TOP ECOMMERCE PLATFORMS – Best Platform To Build Ecommerce Website [ NEW ]

alright. alright. alright alright so this
video is talking about the best platformto build ecommerce websites so a lot of
you guys are ecommerce marketers or youdo e-commerce marketing I put it that
wayShopify and all that type of stuff so
you're trying to learn how to build yourown e-commerce site where it looks good
it's clear and you can attach yourfunnels to it and everything like that
I'm gonna make this very brief realquick this is a platform called build a
rock so what I want you to do is writethat name down build a row and then I
want you to make plans to yourself tocancel any other website builder you may
have been thinking whether you'realready with WordPress whether they're
already with Weebly and Wix you need tocancel those and I'm gonna tell you why
as marketers we have a whole lot ofexpenses monthly payments they go out to
different marketing tools and platformswell this builder our platform is an
all-in-one marketing platform and I'llshow you guys everything that's in it so
you know exactly what you need to do andthen you can go through my link in the
description so that I can send you a lotof free goodies they have a transfer
feature where I can transfer everythingthat I have that's making me money and I
can transfer it straight to you once youbecome a member so this is what I want
you guys to do alright so you come inhere you come in here as a member you
log in then you go to builders you'realready in your dashboard right here you
go to builders and then you click ondrag-and-drop
pixel-perfect this is another thing youdon't need to know how to code you don't
need to be super technical you don'tneed to know how to build websites or
have any experiments they have templatesset up where you can just switch out
images which our videos switch outwording and text and all of that and
connect whatever you need to connect tomake it look very good you don't have to
know how to do itthing is already mobile-friendly is
already responsive it'll work and lookwell on any type of device and I'm
trying to show you now so you come hereyou can see that they have categories so
there's categories for everything overliterally categories for everything any
type of businesses even if you do anytype of local marketing as you can see
they have moving company funnels thatthey have HVAC sites and all of it so
you want to type in e-commercelet's see retail oh I'm sorry
local marketing all right so onlinestore this is what you would go for as
far as e-commerce you would check outthe online storage online stores that
will be the template you will use andyou can literally just plug and play and
go alright so we're doing one right nowthis is just an example like I said you
can add whatever you need to to italright they got the cs3 css3 on it
alright so sunglasses free shippinghigh-top or you can just type in
whatever you have you can switch outthese offers with what you have it's
very very very simple guys very verysimple this is just a you know an
example sitealright so this platform has ecommerce
type sites for you now you come out herethe reason why you want this is because
it's not just a website builder todayyou are on YouTube or a Google looking
for how to build a you commerce a arethe best platform to do that on well I'm
also gonna show you how you can makemoney with this and that you can use
this as everything this is your go toyou don't need anything else no longer
are the daywhere you need a website platform over
here and then you need a sales funnelClickbank account and then you need a
MailChimp email responder you can usebuild a role for all of those things and
let me show you alright so here the cellphones and it's just like the websites
is as easy as the website so over herein the sales funnels they have the video
sales letter they have invisible funnelproduct lunch so you guys might be using
that or even better the storefront phoneSeoul is multiple products similar to an
e-commerce website and push people todifferent individual funnels let's say
you're giving away something you can usethe lead magnet funnel you can use the
webinar funnel you can use a bridge thesales letter funnel you can use the
survey funnel if the you know want themto serve a different products or
whatever in the application phonealright so they have all of these
funnels that you can literally just plugand play into your information or your
product on and start making sales todayalright so I just showed you the
e-commerce website and I showed you thee-commerce funnel that comes all this
stuff once you're on the inside iscompletely free alright so you're really
trying to get your amazon shopping i andand all of that on and you try to sell
your products from your online storethen you want to be like the big boys
you want to have your own app you wantto have your own app so people can
install beyond your app as long asthey're on their phone and making
purchases all day this has a free appbuilder you can literally create the
free ecommerce website in here and bringthe link over here and turn it convert
it into an app within like 10 minutes soyou and you can do free push
notifications to whoever have downloadedyour app alright and start letting them
know when you have specials of deals orcoupons or anything like that so you can
make a killing with this platform withyour e-commerce site or your ecommerce
business everyis mobile optimized mobile friendly
responsive and everything if you want tochange the backgrounds of images and do
all of that extra stuff they have thestudio you need a presentation builder
you doing some kind of presentation ifyou want to set up a webinar as the
webinar platform you set up automatedwebinars everything is in here so you no
longer need multiple memberships withdifferent sites or platforms you no
longer need multiple expenses so nowlet's say you're using let's say you
you're you're following up with yourleaves and you're using a platform like
MailChimp MailChimp will charge youlet's go over the mention MailChimp
pricing all right so as you can see youcan use the free forever but then you
have a cap you can only have 2,000subscribers over there a builder all you
that you can have an unlimited amount ofsubscribers you can only send 12,000
emails a month that limits you but overa builder or you can send unlimited
amounts all right well they have a tendollar plant okay that's good and you
can stand on lemonade with both of thesebut then this is where it stops it right
here no support all rightadvanced segment is cut off you can't do
comparative alright so a lot of thatmight not be important to you but to get
unlimited everything you have to pay$1.99 a month that's a lot remember this
is only an email platform builder allcan do all of this stuff that's on
unlimited and automate your follow-upsequences and all of that it can do all
of this but it's not just the emailplatform it has the websites as a sale
funnels I just showed you the appcreator I showed you the webinar play
so let's say that you do webinars withwebinarjam and all of that crap and you
paying three hundred and sixty-fivedollars a year or something like you can
cut that right now cuz it has theautomatic webinar funnels and the
automatic webinar platform you can startyour webinars today and start making
killing over and night alright so if youneed to build email I mean ecommerce
sites now you know the best platforms tostart building your ecommerce site zone
effort Shopify every Amazon effort anyof those type of sites when you can come
here and you can get all in one and youremail follow-up your arm your scripts
and everything and even have a scriptgenerator inside here so that's why you
want to do this because all of thesethings is only thirty bucks a month all
of this is only thirty bucks a monthcompared to you paying hundreds and
hundreds just for your email platformjust for your WordPress platform your
Wix Weebly just for your freakingclickfunnels you're paying $2.99 the 330
bucks will get you all of that the linkis in the description and I'm going to
transfer you everything I have over thatwill start making you a lot of money I
say transfer because the only way thatwork is if you're a member I'm gonna
transfer you everything I have they willstart making you money this week go to
the link in the description it's 30bucks you can start making money so you
can start creating your own testimonialinstead of cruising around YouTube
looking at other people's testimonialslet's live your life the link is in the
description I'll talk to you guys on theinside
