersinside but I just find that this is abit more effective and my skin canhandle itanyway so just make sure you know thedifference between the two and get whichone suits your skinI like to use this on my face and mybody normally I only use this on my facelike once a week maximum I don't want tolike really overdo it because it can bepretty intense I mean there's like vodkainside and lime juice so it can kind ofburn I've heard some people find thatit's a little too intense for their skinbut don't do it if you have any likeopen acne or any open cuts on your skinobviously it's gonna sting there's tonsof sea salt in it too but yeah in thesummer I'm like a hot day when like Ijust really want to scrub away like thedebris and like gross this and sunscreenall that brine it's the most refreshingcleansing thing oh I absolutely love itanyways this whole video is gonnaquickly become a video all about oceansalt because I could talk about thisstuff for literally ten minutes straightbut when you first buy it it's actuallylike a bright blue on the top and youcan see all the like big chunks of seasalts we actually do is take a popsiclestick or your finger I normally do she'smy finger cuz I'm lazy and mix it alltogether so that way it like evenlydistributes the sea salt throughout theentire pot but yeah this stuff is justmagical and incredible and if you love agood exfoliant even if not on your facejust for your body this thing willliterally change your lives and I don'tsay that often with products but thisthing this will change your lifeoh my lights turned off behind me that'sweirdthose off the entire time oops anywaysback to the products next up I have aperfume here now I find out perfumesfrom lush don't get enough love on theinternet like I never hear anyone talkabout their fragrances but they have anamazing range of unique and differentperfumes and fragrances this one here isvanilla II this is the most basic like Ifeel like everyone would love it whodoesn't like vanilla but this justreminds me of like literally being 12years old but in a good way like youknow how specific fragrance can reallyjust like transport you back to acertain memory like this reminds me Iwas shopping at lush it's like my secondtime in lush store I think I was in likeChicago or something and or maybe I wasin Washington I can't remember anywaysit reminds me of like that specificmoment my mom was there helping me pickup all these soaps and I had like SnowFairy and rock star like all of theselike sugary 12-year old kind ofand says and this was the perfume that Igot I would wear all the time anywayslong story short this fragrance justreminds me of you know being younger andwhen I was in my prime so I really justwear this to remind me at that time inmy life anyway smells so good and thisjust kind of smells like what lush is tome next up on my listI got Buffy the body butter here nowBuffy is again one of those like kind ofSecrets at last look if you don't knowwhat body butters are you've never triedBuffy you really don't know what you'remissing out on but once you try this ohgirlyou're gonna be hooked they're so sogood so basically what you do with thisyou use it in the shower I'm actuallyholding this again cuz it won't melt ifI hold it in my hand but you use it inthe shower when your skin is wet and youkind of just like scrub your body withit and it kind of leaves like amoisturizing layer of oil so it's kindof like the last thing that I do in theshower I definitely would not do it likebefore shaving your legs or anythinglike that but it has such a vigorousscrubbing it there's ground Azuki beansthere's ground almonds there's whatother scrubby things are in this there'sground rice in it it's like basically ablock of cocoa butter with a littlescrubby exfoliant bits in it and it justleaves your skin it's so ridiculouslysoft like if you do this with like theback of your thighs oh that is like thespot anyways it's absolutely amazingthey have a couple of other differenttypes of body butters they do thescrubby body butter which is a new onewe're just slowly replacing this one butthere is always a special spot for Buffylike you can't replace Buffy it's aclassic I actually still love this oneit was called aqua Morales and it waslike basically it looked the exact samebut it was more Brown but it smelt likepotato chips but in like a really goodway but they discontinued it and I likeI'm so annoyed because that was like thebest one everanyway it's back to Buffy Buffy is greatthe only downside of this is it mildlysmells like salami which is really weirdcuz it's a vegan product and there's noreason why it should smell like salamibut some matches smell more like salamithan others and I don't know whyfortunately it doesn't leave your bodysmelling like that but I swear like thefirst whiff it smells like I'm at likemy Italian cousin's weddingor something but bumpy is one of thosethings that no matter like what itsmells like I would still use it becauseit's such an effective product and I useit for how it works on my skin versushow it smells but um anyways I could seethose people being off-put by thefragrance of that maybe that's just me Idon't know I still love Buffy thoughnext up you guys know I had to includeone of these I love a good face