Why 99% of People Fail on eCommerce | Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid!

but is happening just welcome toQueenstown New Zealand and if you wantto know why 99% of people will nevermake a single Shopify sale and you wantto know why a diamond earring and a dogcollar have a lot more in common thanyou think then don't even think aboutgoing anywhere[Music]what is up man just welcome to the videoabout why 99% of all shopping fires failand yes Shopify is a real word I did notjust make that up so this is going to betalking about mistakes to avoid so youcan join the 1% of people who actuallymake it through to a successful Shopifystore so number 1 we are going to talkabout the N word the dreaded word thatyou've probably all heard a milliontimes before which is of course niche Idon't know what some of you werethinking so the niche topic is one thatis incredibly important for Shopify as awhole for e-commerce as a whole I thinka lot of people go into Shopify orAmazon or any type of e-commercethinking that you know they can justlist a fidgets spinner or they can youknow sell a piece of cat jewelry that athousand other people are probablytrying to sell or do the same thing fromso the niche word we need to talk aboutniches and we need to talk about moreimportant than these sub niches of thoseniches so what's very important and whata lot of people forget is that you can'tjust go out and try to sell the samething that a thousand other people areselling it was the exact same thing thathappened with vicious spinners on Amazonthe people who caught it early and thepeople who identified the trend earlymade a ton of money and you know thesmart people of those first movers werethe ones who were smart enough to knowwhen to get out of that trend as theysaw hundreds and hundreds and thousandsand thousands of other people actuallyjoining in and starting to sell thosesame products because when there areproducts that are so profitable and sohighly trending and they just seem likesuch a low-hanging fruit then you knowthere's all these type of people outthere especially when it's a low cost toenter as fidgets spinners cost almostnothing to produce it created thisexcess of circle or the surplus ofsupply which of course you know wasn'tthe demand was not able to keep up solet's talk about what a sub niche is andwhat this actually means for us allright guys so we're gonna look at threequick examples of exactly what I mean bythis because I think it's so importantto look at examples rather than justtalking about you know high-level stuffso first thing we're gonna look at is adog collar so what is a dog collarobviously you probably should know thatbut you know a big mistake that I see alot of people make is thinking you knowhey a lot of people have dogs a lot ofpeople probably want what a dog collarso I'm just going to so you know anytype of generic dog collar and you knowcall it a dayand so one of the kind of like littletricks that I like to use to hone down alittle bit deeper is you never want tosell just a generic product people arenot going on Shopify stores people arenot clicking on Facebook ads for genericproducts no one I promise you or mostpeople are not buying toilet paper froma facebook ad so what I like to do isinstead of just typing dog collar I'mollie expressed like a lot of big youknow search type sites have what'scalled autofill so I can go dog collarspace and then just type the letter Aand now it's gonna say dog collar andleash set dog collar anti bark collaraccessory collar army right so an armydog collar is a lot more likely toactually you know convert to a purchaseon a Facebook ad if somebody is lookingspecifically for a dog collar army andyou know using Facebook guys it's veryeasy to target people who are you knowreally interested in the military armynavy airforce you know any common youknow type of camouflage company or youknow maybe like a famous general orhistorical army figures or somethinglike that right and so we're not thisvideo is not talking about Facebookadvertising but you know it's just veryimportant to kind of start to realizethat you never want to sell in any typeof generically so if we type in B we seedog collar B per dog collar bandanabuckle bling right and so these are alot more interesting yeah dog collarChristmas and so I guarantee you thatthey have a lot of different likeChristmas designs like this or you knowdog harness lift support or you know fordifferent leashes here for four dogs and20 cents each and then you know if wewanted to go a step further we couldorganize these by orders just to seekind of what's popularyou know the glow-in-the-dark dogharness you know some LED stuffs here'ssome you know like little bowtie typeDingley things and I guarantee you youknow these are obviously seasonal asthey're Christmas related but I canguarantee you that this would sellinfinitely better than if you're justtrying to you know sell a generic dogcollar to people on facebook ads solet's take another example we're gonnado jewelry actually those two things andso the diamond earring was the other onethat I mentioned in the intro and sowhat we see here is there's a ton oforders here but it's very difficult toactually target people using facebookadvertising and it's so important guysto think about what how you're going totarget people before you createstore before you actually create a brandbefore you kind of submit the time anduse your time to create you know theShopify store if down the line you'reactually