What Is Digital Marketing?

What is digital marketing? Now, if you're
doing anything related to onlineadvertising or starting an internet
business, it's kind of useful to knowwhat all of these different weird terms
mean. And I'm going to be defining someof these big terms in this video to help
educate yourself. Let's get it. Oh, my God.What do all these weird terms mean?
What's the difference between contentmarketing and digital marketing? Or
native advertising and onlineadvertising. All of these things are like
kind of big terms and they have maybevery nuanced differences. But if you're
going into starting an internet business,it'll be useful to be able to speak the
jargon to… I don't know, be able toconverse with other people who have
internet businesses as well. And alsohelp you figure out what you're looking
forward to, you know start your businessor take your business to the next level.
Digital marketing is a really bigencompassing word. It's actually a job
title. Director of digital marketing orVP of digital marketing. And digital
marketing encompasses all these otheraspects of marketing. Content marketing,
online advertising, native advertisingmarketing automation, email marketing,
online PR and affiliate management. Butwhat do these other terms stand for? Now,
if you're starting an internet businessyou may be thinking yourself why the
heck do I need to know what all theseweird terms stand for? But it's important.
Because if you don't know how to speakthe jargon, if you don't know how to
speak the language of internetbusinesses, there's a good chance you
won't be very successful. If you can'tspeak the language you're not going to
do well in the country, it's just a fact.So, I'm going to define these different
terms based on my own research and alsomy own understanding having worked years
and years in Internet businesses. I'vebeen running my own internet business
full-time since 2012 and I've beenworking in the industry since 2008.
Currentmy business does 3.4 million dollars per
year I don't have any employees. Who dothis weird thing called affiliate
marketing. But I'm not going to go into thattoday. I'm going to be explaining what
everything means here. Digital marketingas I said kind of is more of an umbrella
term it encompasses a lot of thesedifferent aspects of marketing. Now, what
content marketing is basicallyproliferating your content on YouTube,
Instagram, podcasting, blogs, etc. It'sgetting your content out there. So, it's
it's really just kind of a top level ofthe fun thing. If you look at marketing
as, you know, a funnel and this isthe ways people hear about you. Content
marketing is you know, putting content upon the Instagram. You know, maybe they're
you know, for me, they're littlemotivational quotes or on Twitter. Again,
motivational quotes. Or on YouTube, maybelittle motivational video. This isn't a
motivational video but it's aninformative video, right? Podcasting, etc.
This is all content marketing, okay? Toplevel funnel stuff. Now, online
advertising. What this is is this is themanagement of online ads typically on
Facebook, Google and YouTube. Again, usethe main platforms for advertising but
you can be advertising anywhere on theinternet. So, it can encompass a lot of
other different things. Onlineadvertising can also encompass this one.
This is where it gets confusing. Some ofthese terms aren't mutually exclusive,
right? So, native advertising is whenyou're advertising articles online.
Specifically when you're advertisingarticles online using ad networks such
as out brain or tabouleh or the othernative ad networks. Plist, locker dome,
nativeads.com, content ad, Rev contentare some of the major native ad networks.
Now, if you don't know what any of thismeans, that's fine.
You're probably new to marketing or youjust don't work with native advertising.
But if you've been working in onlineadvertising and been running
internet businesses for a while, it mightbe useful to know that have advertising
because it's a huge way to get newcustomers in. Especially if you have a
very broad a product that can bemarketed on a broad basis. Native
advertising is very business to consumer.Marketing automation is kind of a subset
of you know, obviously of digitalmarketing. But marketing automation is
working with software tools to actuallyautomate
all these processes in your ownmarketing. nd a lot of these things can
be job titles and major corporations.Okay? You can be the director of
marketing automation or marketingautomation whatever, person. But this is a
very important role to understand. Thisis working with CRM's.
CRM such as Infusionsoft or Salesforceor philosophy or whatever you know, Zoho
whatever CRM is you're actually workingwith. It's very important to know how to
automate a lot of your marketingprocesses. Many companies such as mine,
you know, I'm running a one-man show. Butwe do marketing on across so many
different platforms. I'm marketing on SMStext message using call loop. I'm
marketing on email using Infusionsoft.I'm marketing on a rimless voicemail
using Stratus IVR. I'm marketing ondirect mail using Zen send. So, we're
doing a lot of different marketingcampaigns at the same time and we need…
You know, I need tools to tie them alltogether and to automate all of these
separate processes. What I do to do thatis I do use my CRM and I also use zapier
amongst other tools. But this is a jobtitle. This is a full-time job because
there's, you know, in complex marketingcampaigns. And companies that do
marketing as as their bread and butter,you need to be able to understand how to
tie all these systems together so theywork very effectively together so that
you can better sell and market andinform customers about whatever product
you have to offer, okay?So cool little thing there. Email
marketing is simply the writing,sequences of different email campaigns.
Now, for instance in my business, we havean email campaign which we send for 30
days. Depending on what the customer doesor what the prospect does. We have
different emails that we send eachperson. It's very important to write our
emails accordingly and also to optimizeour emails based on open rates. Based on
click-through rates. Based on evendeliverability rates. All of these are
important within email marketing. And forsomebody to understand all these aspects,
you have to really understand how itworks. Now, online PR is an interesting
one, right? This is a very new term. Butpublic relations our publicity that you
gather online is increasingly important.People are more often turning to online,
news blogs and Facebook pages andInstagram accounts to find out about new
products that enter the market then theyare turning to magazines or newspapers
or TV news stations. So, being able toeffectively understand how to reach out
to places that have audiences online andget them to run a story on you is very
important and it's actually somethingI'm looking for right now as an
effective online PR agency. If you areone, please message me or say something
in the comment. Affiliate management isthe last kind of role that falls under
digital marketing. An affiliatemanagement is managing the different
affiliates that promote your program ona commission only basis. Now, for a
company like uber. Uber has thousands ortens of thousands of different
affiliates that marketUber to customers, okay?
I'm one of them. And they need affiliatemanagers to talk to all the people like
me to get them to inform their audiencesof the bonuses or specials or discounts
or promotions that they have going onthat week or month or year. Whatever that
is.So, affiliate management is a
very important part of many companiesbusinesses. I personally run my own
affiliate program. I do all of my ownaffiliate management. We have over 4
thousand affiliates that promote myproduct on Clickbank the super affiliate
system every single month. We pay out acouple hundred thousand dollars every
month to affiliates to market my program.So it works for them, it works for me.
It's pretty cool. Now overall, these areall the roles that kind of fall under
digital marketing. It's a lot of stuff tostomach. They're kind of complex terms
but hopefully, this gives you a betterunderstanding of the landscape so you
can be more effective when you go inthere to battle to earn those profits
for whatever business it is you runor you work for. Now, let me know in the
comments below if this video was helpfulor if there's different subject matter
that you'd like to see more informationon. Also give this video a big fat like
if you learn something new. And make sureto subscribe to the channel if you want
to learn more about what I do for aliving which is called affiliate
marketing. It's basically sellingproducts on a commission only basis. I'll
give you a free course once yousubscribe. It'll just appear there on my
homepage. Look forward to seeing you soonor in my next video.
