hey guys what's up and welcome back tomy channel and welcome to a video allabout skincare so in today's video we'regonna be chatting about my top 5skincare products that are actuallyworth your money there's so muchmarketing there's so much propagandathere's so many products especiallyexpensive ones in the skincare scenethat just really do absolutely nothinglike it's basically just a scam to getyou to spend your money you guys knowthis happens every day I don't do itblame this out here in front of me I'vegot 5 products that actually genuinelyhave changed my skin life I guess youcould say for the better they work theymake my skin look better they make melook more youthful they help withcontrolling oils and things like thatthey help with anti-aging they help withmaking your makeup in your foundationlooking a lot better like there are 5incredible products that in my opinionare totally worth every cent I've beenrepurchasing them and I will continue tobe repurchasing them because theyactually do work so yes if you areinterested in learning about my top 5skincare products that are actuallyworth your money then please keep onwatching so first up I've got these precleanser by Dermalogica now this is aproduct that you actually use to removeyour makeup at the end of the day now ifyou're anything like me it's actuallykind of tedious to remove your makeuplike I used to actually dread it I'vegot extremely sensitive eyes andremoving my makeup with a lot of eyemakeup removers or removing it with sortof moist makeup remover towelettes oh mygoshit was painful my eyes would water thatwould go so red and bloodshot theywouldn't and it wouldn't just like hurtin the instance like while I was doingit like literally I'd be in bed and I'dbe like whoa my eyes are watering likethis is horrible absolutely horribleever since introducing this product intomy skincare routine are gonna been usingit consistently for two to three yearsnow it is literally changed my life soit's basically like a liquid oilcleanser you pump it out before youremove any of your makeup you basicallylet obviously take your lashes off girlyou know what everyone though but prettymuch pump it into your hand I rub itbetween my hands and then I basicallyrub it over my entire face now what thisdoes is it actually breaks down all ofthe makeup on your face you then wetyour hands and continue rubbing in akind ofinto like a white sort of like milkykind of consistencyit literally dissolves all of yourmakeup without annoying your skinwithout irritating your eyes withoutcausing your eyes to water it's one ofthe only products that I've ever triedthat have actually been able to do thatand then pretty much after it's brokenall the makeup down you grab like a wetface washer or you jump into the showerI pretty much always just jump into theshower and wash it off and literally allof your makeup is gone without anyirritation now it's not like it's not tobe used in place of a cleanser you stillneed to use a cleanser this is like apre cleanser to get rid of you know dirtgunk grime makeup anything like yourskin before you do go in and cleanse butit's just it's an incredible productit's a dream to use it doesn't irritatemy skin I love it so yes the Dermalogicapre cleansernext up the tighter silk cream nowinitially when I first tried thisproduct I was like I didn't understandthe hype like it's it's a facemoisturizer I like what is everybodygoing crazy about I couldn't have beenmore wrong like I'm the first to admitwhen I've been wrong and I wasdefinitely wrong about this product Ihave been loving and using this formonths I'm sure I was broken about it inother videos as well it's a beautifulbeautiful incredibly hydrating and skinsoftening a cream now you can use thisduring the day you can apply it beforeyou go to bed at night whatever suitsyou this is kind of what it looks likeit's sort of like a gel sort of kind offormula it's extremely lightweight likethis product will not leave any kind ofresidue on your skin or whatsoever itcompletely absorbs and it just hydratesthe skin like no other and it reallysoftens the skin like I've definitelyfound since using these like my skinlooks a whole lot more hydrated andlifted and I'm pretty lucky because ofmy oiliness I don't have like stacks andstacks and stacks of fine lines but Idefinitely do get like settling afoundation just through my smile lineshere around my face underneath my eyes alittle bit on my thyroid like I have ahundred percent fan since using thisthat that happens a whole lot less ithas just softened up the skin so muchand it hydrates on such a deep levelthat it just it's a game changer it'stotally a game changer the other thingthat I love about it is because itdoesn't leave that sort of oily residueon the skin it doesn't causeyou know issues with foundationsinteractions with your makeup it doesn'tcause grease eNOS and oiliness orheaviness to the skin like I can applythis before going in with my makeup forthe day don't have to worry aboutanything like it will it will not alteryour makeup in any way but it makes sucha huge difference to the like theoverall like I feel like I look youngerlike I realized I'm only 27 and Itechnically don't have a right to evenbe able to say that yet but I feel likewhat I use this consistently my skinlooks younger and more hydrated and justlike I've been eating my fruit andvegetables and drinking a lot of water Iabsolutely love this and you know it isexpensive 100% this is an expensiveproduct but this is one of the productsfrom Tata that I think is totally worththe money okay next up I've got an eyecream and this is from the brand I neverknow if I'm saying this correctly andyou guys always give me so much about itcuz I never say it right with my stupidAustralian accent um hola Henriksen OlayHenriksen hola Henriksen I'm pretty sureit's lion Rickson um this is theirbanana bright eye cream now this is aproduct that I have definitely spokenabout in a bunch of other videos it'sincredible so this is an eye creamthat's actually based on I guess themagic behind using banana powderunderneath the eyes so the purpose ofthis is to really help with darkunder-eye circles but not only does itdo thatit definitely helps with fine linesunder the eyes it's got a bunch ofvitamin C and collagen in it it's sogood for the skin and keeps the skin sobeautifully hydrated the other thingthat I really love about this is itdoesn't interact with under eye makeupI've had the hardest time you know witheye creams getting them to work on myoily skin type and especially gettingthem to work underneath concealer in theunder