unable to target people toviolence Pacific products so instead ofit's like selling earrings like you knowbig the example that we just used whatwe would do here is we type earringspace a and so now we see some earringsmaybe animal earrings so this would bemuch better so people who also likeanimals who like jewelry you know maybeyou're targeting people on Facebook whohave an anniversary within 30 days sopeople are trying to buy their wife youknow maybe some animal earrings and thenyou could also maybe type ladybug somaybe somebody who likes ladybugs whohas an anniversary within 30 days whoalso likes animals and who likes youknow popular jewelry brands likeTiffany's or something like that butthen all of a sudden you have a muchmore what I like to call sub niche areato actually target people and a muchhigher percentage that you're gonna beable to convert that person into a salerather than you know just showing them ageneric dog collar or a generic piece ofjewelry they would almost never actuallybuy from a Facebook ad alright guyslet's move into number two so I want tobe really clear here this one is goingto be a little bit more high level butShopify you guys is a real business Ithink there's a kind of a idea out therethat a lot of people have beencirculating with false rumors and youknow all the other gurus out thereShopify that all you have to do toachieve overnight success with Shopifyis add a product from Aliexpress intoyour Shopify store and then you knowmagically you're gonna start making aton of money overnight that is not thecaseShopify like every other e-commerce oronline internet business requires workit requires testing it requiresiteration it requires a lot of probablyfailure up front right you have to learna lot of new things like email marketingyou have to learn how to you know addapps to your store you have to learn howto you know calculate ROI you have tolearn how to create successful Facebookads and Instagram ads or snapchat ads orwhatever you choose to kind of you knowfocus your time on from a marketingperspective so I just wanted to kind ofeliminate this rumor and a lot of thereason that I would say you know 99% ofthe people out there are failing andthey're not able to actually make asuccessful Shopify store is that theyhave this idea that you know within oneday orlike one week they're gonna go fromhaving absolutely no knowledge aboutShopify to creating successfule-commerce business that you know thethe successful e-commerce businesses outthere that are doing you know hugenumbers every month are ones who've beenaround and they've actually been testingand they've figured out what works froma marketing perspective they've testedprobably you know hundreds or thousandsof different products and they'veiterated their store they've seen whatworks they've seen what doesn't and theyhave the expectation that just like anybusiness it requires time and effort anda little bit of money you know inShopify's case and with drop shipping alot less than most other businesses butstill some money up front to actuallycreate something that works and so Iwanted to go really deeply into this andjust say over and over and over again topeople that you are not going to achievean overnight success you're not gonnabecome an overnight drop shippingShopify millionaire by adding you know afew products from Aliexpress into yourShopify site with the most basic Shopifystart right so it takes time it takeseffort you have to build an email listyou have to build rapport with yourcustomers you have to retarget yourcustomers and make them repeat customersbecause anyone who knows anything aboutbusiness knows that it is infinitelyeasier and less expensive to get aexisting customer to buy from you againthen it is to get a new customer so onceyou get people into your ecosystem rightwe're offering them percent we'reoffering them coupons we're offeringthem you know end of the year saleswe're telling them about our newexciting you know offers maybe if wehave like a store related to Cordys ordogs right we know that people who arebuying from a corgi dog store probablyhave it for you probably love that coreyou probably think it's the cutest thingin the world and so if you come out youknow a brand new pair of fluffy Corgisocks and they already bought you know afluffy Corgi t-shirt from you then youknow that that person has a much higherlikelihood of actually converting andbecoming a repeat customer than wouldyou know a completely new person that'snever heard of your store or brand orpurchasing from you in the past and soyou know there's a there's a steeplearning curve to any internet businessbut that's why you know there's peoplelike me who've created Shopify coursesteaching you everything or release youknow hopefully you like the content thatI released for free on YouTube butnumber two guys is Shopify as a realbusiness you can't expect to make itwork overnight or you know within a weekit takes time to understand what'sworking and whatdoesn't to test different products totest different marketing campaigns tosplit test your marketing campaignsmaybe you'll realize that you know 24 to35 year old men are converting you know90 percent higher than 18 to 21 year oldwomen and so then you take the 18 to 21year old women out of your marketingcampaigns and you only target the youknow demographics that are working butit takes time and it takes money and ittakes energy to realize what about yourmarketing campaign is working and scalethat and then realize what you'reactually