Wix Ecommerce Set Up – How to Add an Online Store to Wix?

hello everyone I am Philippe from Bravoentry and welcome to another videotutorial on weeks so in the last fewvideos I told you how to change thecolors of your website to match thecolors of your logo I told you how toupload the font I told you how to createa booking page and customize it todayI'll be showing you how to create anonline shop for your website and it'sreally simple to do this it's reallyeasy all you got to do is come to theleft side and click on the button thatsays add apps once you click on it thiswindow will show up and you must searchstoreand this app the first app that willshow up is weeks stores so you willinstall this app clicking on this buttonright here and as you can see there is anew tab in our horizontal menu that saysshop and that will be the page thatpeople will see is right here on theleft side is the store management thisis where you can manage all your storepages all your items and all yourproducts and this is how your productswill display your shop page so you canedit them you can drag them you cancustomize everything from the backgroundto the text everything but to add newitems you have to go to the manageproducts and here is where you canmanage your products you can click on aproduct to edit them or you can clickhere to add a product when you clickhere they will ask you if it's aphysical product or a virtual productand you will choose either oneI'll choose physical product and all yougotta do now is insert the details ofyour productonce you think you have everything setup you simply click on done and here youhave it you have a new product in yourstore a with everything personalizedthis is how it will look in your storepageand this panel here on the left is whereit can edit all of the rest of yourpages the Thank You page the cart pageeverything you can edit your pages inhere and just so you can see I will editthe item page which is the page thatwill display your products now thateverything is set up we will see how itlooks as you can see your store hasthree items this is the item page or atthe product page it looks reallyprofessional it and with thecustomization it looks better in ourwebsite and as you can see it has allthe features of a store on online storethe price the at the card the quantityeverything so once everything is set upwe will now create a new pagewhich will be the main page for ourstore because we will need that forlater and I will show you why in adifferent video so we will put this pagein the sub page of our main Chop Shoppage and we will hide it so that yourvisitors can only see the main page andnow we will add button that will lead tothe secondary page which is the shoppage assign that button with the imageof my logo so that when people click onit it will lead to the secondary pagethe shop page all it needs is a littlecustomization and it's good to goonce everything is edited you can seehow it looksso this is our home page and when youclick on shop these main page will showup saying our shop with the picture whenwe click on the picture it will directus to the secondary page showing all ourproducts so this is it this is how youcreate an online shop I hope you haveenjoyed this video let's sit for todayand I'll see you on the next one thankyou
