Top Seller Ecom Product 10-12-2018-Dogs

hey everyone Kurt Crowley here first offthank you very much for stopping by andchecking out this offer this offer isfor e-commerce physical products and I'mgoing to show you the information that Iam gathering I am known as the NIF lerto go out and find shiny objects andbring them back for others to actuallyuse in their business and this is nodifferent than anything like that so letme go ahead and get into it I'm going toshow you exactly the product lineup theway it's going to be looking what youcan do with it and how to use itand then I'm gonna go into the offerthat just came up today which is our topselling dogs pet item for the twelve sohere we go I'm gonna minimize myselfdown here not what I'm going to do isI'm going to choose the top selling caritem so when you purchase this actualproduct right here for the top sellingdogs you're also going to be getting asa bonus the top selling car item I'mgoing to go ahead and click on start andwe're gonna scroll down so for thisparticular car item it is a pocket brushcar cleaner and as we scroll down you'regonna notice it's great for using andlouvers it's got another brush on theother side it's great for detailing carsthat's exactly what it's for and if wescroll down we've got a little bit ofthe product information here and I'mgonna go through this step by step inorder for you to get the fullunderstanding of how this informationthat I have niffle for you is going towork for you so the very first thing isthe category it's in cars so if you'rein the car market this bonus product isright up your alleyyou're gonna love it the selling pricewhat this item is actually selling forright now is $16.99 it doesn't soundlike a lot unless you sell about ahundred a day and then your eyeballslight up like cash registers productcosts a dollar five each so it costs youa dollar five for that particularproduct which you could sell for $16.99which gives you an average profit marginof about fifteen dot ninety four centsso the cost per action or acquiring youractual customer is between $2 and $4 inorder in order to actually make a saleso that cost of about $4 per customerplus the cost of the actual product isaround five dollars and five cents atthe max usually around them at the maxwhich leaves you at a profit between 11. 94 cents and $13 94 cents that is agreat great profit if I could spendanywhere between 3 & 5 bucks and make 12to 14 every time I'm going to do thatlike crazy so the bonus that I'm givingyou is a great great bonus that youshould jump on immediately grab theinformation and run but how can you usethe information let me scroll down andshow you a little bit more so theproduct description which you see justover here gives you a little bit ofdetail of what it does so you canactually give a good idea of how tocreate your ads but let me tell you I'mgoing to show you a way where you don'thave to worry about creating the adseither so keep that in mind as we scrolldown you're going to notice that we havesources on aliexpress Alibaba eBay andAmazon I've sourced this actual productout for you already you don't need toworry about it I've got the informationfor you and as we scroll down a littlebit further we even have drop shippersthat will actually drop drop ship thisproduct for you you don't have to worryabout it now what about theadvertisement remember there's a costper acquisition how are we going to getthose customers and that's exactly whatthe targeting for both Facebook andGoogle are for the very first one -Facebook it's going to tell you how tocreate your your actual audience thatyou're going to be tailoring thisparticular ad for the age range between18 and 65 of course the country is goingto be the USA you're going to targetboth male and female because they'reboth nuts over their vehiclesand well as the audience size is gonnabe about a million that's what you'regonna be looking for the interest thatyou're going to be targeting ourused-car and gadget so keep that in mindonce you do that this is the actualtarget audience but we still haven'tcreated the ad right we'll get to thathere in just a few moments so as wescroll down we're gonna see the Googletargeting now what we have here is wehave the keyword the competition thevolume the search volume and then thecost per click we have all of thatinformation right here that you coulduse for your Google ads at the same timethat is a huge huge bonus right here sowe were talking about the ads what arewe going to be used for as well videosyou know are very good I'm gonna goahead and click on this and it'sactually going to open up here I'm gonnapause it just for a second but this isthe actual product so you can actuallyuse this YouTube video in your ad sokeep that in mind as well now rememberwe were talking about how to aboutcreating our ads inside of Facebook ifwe click on the see relative ads onFacebook this is a huge leg up the veryfirst one and here at the very topyou're going to notice where it saysclean your car in seconds and it hassome emojis by now has the link and thevideo this one has 37 comments a hundredand ninety-eightshares huge huge out turnout for thisyou can easily copy any one of these adsas your own and start promoting thisparticular product this is a huge hugewinner for you right there if theproduct was actually on a Shopify storewe will be sourcing that as well thisone particular is not so we're gonnascroll down a little bit further it'sgoing to show you what country you'regoing to notice the actual how much it'sgoing to be costing you and theestimated delivery time we have all ofthat information down there what whereit's actually coming from and how longit's going to take to get to you we alsohave reviews people have actuallyreviewed this product weand we make sure that we pull this in sowe you have a full reference of whatother people think about this productbefore you actually promote it as wellbut we make sure that they are prettygood top quality products when weactually do this listing so keep this inmind now this particular one this isyour bonus one the pocket brush carcleaner now what I'm going to show younext I'm not going to actually go intothe ad but the next one the one thatwe're actually talking about today isthe top selling dogs it's a pet itemthis one sells for around $14.50 1443the product cost is almost $7 sixdollars and 87 cents shipping is freethere's no charge for shipping onceagain the customer cost per acquisitionis about two to four dollars to get acustomer and the average profit marginis seven dollars and fifty six cents -out your cost per action gives you thenet profit of three dollars and 56 centsnow if you're into pets you've got blogson pets this is a huge huge win for youto actually sell physical products forpets as well this particular item issomething for small medium large andeven extra-large size dogs so you don'tneed to worry about that we've got itcovered that's exactly what this is forI'm telling you it's it's definitely forall of the different sized dogs this isa product that the dog that thecustomers are going to love so that iswhat this is all about I've hoped you'velearned something I've hope that you'veenjoyed this presentation the link topurchase is just right over there onceyou purchase you're going to be taken tothe members area where you're going tobe getting both the dogs as well as thetop-selling car item once again thankyou very much and have a great day