just wasting money on and pausethose campaigns and then once you reallystart to get you know in the groove andyou get one successful product that'sstarting to work you're converting at ahigher profit then it's costing you tomake those sales from a paid trafficperspective and once you get those andonce you get a couple of those and allof a sudden you have ten of those thenit's really starting to work but numbertwo guys is that Shopify is a realbusiness and you can't expect it to workover night number three is what I liketo call it v1 and dunk so similar towhat we just talked about before numbertwo a lot of people are trying you knowless than ten total products and tentotal ad sets and then giving up and soone of the biggest things thatdifferentiates any successfulentrepreneur it doesn't have to be onthe internet it doesn't have to be ane-commerce it doesn't have to be inShopify is the willingness to succeed soa lot of people are gonna spend you know$100 $200 $500 on ads on getting theirstore set up maybe on some new apps thatthey're using on your own their storeand then they're gonna give up becausethey're not making it work but what theydon't realize is that with Shopify orAmazon or with anything really all ittakes is that one successful product orservice or whatever you're selling tokind of give you the confidence to showyou that it is possible to show you thatit does work and then you can reallystart to scale after you kind of realizewhat's working and what's when what isnot working another point that I wantedto mention in this exact same room isthat there's a really a snowball effectwith any type of e-commerce especiallywhen it's as scalable as drop shippingone of the main drawbacks between otherbusinesses is you stock out right yourun out of inventory and then you can'tfulfill your customers if you aregetting on a roll and people are reallystarting to you know take off and you'restarting to get a lot of sales or maybeyou have a successful relationship withan influencer and you know they get youall of a sudden 500 sales in a dayit wipes you out but with dropshippingone of the biggest beautiful mostbeautiful parts about dropshippingis that you don't actually hold theinventory and theoretically if youpartner with the correct supplier whichI teach exact down the Shopify ninjamaster class what you're gonna realizeis that they pretty much have aninfinite stock you know if they're alarge manufacturer if they're worth thetime and money and you've done your duediligence with finding them what you'regonna realize is if you do start to takeoff and your products are just a trendor you find you know the correctrelationship with an influencer or ateam of influencers and all of a suddenyou're getting thousands and thousandsof orders what you're gonna realize isthey're not going to stock out and so alot of the moral of the story and themorale of number three guys is that alot of people give up right before kindof they find that breakthrough productright before they kind of find thattheir breakthrough stride where theykind of start to get in motion and theystart to realize ok this is actuallygoing to work but what I need to do isnot give up you know after spending ahundred dollars on ads and saying youknow what it's just not working for menobody can do it it can't be done cuz Iimported one product off all the Expressonto my store I step I set up in anafternoon right it's a real business ittakes timedon't give up with you know trying justten products or even 50 products guys Itried hundreds and hundreds of productson drop shipping before I kind ofstarted to realize what was working whatwas not working you know how to identifytrending sub niches I when I firststarted I think that like a lot ofpeople you know I was looking at theseproducts that were kind of that I saw alot of other people selling successfullybut what I didn't realize is they hadspent you know months or years buildingup email list building up you knowsocial-media followings on Instagram onFacebook on Pinterest where wheneverthey released a new product they alreadyhad you know hundreds or thousands ofpeople already kind of in theirecosystem who had bought from thembefore who are willing to buy from themagain because they like the quality orwhatever the case may be so you don'tsee a lot of the behind-the-scenes stufffor these you know already successfulcompanies out there who've probablyspent months or years actually buildingup these relationships and building upthese audiences so the point and themorale of number three guys is don't bea one-and-done err it takes time and ittakes energy and it takes a lot oftesting before you realize what isactually going to work alright guyslet's seeto number four what I like to call thegolden ratio so the golden ratio issomething that I kind of came up withjust because I think people get boggeddown and prioritize and spend time onthings that are not going to producethem the most result so if we use thePareto principle right the 8020principle that 20% of our cities aregoing to produce 80% of our resultslet's break down you know kind of themain three ways that you are going tospend time on your Shopify store andyour Shopify business so 20% of yourtime should be creating the perfectstore right creating choosing the besttheme creating your store you knowoptimizing your store for both desktopand mobile making sure that you have thecorrect apps that you're capturingpeople's emails correctly you know thatyou're using apps like spin a