What are the hottest trends in e-commerce in 2019?

[Music][Music]you[Music]I think the biggest trend and by that Imean sort of tension that we're gonna becontending with in 2019 is Big Data andby that I mean how we personalize theonline experience with the data pointsthat we have and by trend I also meangolly sort of pros and cons so theconsumer experience can be tracked canbe measured in so many ways and you haveall these tools that do that you canfrom the basic you know algorithmssaying recommended for you topersonalized email marketing to specificlanding pages being customized to usersso a vegetarian might be looking forlooking at knives and they might see animage of a knife chopping a cabbageinstead of a knife chopping a steakright we can be so personalized with bigdata but and people want this peoplereally want this in a cloud IQ studyrecently over over half of people saidthey want personalized shoppingexperiences online but they're alsoafraid of it and so we have the gdpr istaking us for victims we have a similardata privacy law just passed inCalifornia we have more countries andStates looking at data privacy issuesand we also have Cambridge the Cambridgeanalytical scandal which really tookdown Facebook in a way and make peopleeven more afraid of data so people wantit and fear it and I think that is goingto be the biggest thing we're dealingwith in 2019I think perhaps one of the hottestreturns if not the hottest trend is themove to voice for our customers forcustomers overall customers areexpecting that they're going to be ableto search through voice and to interactwith brands through voice as well and wesee that both on the customer the demandside but we also see that a lot ofe-commerce companies are planning tomake their move they're both on themobile side but also on these boys firstplatforms like Alexa and Googleassistants I like the questionbecause it is I mean on the fair hereyou can you can take a walk around andyou see all the OD trends in 2019 oreven further on and what I really thinkin my or my own opinion is that yeahartificial intelligence it is actually amust have at the end of this year andthere are also voice commerce I thinkthat is coming with Alexa with Cortanabut GRE etc there's so much potential ininvoice commerce which some companiesalready use but most of them right startgetting into it so and yeah we have anice pretty showcase with us broughtwith us the hololens where you can seewith the microsoft hololens someapplication and you can take out partsand order single parts out of a completecomplete machine for example increaseimportance of ai and mushroom learningright and this is basically giving thepersonalized content on the websiteprediction analysis for each shoppersright so when the customer will buy nextthis is what I think would would becoming in next year and the third thingI would like to mention is RCS richcommunication services so this issomething like text message but itcontains a rich messaging right soimagine that you can send over differentcolors of the background of the textmessage you can add 100 people to theconversation you can send for exampleclick to action button in the message soI think this is something that Googlehas worked on in the recent you knowthree or four years so I hope it willcoming soon to the market I think itwill be everything around theintelligent customer experienceeverything needs to be tailored aroundthe customer experience we see a lot ofgreat ecommerce players who would tailortheir offerings in order to provide areally great custom expertand to make that intelligent to makethat scalable I think this is one of themain challenges and one of the hottesttrends in 2019 I think this this trendgoal will prevail for a couple of yearsand yeah will be absolutely interestingto see how companies are going to tacklethat topic I think that what we see inthe e-commerce business right now isthat it's going to be quite a narrowfield everybody is going into e-commerceeven if they the companies we used tojust sell in their own channels beforeright I also think that what we see is aSalaamu is a good example of this whereactually a lot of the retailer's want togo more into marketplace action so tospeak in order to be able to handle muchmore products but not necessarily haveto do the fulfillment themselves for myto my point of view I think there are afew interesting trends one trend isabout the growth of the b2b market we'redealing with a lot of b2b customers andthey now heavily investing in in onlineinfrastructure because today they stilldo a lot of a lot of the businessactually offline and I think this is aninteresting moving movement it's alsovery challenging because the purchaseron the other side and your b2b is aprofessional purchaser so they put a lotof let's say high expectation on theexperience and also on the product datawhich we are actually supporting so Ithink everyone is trying to reduce theirstock risk we see shorter and shortercollections thinner and thinner stocksand many retailer is moving into eitherback orders or drop shipping as theirfulfillment methods in a way tocompletely avoid any having any stockmm-hmm so this is pretty tricky but fromour past experience we have some clientsthat asked us the same question or weasked them that same question andbasically the most important thing forthem is to interact with the client sobasically you need to adapt to the needsof the client that's probably the mostimportant thing that we need so how canwe do that we dovia random channel so you have Omnichannels right so basically we are herewith web push notification channel soour successor is email marketing so wego well together with those and we'rekind of the next big thing when it comesto that to just reach a person from adifferent perspective because that's fore-commerce the most important thing isto finalize the person bring them toconvert them and that's how that worksyou
