Why Internet Marketing is Bullshit

hey what's up dr. bin Adkins here and Ihave a rant of sorts today isn't thatexcitingso a couple of things that really bug meabout internet marketing let me just goahead and be the first person to say itis if there haven't been a few people tosay this already but internet marketingis bullshit complete utter bullshitpardon my language if that's offensiveto you but that's the truth here's thething I have seen so many people overthe years who call themselves internetmarketers and I proudly call myselfinternet marketer because I'm an actualinternet marketer but let me explain toyou what I mean by really bullshit in itmarketers most people get into thisbusiness thinking I'm gonna have onegood lunch I'm going to have one goodmoneymaker one good idea and I will beset for lifeand any good smart business owneractually knows that is a giant load ofcrap okayreal businesses are not made overnightthat it doesn't matter if you have abrick-and-mortar business it doesn'tmatter if you have an internet businessreal businesses do not happen overnightso if you are looking to invest a fewdays or a few weeks or maybe of just acouple months and that's all you cangive to whatever it is that you'retrying to build then you are going to besorely disappointed with internetmarketing unfortunately that's whatpeople sell internet marketing s as aquick fix to all your life's problemsit's not that it's freedom if you do itthe right way but it's not that sohere's what internet marketing actuallyis if you are willing to invest monthsand years into something that you werebuilding and every little win that youget actually stacks in towards buildingsomething real and you can have whateveryou want you could have freedom you cannot have to go to work like I don't haveto I don't have to go to work anymore Idon'thave to punch a clock I don't haveanybody that is waiting for me in anoffice and it's a good thing butinternet marketing is not what you werebeing sold it's hard work it's gettingup every day and putting in time puttingin effort putting in the work but here'sthe crazy thing it's worth it internetmarketing is total BS because mostpeople don't have a real business behindthe marketing the real key is do youhave a business at all that internetstuff strengthens and if you do theworld is your oyster but I'm gonna tellyou something you're going to have toinvest some time so anybody tells youthat you can be rich in a month that's aload of crap that's lottery winnersyou're gonna end up like most of theseNFL players out there who something likeeighty percent after they retire gobankrupt that's what's coming if that'swhat you happen to get lucky with withinternet marketing or you know maybe youdon't get lucky and you never makeanything but if you actually buildsomething and you use the Internet topush it forward and you're buildingsomething that you're going to investyour time and money and hard frickinwork in for the next oh I don't knowfive ten years then you were going tohave everything that you wanted and yourwildest dreams will come truebut you have to have a business for themarketing to go into otherwise internetmarketing is absolute bullshit so thenext time you're out there and someone'stelling you about the latest thing thelatest whiz bang the latest program Ijust ask you to weigh it like this arethey telling you you can get richovernight are they telling you they havea system something that they puttogether for you that's yeah it's greatit's a method it works it's you know aproven business system but it's gonnatake some work it's gonna take monthsit's gonna take years if that's whatthey're telling you probably realbecause that's what it really is ifyou're willing to invest that and you'rewilling to put in the time and theeffort then you can have whatever youwant if not then this is just a hobbyand let's just you know go get a jobbecause that's all you want you want ajob at a hobby so dr. Bennett khun'shere hope you enjoyed my rants the wholepoint of this is isdon't look at internet marketing assomething that it's not it's running abusiness the internet marketing sidebehind it is getting traffic to a realbusiness you don't have a real businessbehind it then you just got a hobby andyou're not gonna have anything real allright hope you're having a good day I'mwearing a pink shirt so you know thismust have been serious I'll talk withyou soon
