Top 8 AliExpress Products | eCom Dudes

what is up everybody dead to silver hereand in today's video I'm going to begoing over the top eight Aliexpressproducts of 2016 that I myself and myteam have gone ahead and tested reviewsand we've sold hundreds even thousandsof units of these products so withoutfurther ado let's get into it right nownow a little disclaimer before Iactually get into all these productsjust keep in mind some of these arehigher prices at certain times of theyear and some of them are lower pricesmeaning that when there comes to be aflash sale for the supplier where theymark it down from like five six dollarsfor per unit it might be three to fourdollars so again our margins definitelyincrease but overall what I can say isthat these products are number one havebeen on the bestsellers or if theyhaven't been on the bestsellers we'vefound them but kind of like a littlelittle diamond in the rough right soagain without any further ado let's diveinto these products you can take a lookat the links in the description as wellto go ahead and claim these productsthey're on Aliexpress I'm going to giveyou a direct link to them so you can goahead and use them yourself in yourstores and I hope to hear from you and Ihope that these really do help you andyou add into your store and make tons ofsales so without any further ado let'sget into it right now first on the listis pitbull necklace now there's beentons of different variations when itcomes to this pitbull necklace butoverall there's tons of disparatesuppliers that come and go that sellthis necklace that are very very good soas you may or may not know one of thebiggest claim to fame that I've ever hadwas going and building out this is justone of them for the gear bubble umactual products that I use this is whereI went ahead and sold your bubbleproducts and I absolutely love thepitbull niche and what I can tell you isthat they are some amazing amazingpassionate people in here and I actuallybuilt off more pages just from this onepage but this one page was an examplethat I ran so when it comes down topitbulls I can tell you right now thatit's such a passionate audience andmajority of my really big animal saleswill come from pitbull so with thatbeing said number one on my list ispitbull necklace absolutely love theniche because it's super superpassionate and it's very easy for me totarget so let's head over to number tworight nownumber two is the iPhone glass cover nowthe iPhone glass cover is pretty uniquebecause we can pick it up for a reallylow price meaning we can get it fromanywhere from 55 cents up to a dollarand we've gone ahead and sold them oneBay for six to seven dollars as well sowhen it comes down to it these glasscovers sell in the hundreds andthousands of units when you have theperfect audience or perfect platform tosell it on however what I suggest youkeep in mind is that you have to realizethere's a lot of competition when itcomes to the iPhone glass covers so whatyou need to do is you really need tomake sure you're bundling them upwhether it's a three for one deal etc soagain iPhone glass cover is definitely aproduct a very very hot product thatwe've been testing lately for theiPhones and they've been converting andselling like absolute gangbustersso that will place our number two spotfor our top eight Aliexpress products ofthis year let's head over to numberthree right now in our number threeposition we go ahead and have a heartchoker now the heart chokers and justchokers in general or performing supersuper well across the board whether ornot you're selling on Amazon you're onShopify store you're going and sellingthem on eBay or Etsy no matter whereyou're selling currently all you need isthat right audience in that littlemovement of product and once youactually start selling a few chokerswe've noticed that it's really hard toget your first few sales but once youhave your first few sales and especiallywithin Facebook ads once your audiencestarts going ahead and being supertargeted your pixel starts being cookedeverything does its route for you youcan literally go out there and targetwomen between the ages of 20 and 30 andgo ahead and sell hundreds of units ofthese every single day and the best partis you don't really have to have thatmuch interest targeting if any to go outthere and sell chokers once your pixelis actually cooked and the other bestpart about this is you can sell this foranywhere from five to ten dollars for aset of three to five and it cost youfifty cents for every single unit sowhen it comes down to the chokers heartchokers are performing the best for usbut chokers in general are performingvery very well and it also happens to beone of the top sellers just chokers ingeneral on Aliexpress so that's why wegive the tart choker and chokers ingeneral for women thenumber three spot in our top eightcountdown so let's head over to numberfour right now next on the list is babyclothes now listen to this very veryclosely I'm not going to go ahead andtell you exactly which particulararticle of baby clothing is performingreally well because of the fact that notI don't want to tell you but they're allperforming super super well that's thething you know baby clothes workextremely extremely well when youactually have your pixel cook and I keepsaying this all the time if you go outthere you cook your pixel andeverything's going to be working outreally great for you which is crema trueif you go ahead and have one particulararticle of baby clothing on your storethat's performing really well like threefour hundred