Top eCommerce Marketing Tips for 2019 Holiday Sales

mark Kimmel is here with us today fromvertex and he's going to talk to us forabout 15 minutes about some of thethings that they're doing what they'reseeing things that we need to be awareof and good tech ways for all those I'mexcited they're learning a lot aboutwhat's going on in that space after thatwe're going to follow up with a shortsmall panel of four folks on the panelyou can ask any questions and then it'sa small group here so it's going to bevery informal it's it's all about whatare the secrets of success for sellingin the e-commerce space during theholiday season hey guys first of alllast thing that you said somethingexciting thank you guys for coming Iknow it's a look it's it's 5:30 in theafternoon in Atlanta it's hard to gethere so thank you guys for coming andappreciate Nash and his team for for allthe digs and the beer and thedecorations and all that stuff so weappreciate it I'm going to talk probablyabout 10 minutes or so leave some timefor questions at the end and really justkind of chat a little bit about aboutabout tax and what's going on in the taxworld it's it's getting increasinglycomplicated and especially especiallyfor small business not so much for someof the larger business but especiallyfor small business my name is Mark killone with vertex I'm a channel managerwhich means I work with agencies s eyesand bars who who implement e-commerceplatforms ecommerce sites we work withpartners to help them solve attacksthere's not a whole lot of expertise ontax out there but it's a big issue so wework with companies like a combo shop toprovide some expertise for theircustomers so they might recognize thatthe quote Omni anybody you buddy it offokay so that that's from the Beatles soyou can click so that's kind of Beatlesa song taxman so basically what it tellsyou is and this is kind of goes todiscussion that we were having earlieras the taxman it's got to get hithowever however he's gonna know wherehe's gonna get hit so we're gonna talk alittle bit about why that is in RP andour key right whether it's right or notto make another little discussion aboutthat I don't want to necessarily makethis a vertex commercial but I will saya little bit about vertex the company Iwork for we've been in the sales and usetax business for four decades I've beenproviding sales tax tables we we nowprovide Salesforce sales tax automationand a lot of different formats we haveold-fashioned on-premise software and wealso deliver in the cloud as well andI'm happy to talk about about vertexactivism at any time but we're reallyhere today to talk to talk aboute-commerce and then talk about some someways to improve your sales over the overthe holidays but also talk a little bitabout about grant right and one of thethings about protecting your brand ismaking sure that you don't get introuble have your name in the paperabout getting audited or having issueswith with tax so we're going to talkabout about some of the changes in andcomplexities in tax legislation why thestate's care about this and why youshould care as a as a business as abusiness owner for days as an economy sodoes anybody everybody we had somediscussion about the South Dakotapersonal travursel Wayfarer case lastyear is anybody familiar with that youknow what that is kind of ishokay so I'll do I'll do a little bit ofhistory on that so the case was decidedlast year and what's interesting is isthat the most recent case of subsequentto this one decided the Supreme Courtfor remote sellers was in 90 1992 so 27years ago the quill decisions set forththe idea what we call physical Nexus orphysical presence presence in a statethat was kind of the rules if you had aphysical presence in a state that statecould require you as a seller to collectand remit sales tax in that state thestate of South Dakota decided hey we'vehad enough of this we got vendor sellingin our state we want our hands on thattax money so they passed legislationthrough the South Dakota legislaturesaid if you sell at our state we'regoing to collect you have to collect andremit salesto save South Dakota well wait fair saidwe're not having any of that that's notwhat the rules are so we're going to sueyou they sue the state of South Dakotait ended up in the Supreme Court and theSupreme Court decided what happened inthe Wayfarer case basically was we'regoing to go with this rule calledeconomic business if you are selling ina state beyond a certain threshold andin that case it was if you're doing 200transactions or a hundred thousanddollars or the business in our statewe're going to require you to collect itin its sales tax so that kind ofeffectively became the new standard andthat was last October excuse me June oflast yearif you click click on the next couple oftimes so what's happened since then andyou do a couple of times – so what'shappened since then is there are 45states in the Union that collects salestax 43 of those states have changedtheir remote seller let's remote sellerlaws since Wayfair the last two are ourpending legislation so what basicallywhat you're going to have is all thestates in the Union that that collectedwithin sales tax or require sales taxare going to have changed their rules soif you're selling into their state andyou