TOP 20 WINNING PRODUCTS TO DROPSHIP IN 2020: Top Shopify Dropshipping Products for 2020

(Shopify Winning Products) In this video I'm gonna show you the top 20 winning Shopify products for2020 the new year the new decade so you can absolutelyGrow your ecommerce store as much as possible get the results that you're looking for and start absolutely crushing itlet's find out and before we start I want to thank you so much for20,000 subscribersAbsolutely insane that I can impact so many people after my videos for that, too. Thank you for thatI'm doing a special giveaway of a fully builtShopify storecompletely fully built with everything that you need to start getting sales if you want to participate in that kiba way all you have toDo is comment down below automate automate down below?We teach people how to automate their Shopify businessSubscribe hit that notification bell that like button down below and I'm gonna pick somebody over the next week or twoFrom every video that comments so go ahead and comment subscribe at the notification bell and that like buttonI will be checking and the last thing if you want to watch a fullShopify step-by-step course complete for free take the first link in the descriptionIt's completely free course available for youNow for the 20 products the first product that I want to show you is this deep drop phishing lightWhich I found a couple of days agoIt's only been running for about a month and essentially for people out like fishing or yeahIt's just people I like fishing we're interested in fishingYou can put this a little light and it attracts fish to come to that one spot and it's also really helpful for peopleI like to fish at nightThere's something that's a very niche market this particular store in about a month has had 63 thousand views from itBut why I think it's a winning product and why I think you should sell it. It's because this particular store iscrushing it withWith fishing products you go here and you type on sale source and you click analyze storeThis particular store is absolutely rushing with fishing and fishing products. They have a lot of themIf you go to the main homepage they have here. It's kind of a general storeBut for example, they sold a lot of these umbrella rate this fishKnot-tying tool they've just sold a lot like more than a hundred thousand per month if we look up their storeThey're making 125 thousand to two hundred fifty-one thousand per month with scaled up productsThis is one of the new ones that they're selling or relatively new. They're still scaling it upso I think it still has a lot of potential to keep going and start selling a lot of it the second product that IWant to show you is these particular ski slope attachments to your page. I'm just gonna refresh here becauseTurbo add finer is having some issues. So it's this particular product that you can put on your shoe and it looks like thatAnd you can see it right thereyou can literally put this on your shoe on any type of shoe that you have and they use it for skiing like it's absolutelycool skating snowboardingIt's just absolutely awesomeand now that it's a season 4 in the next one to two months three months in most of the cold countries andUnited States Canada Europe, Australia, not obviouslyBut in the main countries you have a lot of snow and a lot of people are interested in skiingThey're going to ski vacationsso it's kind of a really cool product to show off and it's also something new that we haven't really seen that much and youCan attach it to that right there about three weeks, it's made three hundred sixteen thousand viewsSo absolutely insane and it's scaling and growingRemember, it's gonna be for the next couple of months. So you still have a good window to sell it in2020 andIn the months to come for the third product this particular make up case and I found it through an ad here on FacebookIt's really cool how it combines the selfie light which was a huge product in 2020 with a makeup caseSo it actually combines two absolutely scaled up winning productsYou can see it right here in the little video the combines those twoProducts this particular one in about a month has gained seven hundred and eighty thousand views beauty productsI kind of recommend not to sell them because most people what they do is they go and see a cool beauty product out therethey try to copy the same add the same product same audiences everything and it doesn't work that well because it's such anExpensive niche to sell to and it's such an expensive just cost on Facebook. This particular product is newso not that many people are selling it and there's always those products that blow up they made like aMillion two million dollars and this one has potential to be that in the next couple of monthsSomeone from this video can take this product and scale it up really really hard the next productI want to show you is this dumpling mode?Which you probably it's been running like crazy in the past couple of months and you can basically create dumplings for you easilyI still see a lot of potential in this particular product in the coming monthsEspecially now in the holiday season and particularly thoughts towards next year as wellSo you can even solid now and also towards next yearIt's a product that anybody like a general store kitchen in each a home niche or a family in eachAnybody can really sell this product and it's still something that people buy again and again and againIt's something that might break so people can buy it multiple