units critical likeaudience and then run it with anothertype of well baby article of clothingright whether it's rompers little shoesat the top whatever it is you canabsolutely dominate no baby clothesfalls into our number four spot in thetop eight products of 2016 this categoryof actual products on Aliexpress is hugeand the market there is absolutelyincredibleso without your anything else being saidnumber four goes to baby clothes nownumber five goes to survival packagesnow I say packages because it can belike pretty much whether it's a survivaltype of package for example like aMedicare kit over here now we have tokeep in mind is that surviving peopleare definitely used to kind of likebundle offers so a lot of people whenthey first come into e-commerce theythink survival is great now we had onesurvivalist store in the beginning of2016 and then everybody just kind ofcaught on to e-commerce what happenedthere was well essentially a survivalbecame one of the number one thingseverybody got into first because of RyanDeiss a digital marketer with a survivallife blog now what you have to keep inmind is that we did sell a ton of Unitswhen it came to survival different typeof packages and packaging productstogether however over the course of theyear it actually ended up fading awayand the profit margin started to becomewell smaller because we have to pay ahigher inversion cost so with that beingsaid we sold thousands of units in thebeginning and then what happened istowards the end once we started moveto the end of the year mid-year as wellwe started to notice a massive increasein conversion cost plus our profitmargin started to go a little bit lowerand competition started to arise so whenit comes down to survival you can stillmake a lot of money you just have tomake sure you're packaging it correctlyyou have great margins and your ad costis low so that goes to our number fiveposition but our number six positiongoes to beard products now here's thething with beard products beard productsare great if you build a brand okay youhave to build a brand around whateverbeard product you try to go out and sellso you can be this generic beard storewhich is fine but if you go out andcreate a brand around your beard storeyou're going to have a lot more successthat's where one thing we went wrongwhen to create our beard store this yearwas we went out there and createdsomething generic but we realized thatthe number one way to go and absolutelyhave massive market share is if youcreated a brand in 2017 that's exactlywhat we're heading towards we realizethat the beard market is absolutely hugevirtually untapped as well by anyAliexpress what kind of retailers rightso what you have to keep in mind is thatbeard products perform very very wellsomething like this was like a beardpaddle right I think that's what theycall it a beard cow this convertedextremely extremely well beard productsare doing really well especially if youcan go ahead and create your own beardoils and whatnot we have one student inthe in the Academy his name is Sean Seanwent out there and created his own beardstore as well and he knows how tomanufacture his own beard oil and that'ssomething I told him you know doubledown on it's going to be somethingyou're absolutely going to make a lot ofmoney off of it you can go ahead andbuild a brain around that so with thatbeing said number six goes to beardproducts number seven goes to ourcycling speedometer now the cyclingspeedometer is something that you haveto realize all the cyclists right peoplewho like to cycle they are very verypassionate about their sportso when it comes down to it they'rewilling to go ahead and spend three fourfive thousand dollars on their bikeswhich is absolutely incredible andthey're willing to go out and spend moreattachments for their bikes as well andthis is something we played off of anduse the premium pricing strategy when weuse the cycling speedometer we actuallysold this for I think it was around $80or so and we're picking it up for lessthan $10 so our profit marginwas absolutely insane given the factthat we can literally pay up to 20 to 30dollars per conversion for each andevery sale that we had coming through tothis particular product so when it comesdown to it cycling is very hard to tapinto but because we use the premiumpricing strategy what happened here waswe were able to make a very very highprofit margin and we're able to go andpretty much have a massive massivedomination when it came to ad because wewere willing to pay more for everycustomer that we went out there toacquire then our competition did alrightso that's number sevencycling speedometer that's where itfalls in so number eight goes to fishinglures now I just want to say this fromthe start you have to realize that it'snot only just this fishing lure fishingis a massive market there's always abunch of lures by new suppliers now letme just tell you right now the best wayfor you to go ahead and tap into thisparticular market the huge profit marginnumber one is bundling up lures andnumber two is looking for new lures thatcome out from different suppliers thisis something that I'm always looking aton a day to day basis I also havesuppliers that what's at me if they'recoming out with new designs and newlures then I say okay I want to go aheadand pretty much sell us with your whichare margins on this etc basically Iasked them how much are you selling itfor this is what I can sell it for andthis is my margins I figured that allout and I go ahead and I sell it sofishing lure is number eight we have ageneric