meet certain thresholds they'regoing to require you to collect itwithin tax that makes sense so I willshow you this hundred thousand with thepersonal so in the kindy and the SouthDakota law was one hundred thousanddollars or two hundred times actions andso that's what the Supreme Court said asa baseline was okay so most of thestates have passed with those similarthresholds some have changed thresholdsa little bit but since those can't passmuster that's generally what you see andI can share with you guys are interestedat the bottom there's a we have a verysimple tool that shows you what thestate guidelines are state by state bystate and one of the things that Irecommend is if you're not doing thistoday as a seller go look at those golook at those laws look at your top tenstates that you're selling into and seeif you meet those thresholds in theirtop ten states and if you don't you'reprobably good and if you do you need tothink about doing something else okayso why does it really matter to youright so how difficult is this maybe wewere having some conversation beforeabout what a burden this means to to toto small business owners right so thereare eleven thousand different taxjurisdictions in the United States ateleven thousand and then you multiplythat by the difference they don't alltax things the same way too so the sameproduct could be taxed differently andall of those different so you startmultiplying how many products you haveversus the number of jurisdictions thatyou have versus whether you're sellingthem from you can end up with millionsof different tax possibilities of what'staxable with what that tax should be andwhat it should not be and how do you howdo you keep up with that so that'ssomething to think about not only thatthere have been you know average sixhundred sixteen changes every yearwithin those jurisdictions so not onlyonce you get it down they keep changingright so you have you have issues thereone of the big numbers you see in themiddle of up to 50 percent they actuallythe average across the country statesgenerate about 23% of their tax revenuefrom sales tax right I think the the topis property tax and then second is salestax which is why they want this moneyand what they wanted to do was they seeout-of-state vendors selling products totheir to their residents and they're notgetting that tax revenue and they wantedto get their hands on so that's kind ofa genesis you can play again we talked alittle bit about the differentjurisdictions how they have a little taxfun here right this is this is what taxpeople do for fun that's the kind ofjokes we tell so what do you see hereyou presently using the right candy barsright – candy bars so not in alljurisdictions but some jurisdictionsthese are taxed differently so I think acandy bar a candy bar but they might notbe taxed the same why might they not betaxed to say anybody have an idea one oftwo pieces I guess either bigger thanthe other arm be so all good thoughts onthese the answer this is a particularjurisdiction in the state of Washingtonis that the Twix is actually classifiedas a faith good it's gotcooking so in a spin the center of bakedgood right as opposed to the Snickersbar which is not a vacant so they'retaxed at a different rate so this is thekind of fun and the kind of things thatyou get into the kind of complexitiesthat you get into with tax we'll go andwe'll do one more just because I haveyour attention so hot dog is that salmonso pattern so I know you probably don'tremove sell hot dogs but this is thekind of tax stuff that you get into soin New York the components that you useto make a sandwich if you buy the breadand you buy the meat you buy this thenthe otherthose might dose might may not betaxable but go ahead you can click againbut if you put all that stuff togetherand sell it as a sandwich that can betaxing so in New York the hotdog isconsidered a sandwich if you've got allthe components to something any tax soagain silly stupid examples I could goon all day about stupid tax laws and howthey vary from jurisdiction tojurisdiction to jurisdiction and to theconversation we were having before andhow in the hell do do I especially as asmall business owner have any idea howto do all this kind of stuff withoneself it's challenge and stuff anyquestions so farwell yeah I don't I don't want it like Isaid I don't want it to be too much of avertex commercial but we can we canactually go on to the next this isreally it's really about sales taxautomation there are some choices aftervertex happens to be one it's thecompany that I represent it's thecompany that that if I was looking tooutsource my tax tax to I would do butone of the things about vertex is we dobusiness with most of the the platformsout there with you visits with Magentowe actually our core bundle extensionright in Magento so you if you have aGento basically it's you just get a keyfrom us and contract with us you turn iton you do the product classificationsand we take care of all that stuff foryou we do business with that server withwith s AP Commerce cloud commerce cloud JesusWooCommerce I don't know I don't knowwhat are you guys you converse so we dowe jet you just partner with bigcommerce as well so so we do work withwith a lot of the different platformsout