Top 5 Motorcycle Cleaning Products

[Music]against its a piston fly here hopeyou're wellnow number of people asked me over thelast year or so whether I could do atour of my man cave well frankly theanswer is no because I feel a bit ofLydia is just a garagewhat is there to show you maybe one dayI'll be of convinced I don't know butanyway I thought by way of a littleconcession today I would show you insideone cupboard at least this one herethat's the cupboard in which I'll keepall my lotions and potions for lookingafter my bike and my cars for thatmatter and I buy loads of stuff as youcan see and that's where it's all keptso on this video what I'm gonna do ittalks through my top five favorite bikecleaning potions and lotions stay tunedokay so to my first favorite productsthen and it strictly speaking not reallya bike product it's a well actually it'sa car and bike product but actually Idon't use this on my bike per se but Iuse it on my advisor and this product isthis rain-x rain repellent now this isactually a dual formula bottle it's gotglass cleaner and rain repellent but I'mjust talking about the rain repo hereit's amazing stuff what you do you cleanyour visor on your helmet as usual andthen you wipe this over with just wipeon with a sponge or a damp clothafterwards and let it dry off and thenit leaves a rain repelling film on thevisor so basically if you go out in therain the rain just beads on the visoryou could turn your head either side inthe airflow and the rain just flies offyour your off your helmet it'sabsolutely brilliant no wiping yourhelmet they won't have to happen to havea little wiper blades on your finger towipe your home or anything like thatstick some rain-x ranger pin on yourvisor and the thing just the thingthat's just stays clear I thoroughlythoroughly recommend this stuff to youso that's number five on my list of mytop five bike products rain-x rainrepellent for your visorokay so to number four on my list end ofmy top five favorite products forcleaning my bike and it's this stuff youwill have heard of it I'm sure everybodyusing this don't they it's Auto Solmetal polish now this is the stuff youcan use it on on any metal actually butit's kind of a pace to lightly abrasivepaste but I use it for cleaning myexhaust headers stick some of this on arag or a long thin rag just rotate itaround the around the pipes and thisthing just bring the back right in youif you've got any blowing or you knowany discoloration on your pipes it takesitof elbow grease a lot of work but thisis the stuff to use auto sole metalpolish I guarantee you you will find allsorts of applications for this butparticularly clean and exhaust on yourbike brilliant stuff so that's numberfour on my list right to number three onmy list and this is something that Iparticularly use on the street triplebut you can use it on any of your bikeson your on your fuel tanks and cylindersthis product it's from our old favoritesAuto glim and it's called Auto glimrapid detailer basically what do youwhat you buy this for is to use with oneof those detailing clothes that ifyou've got a car that's got tonspaintwork you use a clay bar and usethis to lubricate it but also this justworks as a great occasional sore betweenride cleaner if you've been out on yourbike or it's just sat in the garage andgot a bit dusty and it needs to cleanbut it doesn't need a full blown washthen you can spray some of this onto amicrofiber towel just give your bike awhite with it and it'll come outpolished like looking like it's brandnew again it's really really good stuffit's not too expensive and it smellsquite nice as well so Auto Glen rapiddetail just to keep your bikes intip-top condition without havingtogether hassle giving them a full blownwash and polish number three or morelift okay we get into the good stuff nowso number two on my list is that it'ssomething that again I use on all mybikes but in particular bike thePanigale that I'm particularly analabout keeping nice and clean but go fora ride in the summer on this it's reallya summer bar I don't take it out the wayI don't like take out much in the icywinter in the summer I take it for aride of an evening you get back it'sabsolutely covered in bugs and rubbishon the front but the rest of art remainscompletely clean that's when number twocomes into action is this McGraw's GoldClass bug and tar remover it's reallygreat stuff this I love McGuire'sproducts generally but this stuff youcan just spray it again onto microfibercloth wipe onto the front of the faringand it'll just bring off any bugs and soon it's a very it's a very lightabrasive it doesn't have a lot itdoesn't put fine scratches on yourpaintwork or anything like that it looksafter it and it smells rather nice aswell so the guar Gold Class bug and tarremover is my number two favoriteproducts than just keeping my bikes intip-top condition particular in thesummer so to number one on my list of mytop five best motorcycle cleaningproducts and cue the drumroll becausenumber one I'm honest is something Imentioned beforeis this its McGuire's gold class carshampoo it's absolutely brilliant stuffit's I mentioned it on the video I didabout cleaning your bike generally butit's worth a mention again because I usethis all the time both of my cars and mybikes it's it's one of those really niceproducts that is really kind topaintwork its pH neutral doesn't containany horrible sorts or acids or anythinglike thatit's me sort of think of it as the babyshampoo for your bike if you like it'sreally good stuff I love it it lasts forages if you buy in bulk like this itsmells absolutely lovely of flowers orsomething and I just think it's reallygood stuff so McGuire's Gold Class carwash shampoo is tip-top for keeping yourbike clean doesn't do any harmwhatsoever last rages but do bought inbulk makes it a little bit cheaper okayso there we have it then those are mytop 5 bike cleaning products and I justwant to say before I sign off that allthese products are things that I use allthe time and I've bought myself none ofthese them none of these manufacturershave contacted me asked me to advertisetheir products now one give me anythingfor free although if they're watchingand they want to please feel free tosend yourself these are just things thatI use to keep my box in top conditionall the time I probably recommendthey're great what we'll do is I'llstick some links below so you can thenactually go in find it's just yourinterest you can get these all on Amazonand the the rain-x rain repellent isabout six quid the auto sole metalpolishing gets you over that for a fiverthe auto gleam rapid detailer 10 pound25 the Maguire's bug and tar remover 7pound 40-ish and amigaos gold classshampoo providing the big pack it'sabout 17 quid or you get half sized bowlfor about 9 quid which sounds quiteexpensive but actually it's good stuffthen I think is well with paint lastrages so yeah have a look at the linksbelow if you want to get a hold of anyof those that would be great and hopeyou fondant as good as I do okay I havethis pin of some interest and lookforward to spring to you next time untilthen this think I missed them flycheerioyou
