Top 5 Bobbi Brown Products

[Music]hi guys welcome to my English Channeltoday I'm doing a top 5 video with thetop 5 products from Bobby Brown a brandthat I love I really hope you like itand let's get started so the firstproduct is you guys might already knowI'm gonna include this in the top 5 thesmokey eye mascara from Bobbi Brown it'sbeen one of my favorites lately becauseit's so perfect it's very black it'svery easy to apply and it just leavesyour lashes like crazy beautiful fulland it gives length it's just perfectI've been using it a lot and it'sdefinitely my top 5 product from BobbiBrown another product that I included onmy top 5 list is the concealer duo fromBobbi Brown and it comes with the actualconcealer and also a concealer powderwhich is like a translucent powder thatyou apply on top to set your concealerand it's great because it keeps yourconcealer on all day and it doesincrease so it's perfect I have to admitthat I used the powder more than I usethe actual concealer but both of themare great but this powder I cannot livewithout so I love this product the otherproduct that I'm obsessed with lately isthe shimmer brick compact in bronze fromBobbi Brown it's this gorgeous I feellike it's a blush and a highlighter atthe same time it's just gorgeous likeyou can't wear it by itself I amactually using it today a little bit ontop of my contouring and the color isjust gorgeous it has like Browns and redundertones and you can wear it by itselfor on top of your actual contour I loveto use this especially when I'm gonnatake pictures because the cheekbones getreally like glowy and beautiful sodefinitely a must have another productfrom Bobbi Brown that I'm obsessed I'vebeen using so so much lately is thea rich chocolate eye palette from BobbyBrown so this palette has seveneyeshadows all neutral shadows only twoof them has a shimmery finish and therest of them are met which I love I havebeen using it so much for my everydaybecause they're neutral and also for anight because it has this beautifulbeautiful brown shadow it's very darkand I usually create like a very nicebrown smokey eye with itso I have been in love with this paletteI use it so so much and it's definitelyon my top 5 so the last product on mytop 5 list from Bobby Brown is the lipgloss and I mean any lip gloss fromBobby Brownthey're just so gorgeous and the colorsare amazing and the finish is so goodit's very thick and it has like a goldshimmer on it and this color is myfavorite it's the pale pink number 56maybe I should just watch it and it'sthe type of gloss that you can wear byitself or on top of the lipstick sothat's it guys these are my top 5products from Bobby Brown and I wantedyou to guys to help me out with moreideas for the for those top 5 videosbecause I love doing them if I should dobrands or specific products likefoundations mascaras I would love to dothat for you guys and before we go Iwant to teach you a Portuguese wordtoday I'm gonna teach you how to say 5the number 5 because it's a top 5 videoso in Portuguese you say Cinco repeatwith meCinco really hope you liked the videoplease don't forget to rate andsubscribe I'll see you next time staybeautifulby[Music]