there we don't be visited withShopify Shopify has their they havetheir tax partner that they kind of putin their bundle and that's what they'vedecided to do we keep we keep tellingthem that they shouldn't be makingattacks decision for their customerswell thank you but when you think abouttax force – no sales tax automation oneof the things to think about so you haveto have the correct calculation that'sjust basic now one of the things I'lltell you about the correct calculationis we talked about the stupid tax rulesright we have over a hundred people thatthat do nothing at vertex but monitorsales tax changes in tax laws in thesedifferent jurisdictions sites so they donothing but review tax changelegislation day after day day after dayafter day we put that into our into oursophomore so you want to make sure youget that correctexemption certificate management there'sbeen some discussion about hey whatabout non-taxable transactions so youhave a lot of non taxable transactionsespecially here in the b2b world andwhen I say non-taxable transactions it'snot that there's not a tax component tothat transaction is that that that taxends up being zero but there still hasto be exempt certificates upon on thebackside of that to manage that rightreturns processing so we've talked a lotabout the calculation and havingcalculated fine and dandy you cancalculate tax you can find some tableswe can find something to calculate taxbut when do you pay how do you pay whodo you pay on what form of you payingand how frequently do you pay and how doyou know with given those all gettinggiven all the different 50 states thathave different rules and regulations andpolicies about that do you have theexpertise to actually fire in all thosedifferent states probably not that'ssomething else that your automation canhelp with also you want to be able tohave it linked to your econ platforminto your ERP because a lot of timesyou're billing out of maybe maybe you dosome transactions out of your econplatform some out of your P platform howdo you marry that you want to make surethat you have some consistency the lastthing you want is to have you know thistax ability over here in this taxability overhere and trying to merge those thingstogether try to try to have it on peopleout I mean of course you have to havereporting on all this kind of stuff sowhen you think about your sales taxautomation these are all things thatthey need to do for themright just so happens it's so that'sreally that's really all I got I justwanted to talk a little bit about what'shappened it's not great from a smallbusiness perspective because you haven'tbeen doing it maybe maybe you have doneit a little bit you're not sure where togo and you guys were talking about yourCPAs hammering you got to do somethingyou got into something are they gonnafind me the State Department's ofRevenue are beefing up enforcement youknow my recommendation to you is find away if you are under if you owe tax andyou have liability you need to figureout a way to make sure that you doingall right yeah so just like GDP are whatis there enforcement so yeah so so sothey have the option to make they canargue they can come they can assessfines penalties now there is some thereis some issue I think the state of NewHampshire has said come after mybusinesses we're going to protect thebusinesses in our state without so so sothere are some of those issues and Iexpect that some of that will belitigated right the question for you isis is do you want that headache right doyou want to deal with them comingafternoon you happen to defend that doyou want that for your brand right doyou want that getting out the news thathey these guys are being audited by bythat this group and they're suing backand forth so there are some challengesor some issues that you need to takeinto account as to whether I want to dowell while they may or may not right buthow do you customers find – they find -they they could see that you wereselling – to customers in their statehow they're going to do it and I don'tknow exactly what that enforcementmechanism is going to be witheverybody's European yeah so that's itokaywell again this is all I'm telling youis this is this is this is the realitysituation and it's it's up to you todetermine you know it's it's it's a riskright you know if you want to lay outthat risk or do you not want to lay outthat risk and that's going to be up toevery individual business to make thatdecision as to as to whether or not theywant to comply or not do they have allthe vinyl is it kind of something someof them because I do business across 15different states right so some of themare very easy to deal with some of themartyrs to pain right some of them areeasy to just do the file and some ofthem are just don't talk to the oldpeople right and sometimes it doesn'twrite the answer the same thing so sovertex happens to have we have it wehave a filing service right so if you'reinterested in outsourcing that to us wecan manage all that stuff police theydon't have any of those settings aboutso vertex have week we can do as littleas just straight copy you wantcalculation tables we could getcalculation table studio you can Makyour products to it just use us forcalculation you can use this for acalculation or event