Top 7 Trends for eCommerce in 2020

20:19 is almost over a decades almostclosing and we're looking at the futurefor 2024 ecommerce so in this video I'mgoing to share seven trends that I seehappening in e-commerce for 2020 andthings that you can implement on yourstore today to make sure that you'reahead of the curve so stay tunedhi I'm Elle McCann and I am the owner ofcurious teams web development studio inNashville Tennessee and if you're newhere consider subscribing I have been aShopify expert for over six years nowand I post videos every Monday Wednesdayand Friday all about Shopify and how togrow your online store so in this videoas I mentioned we're gonna be talkingabout the top 7 trends that I seehappening for e-commerce specifically in2020 which it's crazy that we're herealready every year just goes faster thanthe last I guess that's what it means tobe getting older but I want to go aheadand share these trends with you so thatyou can start implementing things onyour site now with the remainder of 2019so that way whenever 2020 happened youcan make sure that your site's alreadyset up and optimized and ready for thesetrends so the first trend that I see isstill an increase in mobile shoppers soin 2016 2017 it was estimated thataround 50% of shoppers were on mobiledevices and we're gonna continue seeingthat statistic rise there are somestatistics that are out there expectingit to be around 70 percent of onlineshoppers will actually be doing theshopping from their mobile device whichis hugeso my tip here is to make sure that yoursite is optimized for mobile devices nomatter what the mobile screen or tabletyou want to make sure that your sitelooks goodso the best way to do this is toactually pull out your phone your tabletwhatever it is and make sure your sitelooks good on those devices if you'vepurchased a Shopify theme you go andcontact that theme developer if you seeany issues on your site or you can hirea Shopify expert to fix any issues orcreate any specific experience that youwant your mobile viewers to go throughso make sure that your site is set upand optimized for mobile devices becauseif it's not and it doesn't look good onmobile devices with 70% of trafficcoming for mobile devices you're gonnasee a huge decrease in your conversionrate and your traffic because people aregoing to come to your site on a mobiledevice and go ooh this doesn't look goodand then leave so you want to make surethat you were set up and optimized andyour site looks greatno matter whatvais they are viewing your site on thesecond trend that I see is that videocontent will continue to surge so we sawthis in 2019 of a lot of onlineplatforms like Google and Facebook andother social media platforms reallyemphasizing video content so thatdoesn't mean you have to create aYouTube channel like this one you couldinstead just focus on how to createvideo content for your products so thatcould be something like creating ahow-to demonstration video of showinghow to use your product in a video youcan also experiment with video ads ifyou're running any paid advertising orreach out to influencers who alreadyhave YouTube or Instagram channels thatthey're implanting some video on and youcan go ahead and try and see aboutgetting your product featured with themany way that you can create contentthat's going to feature your productespecially if you have any kind ofinstructions of how to actually use itwould be a great way to incorporatevideo on your site for 2020 the thirdtrend that I see is that customers arereally looking for more transparencyfrom brands so this is actually in acouple different ways you see a hugerise of people incorporating socialcauses in their branding so eitherthey're showing that a portion ofproceeds go to a specific cause orthey're showing that their products areethically sourced materials areethically sourced and people are payingbeing paid a living wage so this is hugefor just showing the transparency ofwhat goes on behind the scenes of abrand and we're seeing more and morecustomers who are really involved andwanting to make sure that they're votingwith their dollars and what they'respending their money on is actuallygoing to help people and not hurt peoplewe can also see transparency in terms ofjust brands showing behind the scenes ofan order placement so Amazon has reallybeen the frontier for that but withtheir prime shipping of orders beingshipped in one to two business dayspeople are really starting to expectthat level of engagement where they cansee where their order is every step ofthe way and they're expecting fastshipping so if you were drop shippingyou're really disadvantaged here becausethose arelonger shipping times an app that Ireally like that is new is called markso what this app mark lets you do isactually set up a video recording thatshows the customer and sends in thevideo of their order being packaged theycan then see that everything is beingpackaged correctly it's being packagedwith care and then they can get thatvideo sent to them and also the trackinginformation as well so it really shows alevel of behind-the-scenes where peoplefeel a lot more engaged and they're alot more excited to get that order inthe mail because they've seen it gothrough the process so I really likethis new app called mark and I reallyrecommend that you check it out as wellI'm gonna put a link in the descriptionbelow so that you can check it out andsign up for a trial on their site it'sjust another cool way to add additionalconnection and engagement with yourcustomer while they're waiting on theirorder to be received which is typicallya time when people can get the mostantsy so it's a great way to hopefullyminimize your customer support emails aswell as reduce the amount of returnsthat they get because they're seeing alot of the actual packaging and theprocess behind the scenes of their orderso make sure to check that outthe fourth trend is focusing onuser-generated content so we can seethis a lot with reviews specifically onsite or