Top 10 Most Expensive Gucci Products

today we're looking at the top 10 mostexpensive Gucci products welcome to aluxe calm the place where futurebillionaires come to get inspired helloa lack sirsthanks for joining us today we have adazzling top 10 listGucci is a brand that oozes with thetype of class that only high-end Italianfashion is capable of achieving foundedin 1921 by Gucci Oh Gucci it's ranked38th as the most valuable internationalbrand in 2016 its revenue was over 4.3billion dollars and the company isestimated to currently be worth upwardsof 14 billion dollars the brand has 278boutique stores situated on classycosmopolitan high streets all over theworld but the home of Gucci is theelegant Italian city of Florencerenowned for its production ofhigh-class leather since its inceptionit's been the purveyor of leatheraccessories such as handbags shoes andloafers whilst also offering the finestsilks and nits where's the pattern onGucci merchandise as well as the GG logoare synonymous and utterly unmistakableamongst all the fabulous Gucci productson sale there are 10 in particular thatstand out for their unique style beautyand of course astronomical price tagsinterested of course you are let's beginif you are new here welcome be sure tosubscribe and follow us on instagram ata luxe number 10 gucci Princetown loafer$2,600 comfort and class is combined inperfect harmony with these incredibleloafers the inner lining is made fromthe softest of lamb fur with a goldenstirrup and an italian leather sole ofarchetypal Gucci quality slipping theseloafers on will make anyone feel as ifthey're floating through their day yourfeet will feel as if they're beinghugged by royalty number 9gucchi genius genes three thousand ninehundred and ninety dollars despite beingone of the most expensive pairs of jeansin fashion history this product hasflown off the shelves ever since itsinception back in nineteen ninety eighttwenty years later and it's stillconsidered high-class fashion zara haseven tried to imitate the fabulousdesign but could never live up to thepure class of original gucci each pairof denim pants is hand-stitched by themost skilled artisans of Florenceproudly displaying the phrase made inItaly on the labelthe patterns are embossed with Africanbeads and embroidered with precise andbeautiful patterns of flowers andfeathers they hug tightly to the hipsand will magnify the beauty of anylong-legged model number 8 gucci Sylviepurse $4,000designer alessandro Miceli said that theaim of this purse was to turn heads nomatter where you went in the world wellhe certainly achieved that goal madefrom the finest Italian leather with abeautiful silk handle and ribbonattached to it it can come in almost anycolor combination you could think of thegold chain that wraps itself over thetop of the bag and into an understatedyet stylish buckle just a reeks of thatmodest decadent clasp that has become sosynonymous with Gucci's brand elegantwas enough pretense of modesty to makeit discreetly charming the sylvie purseis a drool inducing bag for any womanversed in the nuances of high-classfashion number sevenGucci men's eye digital Grammy specialedition watch $7,900 this incrediblewatch was originally made for the 2013Grammy Awards ceremony of course one ofits most venerable promoters was KanyeWest the screen is made from sapphirecrystals one of the hardest substanceson the planet so regardless of the pricetag and astronomical value of thislimited edition collector's item it wasdesigned to be worn the sapphirecrystals mean that thewatch cannot be scratched and is almostindestructible usually a watch with sucha priceless global reputation will bekept under lock and key in the safestpossible location but never withsomething Gucci the watch's ostentatiousand reflects all the glamour and glitzassociated with the greatest musiciansand performers of our time anyone whoowns one of these beauties will want toshow it off at every high-class event onthe calendar number sixGucci sequined dress $12,900surprisingly this is the only dress onour list and the design is utterlyimpeccable beyonce knowles purchasedthis dress and is only been seen wearingit once it has the kind of effect thatonly a single appearance will make itlive on forever in the memory of anyonewho saw it made from the finest silkgeorgette it looks as if King Midashimself grabbed it with two hands anddragged it through a river of gold atnearly 13,000 dollars it will satisfythe desire of any woman to draw theattention of everyone and anyone in thevicinity an overwhelming display ofglamour and class so we've reached thehalfway point in this obscenelybeautiful list of Gucci merchandise ifyou like what you're seeing so far thenstay tuned for the rest of our list it'ssure to blow you awayit might