times. There's still a really good productIt's been running for about four months nine hundred thousand viewsSo it's a little bit old this particular ad has been really scaled up, but you're still a lot of potentialIt's not selling too much or too saturated if you brand it properly or if you make it very high-qualityWe're sad just some cheap cheap thing from ChinaYou can definitely sell a lot of this for the next product these light wings for kids hereWe actually found it by hiring a product researcher and he found a list of productsThis one was one of the products that he found this is basically like these wingsEspecially girls or a girl like young girls can use this and look really cool and show off to their friendsIt also shows up like the ad it's it's really really good in the last three weeks is gained about two million views a lotOf those views are international goals. So it's not only from the US or Canada or really high-end countriesIt's also like international so they're getting a lot of use from everywhereSo it doesn't mean that the product is saturated thereIf you looked at AliexpressThis particular product is selling really well with an average of around 10 to 15 orders per day hereWe had a really good day on the 15th 28 orders, and now to kind of drop back back down it went back upSo it's only around 15 to 20, so it's not super saturatedBut there's also a lot of opportunity to sell quite a few orders has 1200 orders right hereAnd it's a little bit of an expensive product, but it's a really high perceived value product as wellYou can sell this for a lot more and you can also get a discount from that supplierIt's just a great product for a generous or a kid's store. If you're also already selling like products to parents kids toysAnd so on it's a good product to add on top of that the next one this mini food cell machineWe actually found it through a product researcher as well. He found this particular productYou've probably seen they're running the ad is not super huge. So I wasn't gonna show it hereBut this particular page she's doing really well with itHere is the particular product here you have is basically just a food sealerit seals any types of plastic bags like it shows here on Aliexpress it has1800 order so we check on Pecola here. It's selling now, it's selling really well around 40 to 50 a dayso it's like so really good that it was selling like twenty twelve fifteen and then it jumped back up to the fifty and nowIt's averaging around forty to forty five a daySo it's selling really well has a lot of potential in the next year and it's also a small product that haskind of a low perceived valueBut you can have a higher perceived value if you're branded properlyIf you do a really cool video has good reviews and everything looks really good for you to sell itSo I think it's a great product. Definitely the scale get some really nice sales withHeyIf you're enjoying this video and the products that I'm giving out to you and you see value inthese trainings make sure to schedule aStrategy session with the second link down in the description go to second link in the descriptionIt's very easy to book your ownStrategy session for free with us is a 45 minute strategy call with me or somebody on my teamWe'll go through the entire strategy that you need for your business to start getting sales in 2020 make the yearAbsolutely amazinggo ahead and schedule your session with the second link in the description for free for the next product thisClothes dryer rack right here, which I thought was really cool and it's super usefulWe actually struggle with this because we don't have a dryerWe just wash clothes and then put them on a drying rack kind of thing here and it's also super cold right nowSo it's really hard to drive thingsSo this dryer rack is actually super useful for everybody that lives in a cold weather doesn't have any Sun right nowThey can just put her on this drying rack and it's super easy to drive the particular product and about a weekIt has 1.1 million views again. They're running internationally. So all this is not like very high qualityViews, it's also kind of international views where it still has a lot of potential to sell and it's super usefulso if you highlight the problem really well, like if you show people with super sweaty clothes or reallyjustHow do you call it with like full water?like yeahWet clothes full of wet clothes and then you have yeah and also dirty clothesYou can also use this for drying clothes very very easily super useful and also isn't a super high priceSo it's definitely worth the money that you're paying for it the next particular product that I want to show you here is this video?camera stabilizer this particular productIt was really cool how the videos started so look at how the video starts there's also a lesson on how to create video adsYou see how the video starts those particular few seconds here. They're super attractive. Like it's somebody jumping and the camera stays thereIt's kind of like oh, then they show an attractive girl with itThen it shows somebody using it and it's just really useful product as wellYeah here you can see the show with it without it slow and easy motionSo this particular product has a 1.2 million views in about two weeks. It is a lot. But againInternational traffic you can click on there and it's a general store selling this particular productI think maybe not this particular video stabilizerMaybe you don't find the exact oneBut you can find different