Top 10 eCommerce Product Page Mistakes and How to Fix Them

would you like to know the top tenmistakes that you're doing on yourproduct page that are absolutely justkilling your conversion plus of coursehow to fix them if so stay tuned[Music][Music]hi I'm Elle McCann from curious teamsweb development studio in NashvilleTennessee and I've been a Shopify expertfor over five years now I am so excitedto be collaborating with Lisa frompretty fabulous to bring you this jointyoutube video collaboration so whatwe're doing is I am doing my top fivetips for how you can best optimize yourproduct page and the mistakes thatyou're making and then she's doing fiveon her channel as well so Lisa is agraphic designerwho helps online businesses createbeautiful digital downloads using AdobeInDesign and she has a great youtubechannel that's really focused on helpingyou so I'm so excited to be sharing herwith you today and again I'm going to belinking her video in the descriptionbelow as well as the info cardssomewhere and so make sure you check outher top 5 tips after you watch thisvideo so of course the goal withe-commerce is to get people on your siteand get them converting into a salequickly but there are some things thatyou're doing on your product page thatmay be preventing that so my top 5 tipsthat I'm going to be giving as well assome pet peeves in there as well aregonna help you get those people toconvert better on your online store somy first tip is about your productdescriptions I see so many stores onlinewhere the product descriptions read likea boring spec list like it's for like acar or some kind of super manufacturinglingo where yes it's important to putyour features and sizing if that'sappropriate however you don't want tomake it sound like a robot wrote it youwant to make sure that you're writingyour product descriptions with youraudience and mine so think about how youcan incorporate your branding into yourproduct descriptions and yourhighlighting those features in a reallynice way so think about exactly whatyour customers hopes or fears are andhow can you incorporate that into thedescription itself to make it a lot morerelevant to your customer and make themreally interested in that product mysecond tip is about your productdescriptions actually being too long Isee this as well if it's either this bigor it's this big and because of thatyou're just not going to convert peopleso you have to think that there are alot of people that are on mobile devicesor they're just distracted actually in2017 over 47% of e-commerce sales weremade on mobile devices so what thatmeans is is there's a lot of people thathave small screens or they're on the goand they're not going to read a hugeproduct description so my tip here is tomake sure that your product descriptionsare easily scannable so you want to havesome bullet points you want to have yourparagraphs a lot shorter instead ofthese huge long paragraphs so that wayif someone is on the go they can quicklyscan your descriptions to make sure thatyou know the product is going to berelevant for them and that way they'renot stuck there reading this huge thingthat they're probably just gonna clickoff of my third tip is that your productphotos just aren't good quality I seethis so many time especially if you aredrop shipping products of bringing inthe drop shipping products and it'sgreat that they already allow you to usetheir product images that they have ontheir site however a lot of times theimages aren't really nice or they're notlifestyle images or they're super smallso whenever you put them on your sitethey turn out being super pixelated youhave to think about it in the sense ofthis is your customers or potentialcustomers first interaction with thisproduct so having really greatphotography is going to sell them ordetract them so you want to make surethat you have great product photographyand this is easily done by just orderingthe products if you're dropshipping themand getting your phone out and takinggreat photos with them there's so manysmartphones that have really nice lensesand produce really great quality photosso just slap on a white backdrop andtake some really nice close-up photos mytip also here as well is to make surethat you have a product zoom enabled onyour site so whether you're doing a shopstore are another ecommerce platform alot of them offer this functionalitywhich is where you can kind of hoverover the product image and it zooms infor you so you can see a lot more detailinto the product imagesagain if someone's going to bepurchasing something especially if it'sa higher end product you want to makesure that they know exactly what it isthat they're going to be getting sohaving these really nice zoom andquality images let people look at thingslike the the gears or the mechanics ofsomething or stitches if it's soimprovin the quality of the productwhich is great so to do zoom in ofimages you need to make sure again thatyou have really nice high quality imagesthat you're uploading to the site so youget that nice zoom in and it's notpixelated my fourth tip is that you haveway too much color on your site so itkind of looks like a rainbow justvomited everywhere because there's somany colors and you're not really surewhere to click so my tip here is to makesure that you are adding in acall-to-action color on your site soLisa in her video which again make sureyou check out over here she goes overthe benefits of Add to Cart versus buynow and that lingo for your product pagebutton which is great and I also want toadd to that of having a specific colorso by having a specific call to actioncolor on your site it's going to reallybring in that action of letting yourcustomer know hey this is what I wantyou to click on again we're alsodistracted and we're super busy and whatwe're doing they say that the averageattention span is seven seconds which iscrazy so you really need to give yourcustomers kind of subtle hints throughcolors of what you want them to click onso if you have so many colors on yoursite they're not going to know where toclick they're not going to know what isa link and what's not so having yourlinks all a specific color that you keepsite wide and making it a very prominentcolor is going to really help increasethat conversion rate as well my fifthand final mistakes that I wanted to highlight of what you're doing wrong on yourproduct page is that there's no socialproof so if you think about it wheneveryou go on Facebook now how many times doyou see people that are your friendsasking for recommendations ofrestaurants to go to or businesses tovisit or places to travel to you seethat so many times because people arelooking for recommendations andreferrals so why not incorporate that onyour site so a great way to do this iswith reviews already on your site soyour customers that have alreadypurchased from you can leave a reviewand that helps your new potentialcustomers feel really safe aboutpurchasing from you and they knowexactly what they're going to be gettingso there are a lot of great testimonialapps in the Shopify app store if that'sgoing to be your platform that lets youadd in that functionality on your siteand also some of them lets youautomatically email them after theirproducts been shipped out to ask forthat review if you don't want to doreviews on your site you could dotestimonials from past customers overalland not have it just as a review on thatproduct or even embedding an Instagramfeed to where you're highlighting yourproduct images and you're seeing theengagement on those Instagram postshaving some kind of social proof isgreat and it lets people know thatyou're credible that if they enter theircredit card information on your sitethey're actually going to get thatproduct in the mail and that you aresomeone to be trusted so I hope youfound these five mistakes and how to fixthem on your product page super helpfulnow remember there's ten total so I didthe first five and Lisa is doing thenext five on her channel so make sure tocheck that out again a link in thedescription below thank you so much forwatching and if you haven't yet makesure to subscribe and check out ourother videos over here more tips andtutorials all about Shopify and how togrow your online store