also interest you to check outsome of our other top 10 lists if Guccirepresents the very best of italianfashion then loui void song is surelyits french adversary click in the topright corner to check out our top 10list on the most expensive Louis vuittonproducts as well number 5 gucci bikerjacket 18000 $650 Alessandra Miceliincepted this design as a response andtribute to the punk rock scene of Londonthat exploded in the 1980s it's made ofItalian calfskin leather and heavilyembellished with metal studs chains andzippers all over this is the ultimatebadass jacket for those trailblazingno-holds-barred approach to life thathave elevated them to a position offinancial luxury by which they canafford to spend nearly$20,000 on a biker jacket the likes ofSid Vicious from the Sex Pistols and JoeStrummer from The Clash were both theinspiration and targeted audience forthis loud tough design with such ahardcore appearance this truly is aunique and special Gucci product numberfor Gucci 1921 collection mediumshoulder bag 28,000 $990 the design ofthis bag has hardly changed from whenGucci Oh Gucci himself opened his firststore in Florence nearly a century agoit comes in several different colorsbecause because of course the type ofcustomer interested in such a productwould want the choice to match theirwardrobe and for the greatest andrichest enthusiasts there's also theoption to have one in every color in thesame way that avid car collectors willmelt with envy at anything truly vintagethis bag is a pearl of ethereal classthat cannot be ignored by anyone witheyes and taste a firm favorite amongst alist celebrities such as Cameron Diazand Victoria Beckham there are not manyshoulder bags in the world with a betterreputation or a higher price tag numberthree soft stir up black crocodileshoulder bag $30,000what makes Gucci's design and style sosophisticated is the understatement ofits branding on many of its top productsa Gucci shoulder bag like this one isinstantly recognizable simply because ofits shape and quality the crocodileleather on this bag seems to shine in away that could not be imitated theremust be some kind of magic floatingthrough the streets of Florence tocreate such a distinguished class what'seven more magical is the fact that eachone of these artisan stitches are worthmore than most people's weekly salariesdespite the incredible price tag thisbag has never been available for generalsale every time one is made itsinstantly bought along with the highestquality crocodile leather the softstirrup has a buckle made of pure goldnumber two Gucci crocodile tote bagwith bamboo handle $32,000 tote bagshave rapidly grown in popularity inrecent times you can see manyfashionistas sporting high qualitycotton or linen tote bags but in the waythat only Gucci can they're crocodileskin brown leather tote bag sits at thetop of the pile the short bamboo handleis designed to be held in the handswinging elegantly as one princess downthe streetsperhaps the other hand grips ilishstudded in diamonds attached to thecollar of a pedigree Chihuahuaand when that precious dog gets tootired to keep up with the high-classstrut what better place to carry it inthan this perfectly shaped little totemade of the highest quality crocodileleather can you imagine that sightsurely that kind of photo is capable ofbreaking instagram number one gucciStuart Hughes belt $250,000 the doublegigi buckle on a belt is magnified onsocial media as an item of luxuriouswealth and style combining that with theoverwhelming bling of a Stuart Hughesdesign makes this not only the mostexpensive belt in the world but also themost expensive Gucci item ever soldStuart Hughes is famous for escalatingthe value and class of accessories byequipping them with the most expensivematerials he can findhowever this belt sits in a league ofits own for pure decadence and luxurythe 30 carat diamonds that are handencrusted into each buckle make thisbelt worth more than some people's homesat a quarter of a million dollars themajority can only dream of being able tohold up their pants with such class wellI'll Xers that's a wrap on Gucci nowwe're curious when you think of gucciwho is the first celebrity that comes tomind and why let us know in the commentsand of course for sticking with us untilthe end you get a bonus here it is gucciis well recognized as one of the mostfamous brands among hip hop stars infact the word gucci has appeared in thelyrics of more than 3000 different songsthank you for spending some time with usa Luxor make sure to subscribe so younever miss a video if you want more wehand-picked these videos you might enjoyor head over to Alex calm for the bestin fine living content on the planet bea part of the largest community ofluxury enthusiasts in the world and tellyour story
