Top 10 BEST Products at the Dollar Tree! Save Hundreds a Year

hello everyone and welcome back to mychannel so we're gonna start this videowith a little story time the hottest dayof the year was last week it was 113degrees outside over a hundred degreesin the house so I go to turn on theair-conditioning and no cool air iscoming through so we called the guy inand sure enough our air conditioningunit breaks so good thing we had a homewarranty right to cover it no no wedidn't so there goes our vacation fundand moral of the story I'm on a budget amajor budget today I'm going to besharing with you the 10 best items thatyou should be getting from the dollarstore these are all things that I'veused before the quality is good and youcan save so much money and I actuallywant the extra step and I compared theseitems to comparable items at Walmart andTarget to show you just how much moneyyou end up saving I've got all of theseat the Dollar Tree but there's 99 centsonly there's dye so there's differentversions of the dollar store all aroundthe world I think if you live in adifferent country outside the US let meknow if there are dollar stores therealso do me a favor and let me know whatare your top favorite items to get atthe dollar store just in case there'sanything and that I didn't cover ormaybe looked over so if all of that saidlet's jump into my top picks for bestitems to get at the dollar store I'mgonna talk about these in no particularorder starting with what's right infront of me these guys dish brushes andcleaning brushes this brush I use toclean the inside of my sink every nightand these guys I used to clean tilegrout and my tub they're great qualitybrushes and they are less than half theprice at the dollar store the leastexpensive one I can find a Target withtwo dollars and thirty-nine cents andthe least expensive I could find atWalmart was two dollars and 37 cents soyou can save quite a bit of money nextare certain hair accessories startingwith this brush this is a new fine thatI am pretty darn excited about becauseit looks shockingly similar to my wetbrush so this is an awesome wet brushdupe for just a dollar versus the wetbrushes that start at $7.99 I believethe other hair accessory that I alwaysget at the dollar store are hair clip Ithese in every room I use them all thetime especially when it's hot out I liketo put my hair up these hair clips areawesome twofer dollars so 50 cents eachsimilar hair clips at Target are fourdollars and fifty cents and at Walmartare two dollars and 83 cents this nextcategory of items will come as nosurprise if you watch my channelregularly and that is organization binsI have so many different options at theDollar Tree shapes sizes colors and Ihave organized my entire bathroom vanityarea and pantry only using dollar storeitems I will leave those videos linkeddown below you should definitely checkthose out if you haven't seen them myfavorite of all the organization finsand products they have are these drawerdividers because they have this rubbergrip on the inside so it keeps whateveryou're organizing in place as you openor close your drawers and almost thisidentical product at Target sells for$5.99 and at Walmart for 394 so you saveso much money by getting these at thedollar store I have these all over myhouse and they are awesome certainoffice and back-to-school supplies aregreat to get at a dollar store I saycertain ones because not everything hasworked out for me which I will talkabout for example some of the Pens I'vegot there have been a little bit iffythey don't work extremely well but I didfind that these particular pens they arethe clip click pens work well they havedifferent color options I have them inblack blue and multicolored I use themfor everything I used to get a lot of myblank notebooks over at the Dollar Treebut upon further research I actuallyfound out that they cost less at bothWalmart and Target over there is between50 to 75 cents for a very similarproduct there's a big party supplysection at the Dollar Tree but actuallysome of those items are not the bestdeal you can get paper plates andplastic utensils for less I'd eventarget but there are certain party decoritems that are amazing finds for exampleyou can get two of these happy birthdaybanners for a dollar and at Walmart oneof these banners will run you twodollars and a Target the least expensiveone I could find was $5 for just one upnext are greeting cards there is a hugegreeting card sectionand this is one of those things thatdespite how digital our society becomesthere's nothing that replaces ahandwritten note I'm really big onthank-you cards and they had a greatselection at the dollar store so I got abunch of these nice hard stock cards andthese are two for a dollar so they're 50cents each amazing deal and at moststores Target in particular the pricesof cards are just going up and up theyalso have packs of cards so these Ithought were really cute blank notecards eight of them for a dollar relatedto that are gift bags the Dollar Tree ismy number one go-to spot for gift bagsfor any occasion they have all differentshapes sizes and occasion gift bagsthey're great quality they're nice andthick I thought this one was really cutehappy birthday and then this one wasalso adorable it says love on itI think the cutest gift bags they haveare for babies and baby shower when Ilooked online at the prices at Walmartare actually comparable but they didn'thave quite as big of a selection and atTarget they range from three to eightdollars per gift bag also the dollarstore is my number one go-to forseasonal decor item I like to go therefirst see what I can find and then fillin from there at other stores because ifyou can get it for less you might aswell right now is in between holidaysthey've taken away the fourth of Julyitems and they haven't quite yet put outthe fall items but once they put outthose fall items maybe I will do adollar store fall decor video my numberone hygiene product that I get at thedollar storeare these floss picks I've recentlyjoined the floss pick train I love thatthis one is called cool floss with a Kso these are about half price at thedollar store versus both Walmart andTarget this next one may surprise youbut there is a lot of information outthere it's not just me who feels thisway and it is the dollar store pregnancytest these work actually my very firstpregnancy test I took when I found out Iwas pregnant with Carter was a dollarstore test I saved my personal favoritecategory of items for last and those arecertain kids toys and activities I saycertain because I'm personally gonnastay away from plastic toys that havesmall parts to them that Carter mightwantput in his mouth or may not be safe butcertain things I think are great so forexample they have a variety of beachtoys I found this big bubble maker thatI think looks so fun there's a backyardbug kit a friend of mine told me thatthe dollar store bubbles are awesomewhat I am the most excited about I hadno idea they had these at the DollarTree but they have kids learningflashcards and notebooks and coloringbooks that I think are awesomeI was buying similar pre-k workbooks onAmazon for like five to seven dollars Ialso go car to some of these hot wheeltrucks but when I looked online you canget them for the same price around adollar at Walmart all right so those aremy top picks of the items that you cansave a lot of money by getting at thedollar store if there's anything Imissed that you love the mostlet me know down in the comments if youare new here to my channel and you'vewatched it this far in the video I hopeyou will consider joining me as asubscriber if you want to see moredollar store related videos I will havethem posted here my dollar store vanityorganization and dollars to our pantryorganization if you want to check thoseout next and with all of that said thankyou as always so much for watching and Iwill see you soon with a new video bye
