Wix eCommerce Tutorial: 9 Strategies To Help You Sell Online

whoa you can sell t-shirts on wickstoday you're gonna learn how to buildamazing ecommerce websites using Wix infact the Wix e-commerce tips I'm aboutto share with you have helped me buildstunning ecommerce stores with all thefeatures you'd imagine and even with thenine strategies I managed to build thesite in no time at allnow I should warn you I'm not gonna giveyou generic advice like use a templateto save time you already know that stuffand said you're gonna see little knownWix specific ecommerce tips that areworking right now and why Wix fore-commerce 1 they have professionallydesigned themes – an amazing visualdrag-and-drop editor 3 great support formembers and for a great apps market myname is Cedric years for website builderexpert calm and let's dive right inand see when I launched my firstecommerce store years ago I felt greatand to get readyI watched dozens of videos from socalled ecommerce experts so I was superexcited when my site finally went live Ithought to myself it's only a matter oftime before the cash starts pouring inthere was only one problem it neverhappenedin fact despite working really hard onmy website my sales barely bunched oneday I decided to stop following theadvice from so-called ecommerce expertsso I slapped on my lap code and set outto figure out this whole ecommerce thingand trust me I tested everything Itested different combinations ofkeywords copy sales pages productpop-ups and more it took months ofalmost non-stop testing for me to figurethings out but in the end I developed aformula for creating an e-commercewebsite that actually work this formulaquickly grew my site's profile and myconversion rate now it's time for me toshow you the nine most powerfulstrategies that I used so withoutfurther ado let's kick things off withstrategy number one using the Wix appmarket if you're doing e-commerce withWix you need to use apps notably ECW IDor ecwid which gives you all thefeatures you're missing out on with theconventional wheat-ricks ecommercefeatures so after you've signed up toWix and you've picked your theme goahead and go the app's market installecwid here what many people love aboutecwid are the multiple apps it providesto increase your conversion rate thatWix doesn't have for example it lets youadd abandoned cart recovery andautomated product reviews sales anddiscount codes and bulk discountseveryone with two thumbs should know touse abandoned cart tools according tobeim Art Institute over 69 percent ofonline carts are left unfulfilled butwhat you might not know is that Wixdoesn't come with this feature straightout of the boxdisappointing right but ecwid on theother hand does with its premium blendthis lets you increase the number ofsales you makehuge lifesaver with that it's time forour second strategy of fast website weconducted a study comparing the speed ofWix Shopify and Weebly to see how theyranked up against each other because wewant to see which supplier provided thehighest speed so what do we find wellhere are the results we actually foundout that Wix has the highest speeds forits site and you can see it in thepicture above so why exactly is this soimportant for you well according to Mozcalm web site loading speed is apriority for overall user experiencesand you know that it's intuitive if yourwebsite isn't loading enough you'll losepotential customers for a third strategyfor a great ecommerce tool we recommendthat you use drop shipping toolsavailable to you on Wix here's the dealwith drop shipping normally most peoplewill opt to use Shopify and connectedwith or below this way you can connectwith Chinese suppliers to source yourproducts the only issue is that it comesat a hefty premium it seems that mostpeople don't realize that you can dothis with Wix at a fraction of the costso it's worthwhile to spend some timeshowing you how that's done namely thereare two apps that let you do this numberone is printful printful is an equitythat lets you ship customized t-shirtsmugs and neaten hats and you name it youdo the sales and printful worries aboutthe fulfillment this is an easy way foryou to get your products in your storewithout worrying about how to sourcethem the second option is using zapierwhich is an automation tool you can makeit so that whenever an order is placedon your store it sent up it sends off anemail for your supplier to fulfill thatitem this can allow you to set up yourdrop shipping business with Wix usingzapier and all this is available in theecwid tool next up our fourth strategyis to make sure you have the bestpossible pricing you probably alreadyknow that your monthly pricing for yourstore your hosting cost will beimportant to the success of your storein other words if you can get an easyaffordable service it won't be that hardfor you to keep your storeduring low seasons and give it morelongevity so how do prices compare withwick Shopify square space and evenWeebly well we got all the data togetherfor you to examine and as you can see inour chart rickston ecwid combined isactually the most affordable optioncompared to major other suppliers ecwidoffers you abandon cart recoverydiscount codes drop shipping all whileusing Wix is really easy visual editorwhich is a huge bonus so when it comesfor getting the best bang of your buckwits and ecwid are a great solution nowfor our fifth tip include bulk pricingin your ecommerce store the question ishow can you get more sales from the samecustomers use bulk pricing discounts sowhat is bulk pricing you ask well it's astrategy where you provide your customerwith a discount if they buy