Top eCommerce Platforms Australia: Top 3

hey what's going on everyone its Louishere from Weber Oh calm delay you and inthis video I'm just going to be givingyou a quick rundown on the bestecommerce providers for Australianslet's get started so quickly before Iget stuck into this video honestly youknow that I'll put links and discountsdown below in the video description andalso if you're watching this on theactual website then you can see somelinks and discounts further down belowin the article itself let's get startedso kicking off in my number one positiondefinitely had to be Shopify accom whichI guess comes as no surprise if you'relooking to get started with ane-commerce website so I decided tochoose Shopify as they actually are oneof the easiest and simplest platforms touse to get started with an online storeand especially for Australians as welland there's also many other users thatcan back up these claims as Shopify hasfacilitated and over 100 billion dollarsof sales through their merchants thathave been using the platform since 2004and as for the user base there'smillions of online stores that currentlyuse Shopify so it's a tried and testedmethod for those that are looking to getstarted with creating an e-commercestore so as far as creating ane-commerce store on Shopifyit really is as easy as it gets you canessentially have an online store up andrunning in pretty much two hours to oneday depending on their complexity andthe amount of products that you do haveso as for the type of online stores youactually can make and there's prettymuch no limitation as to the scores thatyou can pretty much create while Shopifydoes provide many many free templatesthat you can use there's also hundredsof other premium templates that you candownload and there's also endlesscustomization methods and options thatyou can kind of play around with to makethis store your own as well so whetheryou're selling digital products physicalproducts or maybe even an online courseShopify is able to facilitatepretty much any of those uses that youwant to use it for so as for the paymentoptions of Shopify pretty much if youcan think of it they can facilitate itso this includes of course PayPal Applepay pretty much all the major creditcards and even Bitcoin and the otherkind of cryptocurrency like a theory andripple so pretty much you can take anyonline payments no matter which way yourcustomers want to pay and recentlythey've also integrated after pay forlay-by options if you have largerticketed prices or you just want to givethat functionality to customers if theydo want to do the labor like option aswell as for the pricing of using Shopifythey have multiple pricing structuresdepending on the type of store that youwant to createso the Shopify Lite plan for example isnine dollars American per month and thisallows you to integrate a shop with yoursocial media platforms such as InstagramFacebook or YouTube so this is more of asupplementary store maybe if you'reselling merchandise or a digital productand you're pretty much just drivingtraffic from those social media networksand a step up from that there's otherShopify plans for more premium andlarger based stores and they start from$29 American per month so pretty muchwhen it comes to creating an onlinestore in Australia Shaun fight is thego-to destination it's super simple touse affordable and it's been tried andtested by thousands and even millions ofother customers that are actually makingmoney off this platform as well so ifyou're looking to get started withShopify I've got links down below in thedescription and also within the articleand they also do have a 14-day freetrial so you can pretty much sign upwith no conditions of having to use theplatform long term and just see whetheror not it's the right platform for yournew online website moving on to my nextpick is Wix calm so if you're everwatching YouTube I'm sure you've seentheir ads come to the front of almostpretty much every video you watch butfortunately they are able to back thisup it's actually a really useful andfunctional platform and especially forAustralians as well so as for thepricing of their e-commerce plan whichis actually different from thewebsite plan it does start from 38American dollars per month so it's moreon their pricey aside other thingsbefore what you do get it really kind ofis worth it so one of the majoradvantages to using Wix is that youactually have to pay no transaction feesor any sales through the service so thisis a massive advantage especially ifyou're going to be doing large amountsof sales maybe thousands of dollars perday or even week and those smallpercentage points can actually add upover the long term if you're going to bebuying the store on a yearly basis so ifyou're looking to save a bit of moneybut invest a bit more upfront then youare actually going to save you knowquite a lot of money over the long termand also if the woops ecommerce platformyou do get access to hundreds of theirfree templates that are included withtheir plans and these templates arereally beautiful you can pretty muchcreate any online store whether that'sfor merchandise candles pet suppliespretty much any type of product that youcan imagine or even digital productthere is a theme that accommodates thatneed and also like Shopify other websitebuilders you can design and customize itto your own liking so if for some reasonyou create a really niche specificecommerce store you can always changethe theme and the template to yourliking and your design needs as well soif you're looking for a no Commissionstructured ecommerce platform then Wixis a really really good place to startso last but not least on my list isanother ecommerce platform by the nameof Weebly so Weebly is better known fortheir drag-and-drop website builders butthey also do have a really goodecommerce platform for their users aswell and from my own experience it'sactually gotten better in the pastcouple of years as Weebly was actuallypurchased by Square which is the onlineand physical payment merchants sothey're pretty much integrated squarewith Weebly seamlessly so if you run aphysical store and you're looking tocreate a presence online for your brandthen using Weebly is actually a reallyoption as it integrates seamlessly withsquare if you're using that for youractual physical business and also forthe e-commerce platform you do getaccess to all of their templates you getunlimited bandwidth free domains andfree SSL Certificates as well andthere's also an unlimited amount ofproducts that you can list so as for thepricing of their plan it's actuallyrelatively affordable and starts from$14 American per month which is thecheapest one on this list but yeah theirtemplates are maybe a bit clunky asopposed to Shopify and also works butyou know for the price you do pay it ispretty value packed so hopefully thisvideo has helped you to better get ahandle on the kind of e-commerceplatforms that are available toAustralians and pretty much any of theseis a good signing point if you'relooking to create an online store foryour products so hopefully this videohas helped you and as always thanks forwatching I'll see you all in the nextone
