Top 5 New Products Products at ATA 2020

this year like any other the the bigtakeaway from he at the archery tradeassociation show is that exercisingrestraint every year I see so many coolnew products that I'm dying to test outand dine to buy and take home but Ican't afford them all fortunately Ifigured I'd share my five favorites withyou for this year keep in mind thoughthat I haven't actually tested these outget I'm really just looking at them andtalking to the manufacturers andlearning about them and hopefully I'lltest some of them in the near futurenumber five on the list for me this yearis the new spot hog tough guy this isbasically based on the wiseguy wriststrap release except it features aclosed jaw this release offers microadjustable length and comes in a boastrap or a buckle strap you can set thetrigger tension from Featherlite to veryheavy to suit your needsI am far from an expert when it comes toscent control for hunters but there wasone product at the show that kind ofcaught my eye this year and it was afairly simple one it's the scent lockinfused ozone sprayer this is arenewable and reusable source of fieldspray that allows you to turn ordinarytap water into scent killing ozone sprayI'll be trying to get my hands on one ofthese for next season as I've neveractually been bow fishing before itmight surprise you to see the new Muzzybow fishing package on this list atnumber three but I really thought thiswas a cool setup and I want to exploreit a little more this package ishighlighted by a new tournament seriesmozzie XD reel it's designed to be moredurable than ever and features a carbonfiber handle and new reel seat a fullpackage made in conjunction with Oneidaarchery is also available for 499dollars the last few years we've seen anumber of different release aidsoffering more than one way to fire thenewest addition to this lineup is thetrue ball go to this is a handheldrelease that you can set up to fire bypressing your index finger or your pinkyfinger it also has three different ringsizes so fingers of any size can fit inthis innovative release aid the onlydownside is a fairly steep price tag ofthree hundred and forty five dollars themost interesting product to me from thisshow is the new Victor evap SS thisunique Aero is constructed of astainless steel mesh that's rolled upwith a 90 degree carbon fiber weavevictory says this adds incredibledurability along with improved spineuniformity this micro diameter arrowweighs in at nine grains per inch for athree50 spine