two or moreof the same product and it's designed tooffer more options and increase youraverage sales price order here's thestep by step process first go to yourproducts page and add a variance bydoing the following I recommend giving15 to 5 to 15% off depending on thequantity your customer chooses forexample for these mugs I'm offering 15%off if they buy three instead of onethis helps you increase your averageorder and makes it more profitable foryou to acquire new customers withmarketing channels like Facebook orGoogle AdWords huge huge later on inyour store our sixth ecommerce tip is toput your products on sale I knowobvious right but you'd be surprised howmany people neglect this easy win I meanwith every holiday season comes a newsale there's a reason why big-box storesbig box stores always have some sort ofsale going on and it's because it worksyou want to give your customer a dealyou so that they feel more urge to buyyour product now instead of later salesand discounts work really well and itcreates excitement for your customermakes sense here's how it works andecwid simply go to your product hereyou'll do the following steps as shownon screen now your product is on saleyou can emphasize this by placea banner on your homepage and with thevisual editor it's quite easy to do justlike this you can add in your menu asmall piece of text above it that saysyou know on sale or hot this helps grabvisitor attention and direct themtowards your offers next up for ourseventh tip is to add trust elements sowhat do I mean by trust well trustelements with trust elements help youraudience feel comfortable with you thereare several ways you can do this herethree one offer guarantee you can add aguarantee that ensures your customersatisfaction and make it prominent likethis this money-back guarantee will helprelax people has they're submittingtheir credit card details for yourproducts number two offer free shippingthat's less your customer know that theydon't have to worry about extrasurcharges it shows that you're takingcare of them option three offer 24/7support this can be done by email livechat phone and it shows you're availableto make sure that your customer have thebest possible experience with your storeand it'll make them more likely torecommend you to their friends andfamily and here's another tip you canmake these three elements into threecolumns at the bottom of your store justlike this in which you can do thisreally easily by doing the following adda strip add the columns nice and easyand speaking of trust our eighth tip forWix e-commerce is to add product reviewsthese are crucial social proof elementsthat show the validity of your productbut how do you get them well you askyour customer differ get those emails byAmazon asking you to review your latestproduct well I'm going to show you howto copy Amazon strategy actuallysomeone's already create an app and itautomatically does thisso using ecwid you can install an appcalled stamped IO and they handle allyour product reviews yes they'll evenmessage your customers and automaticallyplace their reviews in your store seewhen I first start out my store yearsago it seemed almost impossible to getreviews but that's because I wasn'tasking my customers I wasn't making itconvenient for them so the last part isimportantSam lets yourcustomer review your product inside theemail it sends them instead of goingdirectly to your website and that's waymore convenient for them and good newsit's free up to the first 50 productsand then there's a monthly price and ifthe monthly price is too much there'salso discus reviews which is only a fewdollars a montheither way reviews are great socialproof and they help your customer pullthe trigger on your product because theyknow that other people have done it aswell can't finish this video withouttelling you about you know usinganalytics properly so this is gonna bethe little end of video bonus here'swhat I mean if you don't know whatproducts your customers are looking atthen you might as well be throwing dartsat a wall in terms of trying to guesswhat's optimized well Wix makes itreally easy to add google analytics infact you can just place it in yourheader code anywhere there's alsospecific elements on Wix right herewhere you can add it in here's the wayyou want to track with Google Analyticsone average dwell time this tells youhow long your customers on your site ifit's too low then you may need torethink your offering and how yourcopies positioned number to averagepaste per session are most peopleleaving after one or two pages that'swhat this will tell you again a greatindicator if your site is doing poorlyor well and number three most visitedpages so this will give you some insighton which sites are the which pages aremost popular for your visitors it'llhelp you explore potential avenues toincrease sales and to do futurepromotions you can see them GA here andyou can filter all this by acquisitionchannels such as Facebook Google organicto see how it all compares so did youlearn something new from today's videothen make sure to click subscribe to myyoutube channel right now just click onthe subscribe button below this videoalso like it as that helps promote italso if you want exclusive websitebuilding strategies that we only sharewith subscribers head over to websitebuilder expert comm and sign up for thenewsletter it's free now I want to turnit over to youwhich of the Wix ecommerce tips fromthis video are you gonna use first areyou gonna try adding trust elements ormaybe you're ready to add automatedproduct reviews either way let me knowby leaving a comment below right now
