Top Ecommerce Platform Shopping Cart Review

this video we're gonna do a completereview and talk about what ecommerceshopping cart is right for you so thereare a lot of shopping carts out therebut most of them are outdated not builtfor e-commerce or just lacking vitalfeatures that you need in your businessso that leads us with just these threeright here so we have shopifybigcommerce and WooCommerce so first offright off the bat I got to tell youthere is a difference between hosted andunholstered shopping carts so Shopifyand big commerce are very similarthey're both hosted shopping carts whichis what you want a self-hosted shoppingcart means that you need to either hostit on your own computer or your ownserver or that you need to buy athird-party server which is much morecommon so you might need to buy Bluehostto run WooCommerce but let's first offlet's look at Shopify and BigCommerceand compare the two very similarplatforms except for in my opinionShopify is much better it has bettertemplates it's easier to use much easierto use in my opinion better add-ons andplugins that go right into it and on topof that BigCommerce has a limit if yousell too much you actually get bumped upto the next here so let's eliminate bigcommerce from this so now we're leftwith really Shopify in WooCommerce andbefore I go any further I do have linksup here and down below in the show notesshopify bigcommerce both if you usethese lengths you get a free 14-daytrial or if you want to go withWooCommerce you are gonna have to payfor Bluehost a hosting service so youcan use those links up here but for nowlet's go back into Shopify versusWooCommerce so let's start off talkingabout Shopify so Shopify is built fore-commerce which is really important ifthat's what you're trying to do ifyou're trying to build an e-commerceshopping platform you're gonna wantsomething that's built from the groundup specifically for those needsWooCommerce on the other hand is aplug-in to WordPress which is made forblogging and we'll talk more about thatlater top of that it has a lot of betterfeatures in my opinion a lot of thingsthat are just automatically built intoit that are perfect for selling yourproducts and it has amazing apps amazinglittle plugins and apps that go alongwith it things that will help increaseyour salesnow what commerce does have some pluginsas well some appsthey go with it except they're notnearly as advanced as shop fives are sosome other things is it integratesreally well with Facebook Pinterest abunch of other platforms that's one ofthe things I really like about Shopifyis they're on top of their game everytime a new feature comes out if Facebookreleases now all of a sudden you cansell on Facebook for instance which theydid not that long ago they will releasethat feature a WooCommerce since it'stechnically a free plug-in to WordPressthey don't release those features quiteas readily as Shopify Shopify's entirebusiness model is served around itse-commerce customers they're just thereon top of it overall one last thing tonote about Java is they have greatcustomer support if you have an issue oryou can't figure out how to do somethingyou can give them a call and they willhelp you do thatWooCommerce does not have nearly as goodof customer support so that's a veryvital feature especially when you'refirst getting started Shopify butWooCommerce does have some advantages aswell it is technically free it's reallynot you have to still pay for hostingbut it is cheaper it is cheaper thanShopify so if you're on an extremelytight budget and very technicalWooCommerce might make senseanother thing it might make sense is ifyou have lots of small stores becauseyou'd only pay for hosting one time andthen each additional store is more orless free I mean there's sometechnicalities to this but if you'regonna have let's say five small storesit's much cheaper to go with WooCommercethan it is Shopifyanother use case where it might makesense is if you're selling info projectproducts or digital products I sell aneffective e-commerce stock conferencesince I sell courses on how you canstart an online store and I saw courseson Facebook ads and I use a wordpresswebsite and the WooCommerce plug-in tosell those info products now my mainecommerce stores are I'm actuallyselling physical products you better betI'm gonna be using Shopify so it's likeI said very good for blogging becauseit's built on WordPress which is thebest blogging platform out there in myopinion I'm sure some people woulddisagree with that but it's the mostpopular for sure top of that it's not asprofessional when I talk to someone thatuses lucamI assume they're new to e-commerce theydon't really know what they're doing Iwill say there's one exception out aboutliterally hundreds of e-commerceentrepreneurs that I know only one usenew commerce and he does sell a digitalproduct every single physical productsell or e-commerce seller that I knoweither is on Shopify or wishes they wereon Shopify so you are also more likelyto get hacked with new commerce becauseitself or because you have to self hostit there's a better chance of gettinghacked on top of that I've had a lot ofpeople that I've known in the past thatwe're using new commerce and they saidthat they had some issues with that it'snever happened to me personally but thatis something to be aware of because alot of the plugins need updating onWordPress there could create somebackdoor issues with that it is also alittle bit harder to customize Shopifyis much more user friendly when it comesto customization if you're verytechnical you can still do it with mucommerce but Shopify is much easier andfinally last but not least WooCommerceis more complicated to set up Iliterally have a video where I set up aShopify store in four minutes super easyto do you could never do that withWooCommerce it would take much muchlonger I've I'll link that down below ifyou want to see the video on how I setup a shop size site in just four minutesso let's talk about when you would useeach platform when it would make senseif you have info products or digitalproducts WooCommerce may make sense I'mnot saying it makes sense in allsituations you still might want to useShopify but I personally am using it formy digital product my info productwebsite it also might make sense if youhave lots of small stores and you'retrying to save money and if blogging isthe main focus of your business you alsomay want to take a look at WooCommercelast but not least the only way I thinkyou should even consider WooCommerce isif you're very technical if you are abeginner you're new to this world 100percent go with Shopify so 99% of thepeople watching this video I highlyrecommend Shopify there is a smallpercentage of you out there thatWooCommerce might be a good fit for youso not surprisingly Shopify is thewinner I have link up here and if youuse that link I will not only do you geta free 14-day trial I get a smallkickback because it is an affiliate linkso as a thank youI'm gonna give you a free 30-minuteconsultation session to help you set upyour store no strings attached I'm nottrying to upsell you it's merely just athank you so you can get the link upthere or down below in the show notes infact this is how I can prove to you thatit's an unbiased review I don't carewhat platform you choose I highly thinkthat you should go with Shopify but evenif you want to go with big commerce orif you want to go with WooCommerce whichyou'll need hosting for you'll needBluehost is what I recommend andpersonally use if you use my link forany three of those up here or down belowin the show notes I will gladly give youthe free 30-minute consultation bothBigCommerce and Shopify do you have afree 14-day trial so if you want to testthem out and determine it for yourselfyou get the the links here and last butnot least before you go don't forget toget the online source success packsespecially if you're starting an onlinestore I have a checklist that I think iseverything I've learned about startingan online store put in checklist formthings that you might not think aboutsuch as setting up Google Analytics andyour Facebook pixel right away as a lotof things on there you probably haven'tthought of unless you've started a fewecommerce businesses like I have on topof that make sure you click thatsubscribe button if you like this videosubscribe down below and I have a tonmore free YouTube videos coming outtutorial videos how to start your onlinestore all kinds of great videos downbelow if you click Subscribe you'll getthose for free obviously last but notleast if you have any questions pleaseleave it down below in the commentsection I answer every single one sofeel free to leave your question downthere and thank you so much for watchingthis video I really appreciate it andgood luck on starting your ecommercebusiness