inspires we canprepare or maybe just wants to pickprepare the returns for you you signthem and send them in or we can we canmanage the okay[Music]you shall on the Europe we do you knownobody's coming data collection yeah sothat was easy to put in a cookie policyright does he have adoption policy todetermine the condition here but the taxfiling is again they how they can have ain there how are they going elsewherenot a big business like Amazon or any noI know a big kind of a petitioning forover four years and years there will beall their customers sign this petitionsend it to a state senator and yeah Ithink what's going to be interesting isthe the case we've decided sixteenmonths ago the states started rollingout this legislation and you know toyour pointhey make maybe you will in two to threeyears and you don't see you don't see myconcern is and what I what I anticipateis there will be you're going to startseeing some bad stories about somesmaller companies who are all of asudden in a big bomb because they thinkthey didn't do anything right if theyweren't sure what to do they didn't getadvice on what to do or they just didn'tdo what what maybe they were supposed todo and I hope it doesn't happen becausethat would be unfortunate that's myconcernit's a general rule of thumb out thereis that ignorance is not a defense say Ididn't know what I had to do is not adefenseand never flying under the radar butonce then as I started recording it intomy talk of my return stop coming yeah Ialready made myself more visitor becausea reporter if I hadn't and I covered mybases when I canwhat will this race in it so so this isI guess this gets into a risk war rightdo you up dude what what's what's yourtolerance for that risk right so ifyou're rocking along you don't thinkit's gonna happen I don't so many kidsyou get wet do you okaycan you withstand that right can youwithstand cuz again tax also could comewith some criminal criminal liability aswell not not just not just not just notjust similar well no I was gonna answerabout that so like it I as an individualright don't follow you no tax return ordon't remit whatever is it's neededright they can come back within whatseven years or forever if it's fraud butseven years otherwise I think for therecords and everything it's you have toexplain it all and try to figure it outto them so can they levy penalties andthe fines they can we stayed let me ifyou think they came with the IRSyes surrender or violation right ifyou're in violation and they they canthey can determine that you owe tax thatyou didn't pay that they kept levelfines penalties so yeah so that guidesup across a lot of years they can goback it can't then do this crap rightthank youyeah all right okay thank you so yeahI'll be around guys I'm happy to havehappy to chat thank you[Applause]all right now to get to the sales let'sstart with introduction of our ourfamily membersmy name is sue him so far and I workwith the coffee shopvia BBC hey everyone my name is Taylorwinbush I worked with the commerce shopand I do a lot of the evil marketingcampaigns social PPC also social organicvery short when I work with cover shopas well I'm the director of marketingfalls for me I'm not good commercial butI'm gonna target B and now one of theco-founders and target B we work withpeople secondmy name is odd man out we'll have somequestions for you about specific alrightlet's get started so first person Ithink I'd start with you as we havemerchants so what kind of well plan thatyou have for this or this season or whatdo you expect for this the first thingwould be the site speed and that bringsimpacts in the counter shop they justgot our Shopify site speed up to 98 ondesktop and 42 on mobile which iscrucial because our Shopify store eventhough it's newer than our Magento siteis that is getting more trafficthat will kind of directly be correlatedwith the holiday sales so the site speedis keyI don't know about you guys you know Ihave a limited amount of time when Ishop online so it's not moving fast I'mkind of moving on to the next and ofcourse the second biggest thing is youknow friend identity you know why wouldanybody buy from you compared to someyour competitor so if you can't definethat it needs to be a really hardwelcome why you can do better thansomething better than the next personcan it includes social media if itincludes your product videos and it ischanging fast your company beat thecampaign so the next question could belike so for holiday season I think themarketing is the most important aspectthe other thing to plan so what kind ofplan we can happen we can prepare forthis holiday season specific well thereare a lot of things for ecommerce sitesspecifically that you really obviouslywant to be looking at Lisa you knowfourth quarter that's the reason theycall it Black Friday obviously becausethat's traditionally asa lot of companies bar should go intothe black for the entire year which issomething to think about most of us aremore a little bit smaller so we'rebootstrapping we have to be profitablefrom the beginning but that that's whatBlack Friday means to go from the rightto the block so one of the things Ithink people don't think about enoughand plan enough is to realize that thethree-week period from Thanksgivinglet's