Which eCommerce Platform Is The Best For Beginners 2019

[Music][Laughter]hey guys welcome back to another episodeof moolah boss empowering youre-commerce success so in this video Iwant to talk about why ecommerce is soimportant to the global economy and alsorich in commerce platforms is best forsmall businesses okay or for people whoare just starting out so let's start offwith why ecommerce is so important andyou should and why you should get on ityou know so I just want to share apersonal story here so my dad this is 63year old traditional thinking man rightChinese man and he never placed a lot oftrust in online transactions but hewould you know purposefully drive out tothe bank just to you know do somebanking transactions and he would neverever buy things online because heprefers to touch and view the productsthat he'll be buying before actuallytaking always wallet and paying theprice okay but in the last two yearsthings have tremendously changed youknow shops almost exclusively onlineeven groceries clothing electronicsgadgets and stuff like that but beforethat he was always thinking I was alwaysworried like what if he paralyzed allright what if someone steals my creditcard information what if you know thescience is not right when buying clothesright and these are valid valid concernsbut right now our conversation on thedinner table is mostly about you knowtelling me oh which online vendor whichecommerce store is the best for buyingthisbuying that so that is our dinnerconversations now so what happened whatreally happened to my traditionalthinking dadokay so right now guys everyone cases alot more trust on e-commerce it's notlike you know four or five years agobecause back then ecommerce Giants likeAmazon Alibaba there were still smallcompanies and people are still veryskeptical online and they prefer to buybuy stuff directly on retail shopsshopping malls and stuff like that sonowadays ecommerce has penetrated almostevery single household and the digitalbuyers in the world are growing at astaggering 20 percent per year everyyear there are 20% more people watchshopping online and that's crazy guys soecommerce is experiencing tremendousamount of growth and penetration whichis why five years to start if like thebest time to start ecommerce those fiveyears ago but now it's the second besttime so don't miss on this boat andstart an e-commerce business today okayso the next thing that you'll bewondering will be which ecommerceplatform is best for small businessesand also startup entrepreneurs right soI've personally fiddle around and launchproducts across four or five differentecommerce platform namely you know mucommerce Magento is a big color theseartists have below ones but in the pastfew yearsone particular ecommerce platform hasactually grown tremendously because ofhow good a product and the platform isit's called Shopify and if you haven'theard it already you can check out thelink down below I'll put it in thedescription and right now I've got sixecommerce stores running now and all ofthem areShopify and my previous business wasbuilt on newcomers and while newcomersis good it's free to use it's actuallyreally clunky and not very beginnerfriendly so the learning curve was veryvery steep and I took maybe about a yearor two and I still haven't actuallymastered it but Shopify is intuitiveenough for the ecommerce store ownerwhich is you and me and it's also veryintuitive for bias is wrong when I madethe shift from newcomers to Shopify forone of my businesses our revenue in theLeapPad Drupal because Shopify places alot of focus on page loading speed whichis very very important for SEO it alsohelps with conversion ratesso moving Shopify using Shopify is a nobrainer it's one of the best e-commerceplatforms out there yeah so that'spretty much it for this lesson I'll seeyou in the next lesson okay make sureyou check out with Shopify and you haveany questions at all or you have anyfeedback remember to leave a commentdown below and click on the subscribebutton and the notification button ifyou want stay updated arm hey bye[Music]you[Music]
