Top New Jeep Products of SEMA 2017

[Music][Applause][Music][Applause]hey Rob here four-quadrant XCOM we'reout here at the 2017 SEMA show and I'mgoing to be bringing you some new andsome of my favorite products right herefrom the show floor now these are goingto range everything from existingproducts that have been modified or havesome changes done to make them betterall the way up to brand new andinnovative products that we've neverseen before and to kick things off whilewe're here in the Daystar booth we'rechecking out their d-ring washer Lockerand their d-ring Locker now both ofthese have existing versions of thisproduct have been on the market for awhile I really love the isolator helpskeep your d-ring from banging around onyour bumper whether you're headed downthe road or the trailwell Daystar has added this tether toboth products that simply solves throughyour shackle pin and locks back onitself and that's going to prevent thatpin from ever backing out of the DeRaycausing you to lose a d-ring which Iknow is a common problem I've had ithappen to me before and that makes theDaystar d-ring Locker and d-ring washerlock are great an innovative productwell why don't we go hit the show floorand check out some more[Music][Applause][Music]now we're over here in g2 checking outtheir brand new JK air system I saw thisand I thought it would be a really coolproduct that would work well with anexisting all more air setup or if you'restarting out from scratch now theyinclude a one gallon tank here that youcan mount up underneath of your Jeep aswell as this really nice bracket thatties into your existing seat mountingbracket on both the driver and passengerside of your Jeep now it includes an airgauge you've got a toggle switch righthere to activate your compressor andsome Quick Connect fittings here foryour air accessories so you can air upyour tires or maybe run some air toolsout on the trail I want to go ahead andcheck out some more at the show[Applause][Music]so we're here at Rubicon Express andwe're checking out their new forgedaluminum control arms now I saw thesethings I thought well they look cool butman I tell you what when you pick themup that's when you can't really tell thedifference I wish this translated onvideo these things are incredibly lightnow they use their existing super flexjoint on here they're all adjustable andthey've reduced the weight by up to 20%while still increasing the strength onthese things now they all come with anintegrated UHMW skid pad on the bottomof the lower control arms here to helpprevent damage they got a greatpowder-coated look to them we can lookfor them coming soon from RubiconExpress[Music]new from rugged Ridge is their heatedelite ballistic nylon seat covers nowwhen you hear about these things it'skind of like a oh yeah why isn't anyonedone that before it's a heated seatelement that's built right into thecover so it's super easy to installthere's a three position switch mountedright on the seat cover itself so youhave high and low function and you gotthe heated elements in both the bottomand the back of the seat and with thatballistic nylon it's going to be ultradurable tough for yousuper fade resistant and it looks greatinside the Jeep another great producthere from rugged Ridge check it out onanother great product here at ruggedRidge this is their hitch thimble nowwe've used receiver hitches for recoverypurposes for a while you can get somedifferent mounts to go in there to mounthard shackles but you know what theyrattle around and make a lot of noisesometimes they're hard to keep in yourJeep with this little guy use acontinuous soft shackle simply slidethat into the receiver lock it in placewith your hitch pin and now you have asafe recovery point you can use with thesoft shackle has a rating of 7500 poundswith a working load limit of 30,000pounds tell you what man I'd love tohave one of those in my Jeep[Music][Applause][Music][Applause]so we're here at smittybilt checking outtheir Apollo series front bumper it's areally cool sleek design that combines amixture of tubular and plate steel for anice design but what that also does ishelp reduce the weight I think it'sgonna be a great bumper for ujk guysthey've included this great over Riderbar here that's got mounts for two6-inch LEDsthey've also even got a provision inhere for a forward facing camera overallreally sleek bumper here from Smittybuildings over here at the Black Forestby well basa booth we're checking out apretty cool product here this is theirtrail oven now it actually mounts underthe hood of your Jeep right on top ofyour engine in your JK now it's beendesigned to use the factory engine covermounts made out of aluminum here it's aquick install and it gives you a placeto load up your lunch so you can cook itwhile you're heading down the trail andit'll be nice and warm and ready to goby lunchtime[Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause]here at the Terre Fox booth checking outtheir brand new Falcon remote adjustableshocks now Teraflex released theirFalcon shocks last year at SEMA and theyhad an adjustable version with a novelon board what they've done now is addedremote adjustability using an onboardair system in your Jeep so all fourshocks are connected with an airline towhatever onboard air system you havewhether it be a compressor or a powertank now when they're in the offpositionwell they default to a really firmsetting great for on-road travel andthen with the simple flick of a switchyou've now pressurized the shock andmade it nice and soft perfect foroff-road travel[Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause]so I'm here factor 55 checking out theirbrand new rope guard available for theirfull line of flat link closed systemwinching accessories now it works on theflat length flat link expert the newflat link splicer and even the ultrahook of course the one for the ultra isa little bit bigger now what this doesit simply replaces two of the rubber itpads that are existing on the flat linknow you leave the two on the back sothat when you retract your winch line init's going to rest nicely up against yetfairlead but by putting the rope guardon the front you've now given your ropeprotection from damaging UV rays butyou've also given an impact protectionand it installs easily with these foursimple drive rivets that go into theexisting holes where the rubber padsmounted and if you ever damage this wellsimply drill out those rivets andreplace them with a new one but we'renot another awesome product here fromthe guys a factor 55 so we're here atere be checking out their Lynx vehicleaccessory interface really cool newproduct made up of two components it'sactually the Lynx control module andthen the display interface that getsmounted on the dashboard of your vehiclenow this actually communicateswirelessly with the Lynx device you'renot drilling any holes into yourdashboard anything like that and what'sgoing to do is allow you to monitoractivate and control things like yourfront and rear lockers check yourbattery voltage your compressor and alsoactivate up to six different accessorieslike your lights that's not all air beesactually build in the capability toupdate and expand this for futuremodules that haven't even been developedyet so we're down here at Oraclelighting checking out their brand newvector grill I'll tell you what when wewere walking through that new productsall this was one of the items thatcompletely jumped off the table andcaught my attention this thing isabsolutely wild looking now it's reallycool it actually uses all the factorymounting locations so it's a directreplacement for the existing grill oneuro 7 a newer JK Wrangler and it'scompletely plug-and-play which is reallyimpressive considering how manydifferent lights they have on this thingnow we've got separate low beams on herewe also have a driving light our highbeam and one of the really cool featuresis this integrated dynamic daytimerunning light which runs through a scanfeature when you start your Jeep andthen remains illuminated as a daytimerunning light finally we've got thoseintegrated LED turn signalson the grill as well I'm really excitedI can't wait to see this thing startshipping now that wraps up our top newproducts right here from the 2017 SEMAShow let us know what you think of thesein the comments section below if youhave questions you can leave those thereas well of course you want to make sureyou hit that subscribe button sage catchall of our latest videos and you want tomake sure that you check out our topvehicle build up video right here fromthe SEMA show as well until next timeI'm Rob I'll see you guys out on thetrail[Music]