store when it comes to fishingwe kind of just throw anything onto afishing store and see what works butwe've noticed that the fishing lures arethe ones that perform outperformeverything else on there so without anyfurther ado that was our top eightproducts of 2016 and the category aswell because baby is a massive categoryit's not just one product that convertsreally well for us it's literally like acollection of products that actuallywork really really well for usso without any further ado before youleave I have one more thing to tell youstick with me right nowI've recently have been getting a lot offeedback from the e-comm dudes Academyfrom the content that we've had in thecoaches that we've had as well and Ijust want to go ahead and have somehonorable mentions in there like Joseover here where he literally what Ihadn't had an order for137 dollars which is great we have tonsof awesome people inside the Academyright now that are doing phenomenalphenomenal numbers a lot of peopleasking questions which is great andagainthe best part is when people actually goout there and they actually start tohave sales they actually start to havesome type of traction this is what we dothis for all these videos that I produceit's here to help every single person Ipossibly can now over here is wellKashan again if you're watching thissuper proud of everybody who I'mshowcasing right now but what I'm reallyproud of is those of you that take withaction to see results all right veryvery important there's a ton of peoplewho go ahead and watch this video andnever want to do anything else aboutwhat they're trying you know to achievehere whether it's not it's going out andachieving the perfect lifestyle that youwant or being financially free whateverit is what I want to go ahead and letyou know is the fact that you should beout there taking massive action andimplementing what you learn so thisvideo in particular you just saw eightproducts in total alright you have eightproducts in total that you can go aheadand use an add into your store and starttargeting to make money but if you wantto learn exactly how to go ahead andeven increase your your knowledgefurther what I suggest you do is go toover to econ deuce comm slash Academyslash enroll now where you're going tobe able to get access to is literallyevery single thing we have inside theAcademy you know what as a matter offact let me just show you exactly whatyou can expect inside of the Academy solet me just go over here and boggingjust to show you a little bit of aglimpse on the inside alright so here weare this is the it's going to be themembers area you go to members alrightmen Academy slash login one more timehere we go click here for the dashboardand let's go into our coaches not eventhe weekly workshops or anything else sohave myself been we'll all dead Buchanfarms on so if we just start off withsomebody like Ben Malloy okay now whatyou have to keep in mind is that thereis a bunch of content for Ben andand whatnot so if you go and take a lookat a final final walkthrough everylittle aspect when it comes to goingahead and creating a funneled andbooking covers it now we take a look atsomebody like Farzin as well Farzanatalks about Shopify store set up backendoverview domain set of pages top appsgeneral store product researchtrademarked items Facebook ads etc sowhen it comes down to it what you haveto keep in mind is going out there andchoosing which route is best for youthis month currently I'm actuallyreleasing my content we have weeklyworkshops I'm going to just dive intothe coaches again as well I want to showyou what I'm going to start talkingabout this week I won't write this monthbut I'm literally breaking downeverything you need to know and there'sgoing to be at least another 10 to 15videos and the weekly workshops there'sI mean these are anywhere from an hourto two hours long so an hour over hereall right we have another hour over hereand it keeps going going and goingthere's probably a good products a 15 to20 hours worth of content just right nowfrom the past three months that we'vebeen open but not only that I'm happy toactually announce that we've had moresuccessful students than any other typeof program everso right here Romans has just joined oneweek ago I learned a lot of good stuffthank you dude so again this is the typeof results that people are seeing thisis exactly what we want to enforce withour program so I just wanted to throw itout there that if you have not joinedbut I suggest you do is go out there andjoin econ dudes Academy go ahead take alook and even if you don't want to joinyou just want to learn a bunch of stuffgo to econ dudes calm and just take alook at the blog we have a blog set uphere specifically and we release contentonce every I say week or so now and whatwe're doing here is talking about someof the most important facts to going outand creating a massive Empire when itcomes to e-commerce so again what I wantyou to do is take a look at econ dudesAcademy and if it's for you what I wantyou to do is go ahead and register butwhat I also want you to keep in mind isthat you can go ahead and watch or takea look at all the content we produceour blog for you even if you don'tdecide to join there's still enoughcontent for you to go out there learnand just go and make some money but econNews Academy will help you get therefaster so without any further ado I hopeyou enjoyed this video go right now andtake a look in the description you cancheck out econ news blog and the Academyas well I look forward to seeing youvery very soon