say a week prior to the weekending after cycle but Monday okay thatis your make a break period depend sothere are a lot of things that you needto think about changing during thatperiod one would be your email cadencyif you're doing email marketing youshould cadence set up much more frequentyou know rate here in that periodcustomers will forgive you and in factthey want it and they expect it you knowa deal a day every single day and it'snot necessarily too much don't expect toget the spam complaints the unsubscribelevels that you would normally get ifyou were to engage in that sort ofactivity with your emails okay there area number of other tips that I think someof our other team could share we can -one of them that I'll mention is Googleshopping so if you're selling physicalgoods let me put it to you this wayyou heard pictures worth a thousandwords so do not ignore google shoppingfor being shopping the photo sells muchbetter converts much better and it'sgenerally about half the cost per clickof a text ad just you know some basicswalking and tackling I know for some ofyou guys but some are you folks haven'tyou know aren't running shopping at allso that's just something that I wouldlook at we have some other tips aboutshopping today did youyeah so Google shopping basicallywhatever however you look at it it'sreally gonna be delivered at the top ofthe page so your different settings youcan use it you can turn it to smartshopping campaigns where basically it ishelping campaign in addition to displayadvertising so the two things togetherwe've done this for a few of our clientsand it's been very successful it's tomake sure that you are incorporating allthe holidays this season I know thatLululemon they are like where companiesthey just didn't know campaign for theChinese New Year in the air skyrocketedduring that season so just because weare in the u.s. holiday season doesn'tmean that you shouldn't incorporateother holidays just because that helpsyou never want to show that you areaccepting all different cultures butyou're also making sure that everyonehas the engagement and participation toin engaging of holiday sales so the nextthing I would think about is by Novemberyeah so 40% of the consumers havestarted their holiday shopping byNovember 1stso with drew when he was saying inregards to making sure that you have atleast three weeks time period before theholiday season officially starts forBlack Friday he's thinking about weshould have already been thinking aboutwhat type of sales you're gonna be doingbut you need to have campaign setup bythe 1st of November because people areexpected to see what type of deals youare wising putting out for the holidayseason and you also need to make surethat you are giving people what theywantunderstanding your customer is veryimportant you should also be doing sometype of email segmentationto make sure that you are recommendingcertain products which are debate isreally it with helping with that makingsure that you're abandoned hearty mealsare really up to date that is somethingthat is super super crucial especiallyduring a holiday season I think seventypercent of the conversion the conversionrate for organic art is around seventypercent during the holiday season inparticular so that is something that isreally really important and making surethose at any party emails look good Iknow sometimes we just but sometimesbrands will just put the product inthere but they don't really customize ittoward the specific customer and that'sreally important in regards to thelayout image of email theme is alignedwith what the seasonality that were inthat's something that's really reallyimportant and then one last thing to doI have let's say about you know onemonth thing in making sure that you havesome type of loyalty program a lot ofcustomer or a lot of businesses do havea little tea programs but their emailcampaigns are not necessarily alignedwith for example so Delta Airlines is areally good at making sure that theircustomers feel like they're getting theattention that they need and they'regetting the appreciation that they needfor the type of engagement be happy withthe brand so we need to be doing thesame thing so for example if you have acustomer that is gold level of yourbrand with a loyalty program your emailcampaigns need to align with that theyneed to feel like the Eric gold memberand so their email should be gold likelittle small things like that to makesure that the brand and what theysometimes they need to be able tounderstand that the level of loyalty ismatched with how you appreciate them inthe customer that's about to consume howfrequently should we change the itshould always be changed that's just myreally yeah so for each customerwell he won't be able to tell until thatperson abandons it there's no way to setup a confirmation email some new planchanges for that customer next timewell ideally if you're using somethinglike Target and think mom can probablyaddress this better it's going to showthe actual product that the big left inthe car know so the subject line forwhen they get in boxes you're saying umI think that I should at least bechanged each season or if you have sometype of special promotion that's goingon during that time period I would makeit a lot with back