wheel toyou know incentivize people to give youtheir emails in exchange for couponsusing apps like receipt full or converseyou to make sure that you're actuallygetting people to click on the emailsthat you're sending them as weave seatsand maybe potentially offering themdiscounts you know we could make a videoif you guys are interested on all thebest apps for Shopify that I have givenme the most conversions and then havemade the biggest difference to my storebut for right now we are just talkingabout the golden ratio so 20% of yourtime and I know that might seem like notthat much to a lot of you guys butcreating your store can really ballpeople down and they can spend all oftheir time on that and if you spend allof your time on creating the perfectstore then you'll never actually getthat your store out there and be able tofind your customers right so I'vecreated stores in as little as a day youknow and I've had a lot of experiencewith Shopify I have a lot of experiencewith Facebook Adsand I have a lot of experience withselling things on the Internet but youknow I can create a store and get itcompletely fully live and functionableand you know all the titles anddescriptions and everything optimizedwith all the apps I want you know withinone day and so that should be reallyonly 20% of your time don't let youdon't let yourself get bogged down whereyou're spending you know weeks or monthscreating the perfect store withoutactually testing anything because you'regonna be really let down and you'reprobably gonna feel pretty overwhelmedif you've you know put all this time andeffort and money into creating theperfect store and then no one's buyinganything from you so 30 percent of yourtime right out of 100 percent should befor product selection and iteration sowhen you're selecting products you wantto make sure that you're putting a lotof thought into it that you're selectingthings that are on the upward trend onGoogle Trends that you're selectingthings that aresub-niche like we talked about beforeyou don't want to be selling dog collarsyou want to be selling you know led dogcollars for Christmas or you want to beselling you know Corgi pink dog collarsfor you know women or something likethat right so we're not looking atgeneral niches we're not selling dogcollars as a whole we're selling subniched items that people are much morelikely to actually purchase from aFacebook ad as always people do notpurchase consumables right the everydaytype thing people are not buying youknow Colgate toothpaste or a toiletpaper off of a Facebook ad and so 51%and yes I know this doesn't add up to ahundred percent so please you know don'ttell me that in the comments I justwanted to kind of make a point here so51% more than half of your time buy forsure should be spent on marketing so fora lot of us you know there's a there's apretty steep learning curve for learningFacebook ads there's a pretty steeplearning curve for you know learningabout autoresponders like MailChimp andlearning how to build an email list andhow to successfully market to that emaillist that you're not annoying people butyou know you're offering value andyou're actually generating downstreamincome from that email list because whata lot of people don't understand what alot of beginners that don't understandis the people that are really becomingwealthy and making a lot of money off ofe-commerce are not making that money upfront you know a lot of times I go intothe black I'm actually losing money onthe beginning of my store you know kindof giving away a lot of products forfree getting people into my email liststesting all these different productsright spending a lot of money trying toscale ads quickly so that I can get themost data immediately so I get you knowI get all the information about what adsare working what demographics areworking whether it's males or femaleswhat cities and states write all thisinformation about ads I get it quicklyand then I scale the ones that areworking quickly and ice paws the onesthat are not working quickly but indoing that you know I'm wasting moneyupfront with theoretically you knowquote-unquote wasting moneysimilarly up front you know I'm givingaway products for free I'm offeringproducts that you know below my cost attimes just so I can build an email listso that I can actually you know launchfuture products to that email list andthat is where I'm going to make themoney the people that are wealthy on theInternet are the ones are who give awaythings you know not in thisfor free but the ones who give away alot of free information who areunderstand that the people who getwealthy online are the ones who makedownstream incomes by building afollowing building a customer basebuilding an email list building a groupof people that are interested in whatyou have to say or what you have to selland last but not least number five soprioritization has everything to do withentrepreneurship it doesn't have to justbe with Shopify or Amazon or whateveryou're selling on from that specificexample but we are going to use that asour contextual kind of thing that we'regonna walk through right here tohighlight a few points and so what Imean by prioritization and the reasonthat a lot of people fail at Shopifybecause of this is people will work onthings that are not going to give themthe most value so instead of you knowfinding the perfect product or you knowfine-tuning marketing campaign or youknow adding new additional products andtesting people will spend you know weeksand