video stabilizers or cameraStabilizers camera or gear camera accessories are super super helpful for anybody that's interested in photographyAnybody that's interested in just taking pictures in general?products like this but are accessories to cameras or accessories for stabilizing areReally really good to sell to that particular niche or if you have a general store as well for the next product these lightsaberchopsticks right hereThese funChopsticks here that is showing off this particular ad doesn't have that many views and it's a little bit oldThe really cool thing about this product after I show you this videoIt's the trend that it's having on Aliexpress in China. So you can look at this order statistic chart right hereit dropped massively to2013 it kind of died outPeople I got and then it kind of jumped back up to tour and 48 then I jumped back up 255 then894 and then I jumped back down to 713So this product just exploded like it went down massively to 20 a day, then it went back up massivelyIt could be just Instagram influencers. Maybe somebody's sizing thisSuper-hard on Facebook, but it's still a product. I just absolutely exploded in like a day or two. We've got a thousand ordersSo when we actually checked the product or found the product it had less than 1000 nowWe just absolutely blew up like in the past couple of days. So I think it's still a product has a lot of potentialIt's a really coolLike wow factor product and it's also pretty cheap that you can sell on a general store on an each storemaybe I just uhIt's also could be a gift for kids and so on just to make it funAnd I love that chart when things like go like that and it's it's awesome for the next product right hereThis art masks or a welding machine or welding helper. It's more for people that are obviously more professionalSo the targeting on this it's a little bit hard. You can definitely use this for Google AdsIt's a better much better product for Google in about two months has685 thousand views over here less splash stable current. So it's a product more for professionalsMaybe people that run a little welding shop or a little bike shop or a little repair shop. It's super helpfulSo it's more for like professionals. It's not really to have in your home or to practice at homeI wouldn't recommend selling it to people like that, but it's really good for professionals for Google Ads. It will be a great productI also want to show you from Facebook for Google for InstagramThis particular one is great for Google for the next one perfect for a home kitchen and bathroom this magic mop this particular oneRight here OOP and use this mop particularly hereI thought this product was kind of not real like it could be a scam or maybe it's not that greatand then I go and watch the comments and I did a little bit of research on this particular product and there's a lot ofPeople that received the product it does. Well, there's nobody commenting that is a scam or anything a lot of peopleIt's a great product you're posting pictures with it and they look like real people. They don't have Chinese names or anything. It's worldwideSo it has eight point six million views in about a month, but there is a lot of worldwide traffic on hereThere's a lot of people commenting in Spanish. A lot of people saying Oh, will it shipped to Mauritius or Trinidad and Tobago?Yeah, and a bunch of people in Spanish actually, just order one. It's the best I would love thisSo there's a lot of people, you know, really?Commenting really good comments on here. So it's a pretty cool product super usefulSo it definitely solved the problem like most mops are really hard to cleanMost mops are really hard to use and there's other types of mopsBut they're either super expensive or just really hard to to useSo this particular one is absolutely crushing it from this particular product products like that that solve a massive problemIt's not really like a life-altering problem or something like thatBut it definitely helps save time help save a lot of money and it makes your life easier around the homeIt's a great product to sell or any type of productLike that for the third product that we're gonna see right now this one be careful with itI just want to use it as a presentation of the type of product that can work in2020 so this particular back belt solves the it basically is a posture corrector that solves your posture problemsBut it's not a posture corrector like the saturator one is a posture corrector back beltSo it's actually a switch on the already saturated product this particular one. This is something that I see happening a lot in2020 is products of a supersaturated in 2019They come back in a different form or the solution to the problem in 2019 comes back in a different formSo a particularly product like this, it's really good in about three months 1.9 million views right here this particular beltThe comments are pretty good right here, but it's a little bit of a scientific productSo be really careful with how you word it. Don't you know don't put any medical advice without like a license or anything?So it's be very careful with the product, but it solves that problemOf the posture corrector comes back in with a different type of product. So one thing that could help you a lot is all got2018-2019 look at the problems that people had the products that brought those solutions and then pick a product that solves those problemsback thenagain in2024 the next product this fireworkHumidifier right here air