maskactually speaking up I haven't done aface mask with Jack episode in a while Ishould bring those back anyways this isa cup of coffee face mask again this wasa really hard decision because there'slike three face maps that I love fromlush cup of coffeeI love mask and Magnum in tea especiallywhen I was more acne prone but I loveoat effects the fresh face mask as wellthat one's so goodsmells like cookie dough I'm like wellit's it's banana bread and cookie doughfor your face but anyways back to cup ofcoffee cup of coffee is incredible it'sgot tons of caffeine tons of groundcoffee beans so it really is affectabout waking your skin up and just kindof like rejuvenating your skin but sincethere is exfoliant like little coffeegrounds inside that it really scrubsaway any dead skin and kind of makesyour skin have a glow and just makesyour skin look so healthy when you'redone I don't know personally I try tostay away from coffee because me andcaffeine is just too much oh no dropthis on the ground got this everywherewhat was I sayinganyways I don't drink coffee but I lovethe smell of it and this just smellslike you walk into some cool hipstercoffee shop and everyone's ordering soylattes and this is the aroma in the airthis is what the air smells like in thatcool coffee shop it's amazingnext up I have a haircare product herenow lush haircare was something that Iwas so so into for like a good year ortwo and I think I've tried pretty muchevery haircare product they do and it'sjust it's great I love lush hair care soagain this was kind of hard for me topick but this is the big shampoo bigshampoo the reason I pick this isbecause obviously AIbut it's also a very unique product toLush it's basically like a sea saltshampoo there's huge chunks of sea saltand it's very different from any othershampoo I tried so it's like a thickblog first of all it's in a pot so youhave to scoop it out but it's amazingit's very clarifying on the scalp so ifyou have any like product build-up oryou just feel like you need to you knowreally give your hair deep clean it's soeffective it feels incredible on yourscalp but it's also great because of seasalt and what else in the seaweed lemonit's all really great to promote volumeyou guys know I have very flat hair ifyou could not tell like literally zerovolume in this hair so I will basicallydo anything to kind of promote more bodyI mean obviously it's not doing wondersbecause my hair is still flat but itjust gives limp hair a little moresomething I mean I guess what we'retalking about hair care some otherhonorable mentionsI love curly wurly especially if youhave more dry hair it's absolutelyamazingI love juicy if your hair is that moreoily I was using that for a while R&B isan amazing leave-in product there's justso many good hair care productsI'm with the hair care though I woulddefinitely encourage you to shop buy afact versus fragrance I mean yes ofcourse with less you want to pick thingsthat look pretty and smell good butespecially when it comes to hair careyou really want to shop by what yourhair needs so for me I've got very nonvoluminous fine hair so big as a greatshampoo for me but if you have more oilyhair you have more like of a dry scalpthere's literally like a product foreverything yeah that was a big tangentabout hair care but lush hair care isfantastic okay moving on is this thelast product already we're already onthe last product okay if you guys knowme this video this would not be a Jaclynlush video without talking about thisproduct this actually might take thecake for the ultimate like what myfavorite lush product of all time haveyou guys guessed already comment downbelow pause this video and comment downbelow if you know what this is I'm sureyou guys won't go okay anyways itscelestial celestial is amoisturizer it's very near and dear tomy heart this is the only thing thatdoesn't break my skin out and makes myskin feel good and healthy and thismoisturizer it's just so good it's greatfor sensitive skin it's super simple andingredients it's literally like vanillaalmonds almond milk cocoa butter duborchid extract and like a few otherthings it's super basic and it justmakes my skin have such a gorgeous gloweven if I don't wear makeup it justmakes my skin look good I mean what canI say as much as I love lush and I lovemakeup and all things like that I loveskin care like ten times more so this isjust like the best of both worlds it islash it is skin care it is the ultimateoh it's so good my favorite thing tooisn't you guys like tweet me no I'mdropping everything today my favoritething ever though is when you guys liketweet me and you guys say that you'vetried up celestial or some of my productrecommendations and you guys say thatyou love them it's like the best feelingin the worldbut yeah that is it those are my top 10favorite lush products I know I kind ofcheated and said some more but it's hardokay it's hard to pick your top 10 Ifeel like I believe in so many thingsout anyways I hope you guys enjoyed thisvideo please let me know down in thecomments what your favorite lushproducts are or which products you wantme to talk about or try out or anythinglike thatanyways make sure you guys subscribe ifyou're not subscribed already I'll seeyou guys very soon bye[Music]