eye area for the longest time Ijust found that they were heavy theywere quite greasy they didn't absorbentirely into the skin and they leftresidue and it just caused my concealerto like separate and break up and cakeand settle into fine lines and all alltypes of gross notes like it just reallydidn't work out for me at all but thisstuff is incredible this completelyabsorbs into the skin it smellsbeautiful and fresh and it doesn'tinteract with your makeupin any way whatsoever I've been usingthis one for about 6 weeks now and I'vedefinitely noticed a huge difference inthe fine lines under myand I also feel like the area looks lesslike sunken in and just kind of liketighter tight like a toy gun I don'teven only use it underneath my eyes likeI literally will get it out and I willslather at all underneath my eyes allover the tops of my lidsI've got textured eyelids and sometimeseyeshadows especially if I use a wetbrush in like a foil or a shimmer shadowlooks horrendous on my lids but somehowI feel that this is also helped with thetexture on my eyelids like it's just Ilove it it's amazing one of the best eyecreams I have ever used okay next upI've got another Dermalogica product andyou guys are not gonna be surprisedabout this one at all this is theirdaily micro Foley and this thingfreaking kicks butt this hands down outof all of these products is myhands-down favorite could not recommendit anymore like if you are looking toinvest any kind of money into any kindof skin care product I would try thisfirst I really would recommend you trythis first it's amazing so this isactually like a rice-based powder youpretty much pour the black powder intoyour hand mix it with a little bit ofwater and then you use it all over yourface and what it does is it exfoliatesthe skin this is a chemical exfoliantand it's got a bunch of enzymes from therice powder in it and what it does is itvery like it is a daily micro Foley andso it's perfectly safe to exfoliate yourskin every day with this I wouldn't doit twice only once a day but what itdoes is it really kind of like breaksdown any texture on the skin it breaksdown dead skin cells just any gunk thatyou've got on the skin it helps withclarity of the skin and I kid you notusing this before foundationlife-changing like I I found personallythat this made the biggest differencefor my enlarged pores and for my textureprior to applying my foundation like myskin looks 10 times smoother when I usethis it looks clearer it looks tightersomehow like this has made a huge hugehuge difference to me like I honestlycouldn't recommend it anymore it's abeautiful beautiful product and knowthis video is not sponsored in any waylike literally I just love this stuff somuch like it calms the skin it correctscolor of the skin it corrects brightnessof the skin corrects texture of the skinreally really good product try it doescome in like a little minis you can I'mgetting in a little mini if you want totry it first it doesn't smell amazinglike it's not the most like incrediblespyrixit's just a straight-up product thatworks so yes Dermalogica daily microfoliat goals and then lastly to finish Ihave a mask now I've tried a lot ofmasks from glam glow and I pretty muchswear that not many of them do anythingfor me I've never found any of them totighten or make my paws smaller or makemy skin brighter or make me look moreyouthful or more hydrated or anythinglike that but this one he literally islike black magic and a little Java stuffhe's crazyso this is the glam glow super mudclearing treatment this is a face maskthat smells oh so medicinal like I don'teven know how to explain itit's for sure got licorice in it it'sactually really really refreshing on theskin like it feels amazing when youapply it but it's kind of like a claysslash mud mask so basically what thisdoes is kick the absolute butt of anyacne ever doesn't matter if it's anactive breakout or if it's one of thoseones under the skin that's like comingthrough you put this on that breakoutthe next day it's pretty much gone itfreaks me out how well this works Idon't even know what's in it how itworks what it does now because I'm sucha tight-assand this thing's expensive especially inAustralia like I feel like this cost melike $80 I only exclusively uses as aspot treatment like in my opinion it'sjust too expensive to be smearing itover my entire face I'll only use it asa spot treatment so if I've got abreakout I'll scoop a bit out I'll popit on you know the acne wherever it isand I will literally sleep in atovernight the next day that acne spot isgone hands down guarantee it I've got noidea of these come in smaller samplesizes like I genuinely don't know I'llhave a look online and see if I can findthem so that you can actually like it'sgood to buy like a smaller version soyou're not investing a bunch of money ina product before you find out that itactually works with your skin buthonestly for those of you who havebreakouts or for acne sufferers thesestuff is an absolute GameChangercouldn't recommend it any more adore itand even though it costs so much moneyand I'm typically like really not forthat um it's totally worth it like itreally is I would oh and I will berepurchasing repurchasing andrepurchasing this because it works thatwell so there you have it guys that isit for the video today five skin careproducts that Joanyou only are worth the money genuinelyworth your time and genuinely worthlooking into like I said these fiveproducts have really changed the gamefor me they've really helped me you knownot only with my enlarged pores not onlywith my texture not anything with myoily skin but general you know just thehealth and the look of my skin it looksso much clearer so much more hydrated somuch brighter and lifted and moreyouthful and I'm just so glad that Idiscovered all of these products I hopethat you enjoyed today's video guys Ihope that it was helpful if you do haveany questions about any other of theseproducts or skincare products that youknow you might have been looking intoand researching and keen on trying letme know you know I might be able to helpyou out with that and also let me knowif you want to see a drugstore versionof this video I do have a bunch ofdrugstore skincare favorites that areyou know that actually work a lot adrugstore skincare just basically doesnothing but I found some really goodhidden gems I have so if you want to seethat let me know in the comments downbelow as well give the video a thumbs upif you did enjoy it and I hope you allhave an amazing rest of your day andI'll talk to you all in my next videobye