just because after awhile I get kinda redundant and it Imean it gets kinda over that for a whileso you wouldn't just make sure that youare able to keep your customer engaged astandard do have something curiously thesame subject length deal of the day tosend every day something so that peopleopen up and you know the results in justone day nobody is opening up subjectline to send us now I think it'sprobably similar to say pay-per-click onFacebook or good would you want tochange the media every three days okayall right now is that doable for youprobably okay but that's the bestpractice right so you want to findsomething that works for you that'sreasonable but obviously if you want tooptimize the conversion rate they wantto see any message if you start seeingif the repeat rate goes too high on aPPC or an email they keep saying thesame subject line they're gonna tune youout if you're lucky and then you get tore-engage later or they'll justunsubscribe or they'll hit that like onspam button at the top let's move on tothe next topic so this could be beforeyou want like I know Doggett appears onusso what kind of customer use on thecontent integration user contenttechnician is going to play this holidayseason I mean our first our customersthese days they know they're not all thereviews so the triplets make sure thecustomers understand that the reviewsare not to moderate so you got a littlesomeone to star reviews on the websiteit cannot be like across the whole fivestar reviews and then what we exceed islet's say a product has 80 reviews withone line one sentence and under theproduct has eight reviews which isreally really dated maybe four to fivesentences that the second product thathad eight reviews reviews have a higherconversion rate so it's not just makesure you use pictures of a thousandwords right so if we can tell a if themerchants can collect and engage yourcustomers to write more facilities withthe product in use right now let's go tothe next topic so I think we are livingin aware of all like Amazon we cannotignore them so are asked to embrace themthey have to see us in another channelto forever so is there any investorsthat thinks that we'll be able to standout in Amazon I could go on forever nameis on the bus was the solution thissubmarine is really doing it make sureyour product never run out becausewhatever yourexcu ranking is if you run out it dropsdramatically show doesn't matter if it'sa day if it's two days if you have tocannibalize another scooter keep it diein stock well once you kind of once itruns out and pretty much dajin amazon1.20 keep it very close i was sellingand they have amazing report where youcan kind of spend days going to amazonsell their sales report and they go outthey go back to two years okay verilywhat product breaking it had where it isand what your sales have been what thecompetitors are what your buy boxes ifthey have any price recommendation Iknow their taxes have gone up I was onit's now taxing on even on the shippingthat they're doing so make sure thatyour profit margins are buffered when wesell on Amazon I have a way to kind ofupset that we have more 15%so that and handles Amazon fees andeither shipping cost because they didn'ttake a pretty chopped down night box andhow to forget to buy toys you've got tolook at fulfillment by Amazon right evenwhen you get the order are youfulfilling from your warehouse it'sgoing from Amazon warehouse it becomeseligible for time shipping so thecustomers look at it fast it's gonnaship so filled with by Amazon you sell areputationit is my boss all of this thing's candifferentiate your product in thespecific sales product versus other sendin now just become a big pay-to-playjust like Google people to seeso if you want to extend maybe if you'rein a crowded spaceit's a assuming you sent home cases yeahthe Amazon ads are crucial if you'redying to doing them and you're on AmazonI would certainly recommend that yougive it a try at least find out whatthey call your your ads been to callAPIs and that's just the cost to sell itbasically on their platform as apercentage okay so if it's $100 and youcan get a 20% Inc does that means is $20to move that product okay via marketingand of course you have to add that intoeverything else the one thing I think alot of people don't understand aboutAmazon and I don't even know that theypublicize it is that their algorithm isbasically set up with profitability forthemselves at night go figureso if you're in the FBA program versus aseller central account and it looks likewill you say wha I get free shipping onsolar central you know I should comparefavorably they're gonna the one that'sgoing to give them a higher margin onthe self which is going to be the FBAperson nine times out of ten it's been awith the box I mean that extends all theway to vendor central if you're invendor but you have to be relativelylarge to be a vendor these days they'reactually starting to prove while there'ssmaller accounts in and you want to haveany questions doesn't trying to getintegrated with them what does everybodyknow how to get toif you wanted to connect your your storyinstead of having to do their tediousspreadsheets of uploading product intoAmazon which you can there's other waysto kind of streamline which are