weeks creating you know Facebookpages Pinterest accounts tumblers Etsyyou know all these different things thatare not going to give them the sameamount of kind of output as the requiredtime input and so instead of going outthere and making you know redditaccounts for your awesome new store thatyou're so happy and passionate about youknow what you should be doing is a verysuccinct series of steps when you aregoing out to create a successfule-commerce business and so that seriesof steps and I think a lot of people getthis backwards is you don't make a storefirst making a store first is going tocost you a lot of time it's gonna costyou a lot of most importantly momentumright because nobody wants to spend amonth creating a perfect store and thendriving a bunch of traffic and payinghundreds of dollars to get that trafficto your site and then not getting anysales from that so instead of creating astore first guys number one when you arewhen you're going through yourpriorities is finding products and soonce you find a product that you're veryyou know you're very happy on you'rechecking the social cues you're you knowyou're making sure that there's a lot ofpeople purchasing this you're seeing alot of orders on Aliexpress right youhave looked on audience insights onFacebook and you've figured out that yespeople are in fact searching for thisyou can you know you know about theirdemographics you've checked GoogleTrends and you're making sure that youknow this particular product or subniche is on the upward trend you'remaking sure that there are detailedtargeting matchon Facebook ads or on Instagram or onsnapchat that you're actually able totarget this group in this audience andyou know hopefully this audience thatyou're targeting is a very passionateaudience right we're talking aboutbird-watching we're talking on sportsare talking about golf we're not talkingabout you know consumable everyday itemsor you know people or water bottles orsomething like that yes there are somepeople who are passionate about waterbottles but we're not talking about thatand so what I'm trying to say here guysis instead of spending a month creatinga store before you've ever tested aproduct right get a get a reasonablybasic store up get you know the verybare essentials that I teach you knowget an email pop-up get some type of acart abandonment in place and thencreate a collection of you know highlyrelated products maybe it's like a youknow a golf laser sight and you know agolf tee cleaner or whatever thoselittle things are that you like fix thegreen with and then you could do youknow one collection of golf you knowmen's polos or something like that rightso you want to make an ultra niched setof products in one collection and thenrun Facebook ads to it and if you can'tget sales with you know fifty to ahundred dollars of Facebook Adsafter you've done all of your kind ofdue diligence you're setting all of yourdetailed targeting correctly you knowyou set up the basic optimization ofyour store right if you can't get salesdriving clicks from paid advertisinginto that ultra niche similar rightrelated type collection where you knowyou have five different products andthey're all very sub-niche they're allvery much so related all of their titlesand descriptions are optimized you knowyou have your coupon set up you haveyour reviews on the products all kind ofthe basics that I teach in the Shopifyninja master class once you have all ofthose things kind of together in your inyour collection and you've driven ahundred dollars of paid advertisementswith the proper targeting again which Iteach but if you don't know anythingabout Facebook advertising you take alook at my youtube channel we have youknow the number one fastest-growingFacebook as tutorial over two hundredthousand views in three months but who'scounting on my channel so make sure youcheck that out I promise you it willteach you a lot about Facebook Ads evenif you're a complete beginner so onceyouyou know a sufficient amount of trafficup to a hundred two hundred dollars andyou're not getting any sales then noamount of you know further optimizationof your Shopify store is going to changethat you need to move on to either a newtype of advertisement right differenttarget errs maybe you know you're usingInstagram influencers instead of paidtraffic on using Facebook right but onceyou spent you know up to a hundreddollars on that's particular adadvertisement to that ultra related ineach collection of different productsthen it's not going to be your storeoptimization that's gonna make adifference you need to either choose thedifferent products or you need to testnew ad target us right so the moral ofthe story here guys is prioritize whatis going to make you more money that'sgonna be testing new products and thatis going to be testing new types ofadvertising targeting guys don't waste amonth or two months building out youknow the most amazing Pinterest andTwitter account ever for you know yournew passion projects do the things andprioritize the things that are going tomake you the most money and that is whatthis is all about guys so if you enjoyedthis do me a favor and absolutely smashthat subscribe button directly in itsface and click the little notificationbells so you can stay up to date oneverything in that lifestyle ninja wetalked about Shopify we talked aboutAmazon we talked about everythingrelated to making money on the internetand most importantly being free guys sowe will see you on the next one[Music]