humidifiers are a massive product to sell and there's always new designs coming throughSo this niche is actually one of the first ones that I ever made profitable sales with was in the yoga niche and armor therapyhumidifier nicheso this new one that looks really really cool and their ad copy here and it has aLike nice touch to it with the different fonts. I'm gonna show you how to do that in just a secondBut here it says a cool misfired diffuser it bringsmesmerizing colors must drive air and hours of selfless relaxationSo that kind of type text or font change. It's really coolIt really attracts you to a particular ad and about a month has2.7 million views and the product has just absolutely exploded this particular one hereAnd it looks like a little bit of a firework and draw around a therapy with styleI think it's an amazing product to sell if you want to makeFunds like that or you want to make add a copy like that. You gotta go to yank text dot-comYeh text comm and actually write the ad copy that you want. So let's say it'sbuy this now like whoops buy this now today and I can use one of these ad copies andI can write my act copy and then I can look at the fonts right hereSo you have this one this one and I want to make it look like really cool and really boldFor example, this one I can just copy here copy and now paste it into my hat copySo it's pretty easyYou just have to literally copy and pasteFrom the text that you want down below this one and faceook allows you to make add a copy like that with different fontsSo it's really really cool for you to use and use in your ad copy the next product that I want to show you isThis water bottle pump right hereAnd I want to show you the order stats on this because we were actually struggling with this thingWe bought a bunch of really big water bottles now that I have like a stable homeit's actually I'm seeing theProducts that I could sell to be that have a home that I may be married to have a familySo this particular product is super helpful, and it's selling around 30It went down to 20, but it's all along 20 to 40 per dayand it basically allows you to pump water out of a bottle really really easily with a touch of the button on the top andThis is a huge problem super super hard to pump water out of these bottlesIt's just amazingly hard and a lot of people have these bottles at home these huge water bottlesLike super super big and then they need that pump to actually pull the water outUse it on a cup and then actually drink it so it's super helpfulIt's a really great product to sell and it's selling out a really nice trendSo it's gonna be huge in 2020It already has five thousand something your orders, but it still has a lot of potential not that many people advertising it out thereIt's a lot of sales from like Russia or UkraineSo it's like organic sales through Aliexpress to countries that already buy on the platformIt's a big opening for other countriesUS Canada and EuropeThe next particular product baby building blocks from nine months sober this particular stores is absolutely crushing itConsistent six figures per month in the baby niche and they have these products called baby building blocksRight hereAnd it basically allows children to play with the Dior babies to play with these blocks really easily and here you can see the picturesand also theseWhen they bring when you squeeze so it's very interactive and it helps a kid like learn and it's also like BPA freeNon-toxic and so on they can put these on top of each otherThey can learn all these building blocks all the things I have to do with babyeducation baby motor skills getting kids to learn how to do thingsThey're super super profitable huge products to sellOh, they're making four hundred ninety thousand to almost a million dollars per monthAnd these are best-selling products this baby sofa chair learning tool head protection pillowAnd now the baby building blocks are going up into the best sellers list. So I think it's a great product to sellIt's absolutely huge and all these products I have to do with education for kids are huge to sellMaybe have a kids in each store or a general storeThey're still great to sell the next product are lists this really useful pet hair removerIt's a huge problem. If you own a pet if you have multiple pets in your home having hair all over the placeIt's super super usefulTime a product like this and they keep coming out with like these rollers and hair removersThis particular one is super easy to useIt's also like very simple and very, umit's actually very affordable and very cheap loved by our customers and here you can see it's kind of funny thatOn the video from reviews. It's actually just reviews from Luke's so they're definitelydrop shipping these productsThey've been running for about four months8.4 million views and they kind of like not scaled it up a lot more or not that many people selling this particular productsoHair removers like this one and the next product that I'm going to show you areSuper useful to sell in a general store or in a niche pet store. So it's just really great to sell hereYou can see the actual page and it's actually a general store that's selling this right here and you can see thereSorry for around I think this is like twenty dollars. Sorry that it's in Ukranian, but this particular one hereIt's a useful tool for pet owners in this particular storeIf we click on sale sourceLet's see how much it's makingHere's the page the page actuallyExplains the product really