Top Hat Challenge Review Bonus – The Fastest Way to Get an eCom Store Started in 7 Days or Less

hello this is Chris Blair even thoughI'm an American I've been living inJapan for the last 20 plus years so Isound to be really cool to do anintroduction video from my speciallaunch top hat challenge from a shrinehere in Japan check it out it's just sobeautiful this areais it there's also the bigger buildingover here okaynow enough mr. panner let's talk aboutwhat the top hot challenge is and whatit can do for you okayso you've probably heard about thee-commerce boom and you've probablyheard about Shopify okay now what isShopify Shopify is a platform thatallows you to build your own selfbranded website ecomp store they've goteverything covered they got the hostingthey've got the security got the paymentprocessing they got the apps you willneed everything you need to build aonline ecomp store quickly come toShopify and since shop way has launchedit's become very popular people likemyself that other people have builttheir own source and have becomesuccessful and I've built a full-timeliving working online selling goodsright and there's many ways fill and getgood but the way that I love andrecommend is a thing calledprint-on-demand or P o deed what isprint-on-demand well there's a lot ofsuppliers out there in the marketplacethat will allow you for that ball inthis course we'll talk about hatsbeanies and caps but there's other stufflike t-shirts there's necklaces and youcan literally take your design fileconnect it with their system throughShopify through an application right andwhat will happen is when a customer buysfrom your site the data for that orderautomatically goes to the supplier withthe print-on-demand company they printyour product they send back the trackingall automated send it to your customerand they ship it directly customer soyou never carry any stock at all it's anthe fulfillment process is all automatedplus it's one by one by one so you don'thave any upfront cost for you know inthe traditional sales world you had tobuy a hundred two hundred three hundredthousand yearsyou don't through that so you carry nostock the film it's been automated andthere's no upfront cost except for yourdesignit's a beautiful business model okay andin that business model I became a masterat selling hats caps and beings and Ibelieve that this is the next big thingyou've probably heard or maybe didn'thear about the big t-shirt boom therewas a few who were really sellingt-shirts well the next big thing forEECOM especially on Facebook and othersocial media platforms is hat caps andbeanies and I haven't mastered a formulathat I've created to make this processeasy to make sales and build a storeselling hats caps and beanies easy nowwho is this for this is not for a seasonif you're if you're having big big salesright this is not course for you ifyou've been involved in this for a whilethis is not the course you who is thisfor this is for total beginners and I'mgonna walk you from step to step through21 videos on how you can get your storeup and running and making sales plus aplaybook so it has the PDF playbook andit has the videos right that walks youstep by step by step so this is greatfor newbie but it's also great for thoseof you out there who've been in thisgame for a while we have not had successor not have Six Senses maybe you made acouple days of good sales but you've notbeen able to you know do week in andweek out well this course is for you sogo ahead and check out the sales pageread it and yeah jump in we'll see youon the inside