channeladvisor this color and things gender tois gonna come out with an Amazonconnector which you know which has adirect fate we use a company like Codydefeat or any of the feed come you knowcreate a thing for you there's so manyplugins something a market that connectsat least the major platforms are knownas a merchant that somebody might I knowI took us forever to get that one forjust Amazon because an inventory cameall screwed up and then finally go workovertime and I paid channel it by theten grand to get that integration in andit still didn't hours on the phone withthem and then finally we just said youknow can you give me my money backI'm done they didn't have a connectorwith Magento they were never connectedwith big copper they said it's coming iscoming in so now we use channel unityit's like 50 bucks a month and I canjust pretty much select the parameters Iwant and I can just upload them in threeclicks I can have everything that I needpull back in some objective and seewhich I knowshot shopping feature are actually oneof the more annoying things that youdeal with a marketing side of things andyou know for the shopping Pete forAmazon I would echo what you're sayingfor google shopping one little tip thatup there out there a little free pieceof advice a lot of people don't realizeis that there are no keywords and youknow AdWords platform or shopping butthere are anybody know where thekeywords are locatedanybody use Google shopping in here atall no it's on the actual title theproduct in the description itself and itcan also be under the meta title andunder the meta description if youinclude the keywords in that locationthen it really enhances your ability toshow on the top five top four like todaywas talking about before readingconversion rate really it starts toincrease we also once in the reports ofmore repeat customers because you spenda lot to get the customers and well thento come back to the site by itself themore customers the other one and I knowI'm talking a lotthe only jump in you tell them aboutGoogle shopping actions and GoogleExpress a lot of people don't know aboutthis it's been invaded for a long timeit's just coming out of beta googleshopping actions I know I've talked withyou guys Jason back there long time agoabout shopping actions and possiblyimplementing that and I think they'removing ahead with that themselves sothat's wonderful so what it does is giveyou more exposure across Google'schannel so all of the voice-activatedassistance you can start to show up insearch results believe it or not or heyAlexa which is quite interesting so youcan get to be on the cutting edgewithout Google sorrythe socket things you know Syrian allthat Jess oh yeah Google home Lillitheven call it a vehicleokay Google not Alexa here hey thank youso hey Google okay okay did everybodyspokes go on sorryso in any case it will give you thatchopping actions automatically and alsoit rolls you and Google Express whichI'm sure most of you familiar with whichis Google's sudo effort in combat Amazonbut it is still nice because Googlestill controls a lot of search the moretouch punch you have at search thebetter off unity using like two pointsor driver siliceous achievement likethat value customer like as as anybusiness you want maximize a customerlike thatyou know I mean you don't want to spendlot of money on Google AdWords Facebookads to bring new customer and they buysomething for $60 you want to make suretheir customer comes back many timesagain with temperatures vary fromthen have a joint program like his aimto encourage customers to to put them ina very negative way in holiday seasonsis holiday season is one of theavailable time to get your loyaltyprogram coin so one of the things thatyou're planning he talked about whatwe've seen is customers who like yourproduct or more likely to write a reviewlet's say if you get hundred orders onthe website with target baling we lookat this very closelywe're each of the 100 customers who doyou like tonight you'll be surprisedthat the number of reviews that we camefor every hundred emails asking forreduces 8 to 12 so only 8 to 12customers respond and write a review outof every hundred customers so that's asegment right there you can sigmund tohis customers to do so I mean of coursenot all the 80/20 disability 5 studiesat least they're willing to talk to youright giving you the so use that andreally nice absolutely thank you perhapsdifficult budget of low until I gotthere more affordable smiled I moved alittle bit on the expensive side butyeah all 40 companies volunteer I smiledat I always will smile now it's aseparatebut it used to be something else deviousway – yes sweetness let's now make thatsmells my god so you can give it a shotit's not that it's not water it's like70 bucks we do that's what I wanted tobring it to some actionable item withwhat you can actually do and if you'reon agenda – I don't think the majorawards or suite to this got very good anintegration with agenda – I thinkthey're coming rolling that out now butit is definitely one that has workingpeople die hard about their points andagain they have points there aren't themif they leave lumen they don't come backthem they have dollars if they'releaving and you're in your shopping cartor the owner site so make