well and it shows all the pet here step one step twoHow to use the product if we go on sale sorts, it's making sixty-five thousand two hundred thirty one thousand dollars per monthSo it's a store that knows what they're doingIt's making really good moneySo this particular product is one of the ones that's crushing it for examThe next particular product that I want to show you here again, like I said instead of pet hair removerIs this little lint remover? So it's another product like this one and this one is a little bit more likeTechnological more, you know more twenty twenty issue vibe right here, and it's super easy to remove anythingJust pass it through and it removes it passes through and it removes it and it's not only for pet hairThe other one is more for pet hair. This one is more for lint and general homeworkso this one if you want to do one ofThese two products or you want to do two of these products this one I would target it towards pet owners and just removingpet hair this oneI would target it just in general like clothing or people in generalThat need that particular product or that problem salt about two monthsIt has six hundred fifty six thousand views, so it's been scaled up really really wellAnd it's just a great video. If you watch this video, it's just great. They turn it on. They remove the lintQuick and efficient. They also saw your like inside of it, which I don't really know how they did thatBut it's really really cool how they showed youInside of the product what's happening just really easy to use and it's it's cool how they you know that they see the lint rollerHere inside there's just a great video in general that you canTake notes on to write your your own videos the next product. I want to show you from architecture the storeThat is absolutely washing it a million dollars a month selling home decor products. This particular one is very functionalSo this your product and this category of products is functional home decor products just like this oneIt's also a charger. It's a speakermaybe you see a comment right here love ours the sound from the speaker is amazingly rich and it looks great andProducts like this or super profitable and people like no one really talks about them home decor products or product for like really expensiveThat look really cool, but they're also very functional not that many people are talking about itI don't see that many videos on itSo products like this is a great great niche to go into it's a little bit more expensiveSo to me if we go to the actual page on architectureYou have to find it through here and you see like so it's selling for our own two hundred dollarsSo it is an expensive product don't expect to get sales like right away in the cold targeting for thisexpect to get sales and mayberetargeting or down the line with email campaigns and so on but it's really a great niche a great product to solve just becausePeople that have a home and they have a family and they're really passionate about making a home look really goodPlus, it has some functionality of having the charger the speaker and so onIt's a great value for the product and when you brand it properly when it looks like a very legitimate brandVery legitimate store. It gives it that extraPush to get people to actually buy and the last product that I want to show you product number 20 is the SerbianChef's knives right herethis handmadeserving chef's knives and you can see one of the ads from this particular store that I found here and you can see it isA retargeting ad so actually this is the SpanishI was like and this product it's coolBut it's just a chef's knives whatever and then I got retargeted again and again and again by the storeIt's a really cool retargeting ad like it is a very handy very sharp knife and done its jobWell, Terry the Kulina customer you could even cut through the wood with a sharpened betadineIt talks about the product and then it says complete your purchaseSo that was really cool about this retargeting at is that it's an image and then it says complete your purchaseSo it's like hey, you're almost about to buyWhy don't you go ahead and buy right now? So it's actually really cool and the particular product is selling for$88 right here. It's a great product page and a great store in generalThen when we look at AllyExpress this particular product we go to PEX allah and it's selling around ten twenty eight twenty seven forty five went down to elevenSo on average around twenty fiveOrders per day and it's also selling internationally germany france us russiaSo I would take this product and sell it to people interested in cooking and I'm just cooking but like high-end cooking allover a packet countries like everywhere in Europe inUS Canada Australia, pretty much all these countries that could have potential in buying this product or we go ahead and target doneThat's it for the amazing twenty winning Shopify products if you want to go ahead and win thatOptimized Shopify store for free make sure to commentAutomate down below subscribe hit that notification about and that like button and if you want a full freeShopify'sOf course click that first link in the description, make sure to watch in this videoRight here where I teach you a case study of a store that did1.2 million dollars in 30 days 1.3 million dollars. It's an amazing case study. It'll blow your mindCheck it out right thereMake sure to schedule a strategy session with the second link in the description and I will see you in the next one
