What is E-Commerce?

what is ecommerce ecommerce is quitesimply the purchases of goods and/orservices by the Internet to date over40% of all Internet users have made anonline purchase spending almost 1.5trillion dollars a year in commerce issplit into four categoriesbusiness-to-consumer b2c is what mostpeople think of when they hear ecommerceremember when you bought that newt-shirt about Google from Amazon thatwas you participating in b2c e-commerceconsumer to consumer c2c is when goodsare saw between consumers throughinternet marketplaces or onlineclassified ads eBay and Gumtree areprime examples consume it to businessc2b involves you as a consumer providinga product or service to an organizationfor example a blogger may review acertain product for a business andrepealing goods or direct paymentsbusiness-to-business b2b where businessis conducted between two companies agood example of this market is bothpea-soup Digital offers a range ofservices and sells these services toother businesses marketing made clearpea-soup digital