different influencersrecommending products so this is a hugeway to get your brand and your productsout there more so it's one thing for abrand to be saying oh look at my productit's great but whenever you can see theactual customers have purchased theproduct and also really liked it and itare recommending it as well that canreally give a lot of social proof to aproduct where someone may not becompletely sure if they want to purchaseit or not but as soon as they see thosereviews on your site then they're a lotmore likely to actually go through withthat transaction so one of my favoriteapps to do this is called looks and Ihave already done a video tutorial onthis before so I will put that in thedescription below as well as a link to afree trial that you can get set up tointegrate this on your Shopify store butwhat I like about the looks app is thatit actually letspeople submit photo reviews so it makesit even more of a social proof becauseyou're seeing actual user-generatedcontent which is the photo review ofthem using the product and giving theirreview as well so you could then takethese photo reviews and showcase them onother areas of your site or on socialmedia or on paid ads as wellso I really recommend setting up thisapp on your site and getting those photoreview start coming in for your productsalso think about reaching out todifferent influencers and getting themto review your product and interact withit as well and have that be some of theuser-generated content for your site aswell again the more people that you canget their hands on your product andreviewing it to a bigger audience thebetter so the fifth trend that I seehappening for 2020 is a rise in voicesearch so in 2016 one of every fivesearches online was done through voicesearch for things like Google home andAlexa this is going to continue toincrease and we can see some statisticssaying that 50% is estimated to be voicesearch in the year 2020 so this meansthat you need to actually have your siteset up and optimized for voice search sothis means actually optimizing your sitefor longtail keywords for SEO so youneed to be thinking about what peoplemay be searching for whenever they maycome across your product any questionsthat they may have that can lead them toyour product as well and create contenton your site both in blog posts and inyour product post that go through andanswer these questions and have thoselong-form keywords in there so we're notgoing to go too much into that in termsof SEO in this video but I'm going tolink below to a full playlist that Ihave on how to optimize your site forthe search engine so make sure to checkthat out the sixth trend that I see for2020 is a rise in chat bot so I may saychat BOTS and you're like no please nobut they're actually super helpful sothink about it your customer supportteam whether it's you or a whole team ofpeople can't be around 24/7 to answerquestions so this is whereat BOTS come in you can actually setthem up to have programmed a list ofresponses based on what the customer isasking either if it's about your productspecifically or about your brand andthey can go ahead and give automatedmessages back plus whenever someone isaround to answer your messages they canthen respond directly to them about anyadditional enquiries that they may haveso my favorite for this is mini chat andit's a great way to set it up to workwith the Facebook messenger chat programbut we're gonna see a huge rise of chatBOTS because just consumers are wantingto get their questions answered as soonas they have them so if you have a chatbot like this on your site you're a lotlikely to get those questions answersand actually get that order or thatpurchase because they feel confident inordering from you then and are going togo through with the sale so I reallyrecommend setting up a chat bot for yoursite and we actually have a tutorialcoming out soon for setting up the minichat chat bot so make sure to subscribeto this channel if you haven't yet andbe the first to see that tutorial assoon as it comes out so my last trendthat I see for 2020 is inpersonalization so this doesn't justmean personalizing your products andhaving it to where customers cangenerate personalized material like thatbut more just personalized experiencesfor customers so email automation ishuge for this but making sure that youare segmenting your email marketing listand you're reaching out to customerswhatever point they are at in theirjourney with you online not sending youknow just generic one-off emails topeople but making sure that you'resegmenting your list and you're talkingdirectly to your customers so we'vetalked a lot about ideal customeravatars on this channel and knowingexactly who your ideal customer is somany people say that their audienceseveryone but the truth is if youraudience is everyone and you're tryingto speak to everyoneyou end up speaking to no one so makesure that you take the time to go in andactually personalize your automatedemails and responses if you're doingchat BOTS as well and that you're reallysegmenting who you're talking to and youarebeing really personalized with themessaging throughout that way you cangive a better experience and peopledon't feel like they're just one of manybut you're speaking to them directly sothat wraps up my top trends for 2020 forthe e-commerce space I would love toknow what you think so make sure tocomment below this video let me know ifyou think that there are going to be anyother trends that I didn't mention aswell as let me know if you areimplementing any of these apps orfeatures on your site to make sure thatyour site is ready for 2020 and beyondthanks so much for watching and if youhaven't yet make sure to hit thatsubscribe button to be the first benotified about any new videos that comeout all about Shopify and how to growyour online store also check out thesevideos over here for more ways tooptimize your Shopify store for moretraffic and sales thanks so much forwatching and I'll see you in the nextvideo