sure that youcan get that information to them how dothey get aren't there reports out ofthere explain the report and you cantrack what they do not communicate withthe customers how many points they haveright you gotta have automated materialswhich says like if you have 10,000points you send them and even here takethose and points you can use it to get$50 discount or the next time keep theminformed it's I mean just going back toour roots point Magento Enterprise has aneed to be watchful that built in so youdon't have to use a third party you canuse it how that works without having topay a paper but you can also use but youhave to be on enterprise wiki the cloudI'll recommend making a loyaltypromotion during the holiday season sofor example if you wanted to incentivizeyour customers to get extra pointsduring a certain time period that all ofyou who's a deal faster and then alsospend more money and exclusive in thattime value it's pretty but I mean allthis stuff in a way but I kind of lookat it on 30,000 foot level withsomething I learned about even before Iever even got into marketing I thinkeveryone's heard of the 80/20 rule rightso in the internet age it's pretty muchbecoming the the 90/10 rule but about10% of your clients are gonna give you90 percent of your profit okay notrevenue dropped you can leverage thosepeople and work them hard through theemail kated sing through everything thatwe've been discussing here you're gonnahave a happy now so we'll have to workwith things a littleso next person what you like what kindof the type of emails there are a couplethings I would look out for and makingsure that you're you know in paymentshave a good theme so you can do giftbasket or gift ideas that's somethingthat's really important as wellespecially nowadays for people insteadof going to window shopping maybethey're looking for ideas on socialmedia but if you can meet them rightwhere they are they don't have to go outand search for different ideas you cangive them an idea right in their inboxtypically people spend about 10 to 60minutes per day going throughfemales anyways so they're going to beon the phone so you want to make surethat you're giving them ideas on how tobuy what to buy how to package it justgive me the whole entire package dealI've also given some coupons promotionalcodes worked really well like I saidbefore with the cyber week I would doinside of the week I wouldn't just doCyber Monday so you want to give themdeals every single day like you'resaying just hitting them up all the timemaking sure that they understand thatyou're there and can value them as amurderersometimes people may think that you'rebothering them or for lovethis is perspective you may think thatyou're evolving a client but you'rereally notthey're expecting these things and theyexpect you to give them informationthat's going to make sure that they havea really solid a so like again theirbest practices for everything but one ofme that performs are what we should havewhite or more recently what you do canbe a big deal right not communicatingwith your cuffs purchase probably one ofthe biggest make sure that shipping isstopping the logistics and shippingdepartment alreadywe have seen it with some of our clientsI mean they have like they have a verybig marketing calendar communicatingshopping everything lined up but theorders get delayed someone doesn't getthe Christmas presentthat's what a happy customer forChristmas so yeah that's the last thingwe think about shipping and fulfillmentoh so that's the yeah that's that'ssomething we have seen I mean we've seenlike really go engagement rate onThursday you have a Wednesday beforeThanksgiving and fighting on so yeah webegin contain the activitycheck your starter BAM is ecommerceseller better today is a pretty big daysometimes it's big is your signmuttering stay yeah sometimes you knoweven now because there's so muchsaturation during Black Friday CyberMonday a lot of people start theirholiday shopping because I know I'm donewith my holiday shopping by mid-novemberI don't even buy a few things butbecause there's just so much coming atyou so if you can get that paste and youcan take get a jumpstart on a lot ofyour competition by Veterans Day andthen kind ofworkshop is you know he's right thenthere is that moment that I support withour Liguori I doubt they should shutdown and it day after day of the outsideso typically one shop Black Friday or atleast on Thanksgiving night that'sfamily time and I think there's a bigdivide now companies that are not theresupporting it and then another companyreport then one of me up there onThursday night and shopping you'll nevercatch me in front of Best Buy the dealsare at very they're as good as notbetter than Black Friday Cyber Mondaybecause they haven't pulled inventoryback to and nothing a lot our customersalso getting smaller that some of thosedeals are maybe not truly deal they'rejust junk items that people wanted toget rid of so it's a good a good day andit's a good starting point to kind ofBanco novel sale early on since then I'mmore profitable stuff making of dealeroil pesky horses Stadium all the biggrandpa we're going to draw draw yourname from them from the magic pop youknow that's I'll if you have any openquestions again thank you
