Top eCommerce Platforms

what are some of the top ecommerceplatforms there are a number ofexcellent ecommerce platforms thatprovide you with a comprehensive set oftools that assist you in building yoursite of course different platforms havestrengths and weaknesses depending onwhat you're trying to do however thereare certain features to look for in alle-commerce platforms ease of use andcustomization make sure it's a platformthat you're comfortable using every daytester programs daily features likeproduct updating customer serviceperformance analysis and promotiongeneration SEO functionality how welldoes the program handle search engineoptimization you can sell the finestproducts in the world but if peoplecan't find them how are you going tomake sales marketing tools promotionscoupons and newsletters are all veryuseful tools to look for conversiontools look for tools like productreviews social network sharing one pagecheckout and product recommendationsprice don't rush to the cheapestsoftware since it is often true that youget what you pay for but also watch outfor extravagant payment schemes thatdon't guarantee you successbe wary of transaction fees because theycan add up fast technology do they haveup-to-date server technology thatperforms otherwise you're risking slowerresponse timesspotty operation and possibly securitybreaches feature availability does ithave a good selection of features forthe subscription price make sure theyaren't demanding more money for featuresthat should be basic company outlook nowyou are renting this online space somake sure the long-term prospects of thecompany that you choose are profitablehere are some of the top ecommerceplatforms number one is big commerceit's easy to set up and it gets yourstore up and running as soon as possiblethey have substantial customizationoptions it's easy to navigate they havethe best SEO configurations of all majorplatforms they offer a lot of solidfeatures for a fair payment scheme theircustomer support is excellent you'reable to ship worldwide the only thing isthe basic templates are pretty plain andit takes more than a beginner'sknowledge to get some customized layoutsgoing but for taking care of all of yourshopping cart needs and building agood-looking high-functioning onlinestore it doesn't get much better thanbig Commerce number two is MagentoMagento keeps developers and designis in mind it has a high degree ofcustomizability but beginners might getlost you can download the communityversion for free but it has very limitedsupport if you want more help or moreconvenient features you have to payfifteen thousand dollars a year for theEnterprise Edition number three isShopify Shopify is famous for being oneof the easiest to use it's super simpleto build a great looking website thatlooks excellent across all devices butwith simplicity comes lack ofcustomization you have to learn wholenew language called liquid to customizebeyond the templates and it can getexpensive you have to pay a two percentfee of all revenue unless you pay for ahigher to your service but if you'relooking to quickly build a simple storewith little technical knowledge Shopifyis a great program some runners-upinclude Volusion 3d cart Zen cart andnot commerce so in conclusion if you area hands-on person try out all theseplatforms to see which one fits yourpurposes but if you want to cut to thechase and get your shop up and runningyou won't be disappointed with bigcommerce
