hello welcome today I'm going to betalking to you all about my favouritepolish choice products I chose five mytop five fall my top five polish choiceproducts I'm gonna asked about this allthe time probably because polish choicehas a really extensive catalog and it'svery difficult to know where to startwith their products and also becausethey have tons of really great sales andtheir products are not super overpricedand by overpriced I mean they're notsuper expensive I'm not saying thathigh-end products are overpriced I don'tI have no idea what the pricing scale isbut polished choice is kind of likemiddle and like it's not drugstore it'snot high-end their prices fall likedirectly in the center I think they'repretty comfortable prices for a lot ofpeople and they have really greatformulations with a lot of integrity andtheir brand is really well trusted so Iwould say that my favorite branch ofPolish choice products is theirtreatments I do love their SPS I thinkthey have good cleansers theirmoisturizers are also really reallygreat but their treatments are where Ireally find my loves okay my number oneproduct the product that I probablytalked about the most that I've emptiedthe most 2% BHA liquid exfoliant this isholy grail status I think if one you'renot sensitive to salicylic acid and twoyou have any type of congestion proneacne prone skin this is obviously a BHAproduct and be a chaise targetcongestion under the surface stuff youknow blackheads pimples spots whateveryou want to call them they also targetinflammation and pigments so they helpbrighten the skin as well as decreaseredness from breakout this can be usedby any skin type but the people who aregoing to see the most benefits from itare people who are congestion prone oracne prone and if you have drier skin oreven if you don't if you've never used atargeted product like this this is aspecific BH abhi scan be harsh and canbe irritating so if you've never usedsomething like this I would definitelyrecommend introducing it slowly goingeasy with it and not overusing itbecause they can definitely dry theout of your skin but this stuff isamazing I've been through so manybottles of this it is so good next isanother treatment that I think would begreat for congestion Pro and acne proneskin it is there 10% oz lahic acidbooster oz alike acid is a superunderrated ingredient it is great forall skin types it is in my opinion agood alternative to salicylic acid ifyou are sensitive to salicylic acid it'sa lot more gentle but it has similarbenefits albeit more subtle benefits sothis is a product that I highlyrecommend I've recommended it to a tonof people it's one of my holy grails Ilove it so much but it's not somethingthat you see immediate results from it'snot something that you put it on in thenext morning you're like oh my god myskin is totally new because honestly Ikind of feel like this is like that forsome people this is more subtle it worksover an extended period of timeit helps brighten the skin it helps apigment it helps with clarity it helpswith all manner of things and this is acream whereas this is a liquid so youhave to apply this using like a cottonround or something but this is a creamnext is the antioxidant pore purifierwith salicylic acid and white tea sothis is an antioxidant serum antioxidantserums are really hard to judge becausethe results are not something that youcan visualize especially not immediatelyyou know like they're meant to protectagainst environmental aggressors theyare supposed to help like preventcongestion to some extent but if youjust get a regular ol antioxidant serumit's just really difficult to tell if itdoes anything but I believe inantioxidants and I love polished choiceand I love salicylic acid so again ifyou're a sensitive to salicylic acidthis is probably not the one for you butthis has all the protective benefits ofantioxidant serums like I said protectprotects against environmentalaggressors if you live in an urban areaor if you are just subject to pollutionin any way antioxidant serums her greatand that is why I use one eye I live ina city but this also has the addedbenefit of salicylic acid so if my skinis feeling a little bit more sensitiveand I don't want to use myliquid exfoliant I will use this as myantioxidant serum for the day becausethis is more gentle it has more packedinto this formulation so it's not asharsh or irritating but it still doeshave those cells to look acid benefitsso I personally think that any skin typecould utilize this but the people whoare going to see the most benefit aredefinitely the acne Pro and thecongestion bro next is a moisturizerthis is the Paula's Choice Omega complexmoisturizer I love this this is a mediumweight mousse chur Iser it's very likebasic in that it's you know it's notreally super frilly this is a moisturebarrier building product it is supposedto enrich your barrier strengthen yourbarrier help you maintain a healthy skinand it's just really solid so my skin ismost reactive to moisturizers for somereason I tend to get a lot of congestionfrom them I break out from them oftenit's just a thing it's we deal with itit's annoying but it happens this onedoes not break me out it absorbs intothe skin really easily I think that anyskin type could definitely use thisbecause it's not so lightweight that itdoesn't you know provide any hydrationbut it's not so heavy that it's tooheavy for oily skin so this in myopinion is sufficiently hydrating but itjust covers all manner of bases and it'sreally really solid and last we have anSPF so this is not an entire routine butit is a lot of her routines this is theyouth extending daily hydrating fluiddespite the name of this product I donot consider it to be hydrating so Iwould definitely say that this is moresuitable for normal to oily skin typesI have combo skin this works really wellfor me my husband has what I wouldconsider to be more oily skin and thisworks well for him this is a very serume consistency SPF it has antioxidants init as well as plant extracts so it hasthat protective benefit fromenvironmental aggressors without havingto use an antioxidant serum alongside itthis is SPF 50 so it does have agenerous amount offactor in it and it doesn't break me outso I'm a really big fan of serumconsistency SPS because I think thatthey blend into the skin really well andthey don't make me throughout the daythis is also supposed to minimize theappearance of pores so it's got a littlebit of a blurring effect to it but allin all I think that this is a reallygreat step if you have more dry skin andyou want to use this just layer it overtop of a moisturizer there's nothingwrong with doing that if you have oilyor normal skin you can layer this over amoisturizer or you can use it on its ownit's totally up to you and that's itthose are my top 5 polish choiceproducts now obviously like yes a lot ofthese products work for all skin typesbut you're gonna want to calibrate basedon what you feel your skin type is ifyou don't know aestheticians are helpfulI took me forever to figure out my skintype you may think that that stuff isreally intuitive but it's often not soyeah but these are my fave 5 my top 5love them have backups of all of themand yeah I would love it if you wouldlet me know down below what your topchoice for polished choice products areis our what are your top polish choiceproducts I'd love to know and thank youso much for watching I'll see you allnext time bye
